Showing posts with label almond chip protein cookies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label almond chip protein cookies. Show all posts

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Posted by whatsapp status on August 02, 2012 with No comments

Charging the Hormones!
The warm mug cupped in my hand as the aroma drifts into my face, a sip here and there as I take in a morning peaceful moment all cuddled on the sofa with my feet tucked under myself…awww…sounds like a hallmark moment, or commercial that will definitely sell coffee…lol…but I am going to bring this to an abrupt HALT.  OK…rewind to a few months ago when I woke to have my usual cup of coffee with splash of non-fat French vanilla creamer…ON MY…yes…can’t do coffee straight up, and to my unsettling surprise…REJECTED…OH MY…OH WHY.  I do not know if you have ever experienced this, but all of a sudden I needed a coffee break…I mean a break from coffee…sniff sniff.  Believe me I tried for two mornings in a row, and the same result…blahhhh…YUCK. 

I was even feeling dragged down by the coffee and not perked up as usual…although I only drink half/calf anyway…but still…my body just was not feeling the love for the coffee.  I do take a few sips from my hubby’s mug just to test drive and although OK…it is not driving me to grab my own mug down and pour a cup.  Hmmmm….OK…I have been taking a break for at least 2 months now and I must say, I feel less tension, some weight loss (which I definitely do not need), and the added benefit of no stains on the pearly whites …at least for awhile.  I am not saying I am giving up coffee…maybe it is the hot summer months that has put the kibosh on my morning time with my warm cup. 

Studies show many health benefits in coffee and my one cup intake per day satisfied that…but now I will just have to make do with the rest of my healthy meals.  I have to admit that when my body responded well to the caffeine…meaning OK…this girl is ready to workout…I enjoyed that.  But truly, it got to where it felt like this backfired, and I no longer felt a surge of energy from the small amount of stimulant in a half/calf cup.  So…this made it easier to give up for awhile and I must say that I am enjoying my coffee break. 

When I feel a lack of energy now, I will not blame it on…man…I did not have my coffee…I can truly say…OK Darla…not enough rest, more recovery after that hard workout is needed, and the biggie as an almost 50 year young woman…HORMONE changes…YUCK.  Yes, hormones have much to do with how peri-menopausal and menopausal women feel.  I am definitely riding the peri journey right now and doing lots of research as my own health advocate.   I will say that I am so happy that watermelon season is here and I am eating pumpkin seeds like no other. 

I am not a woman who requires a JOLT to workout, so coffee on hold is OK in that area.  I hear so many people say OH MY…I just don’t have the energy to workout without my caffeine or energy drink fix…really????  OK…why does anyone need to be dependent on something to function through a workout…this is not healthy.  I can understand the occasional…man do I need a cup of coffee this morning, but when it becomes a dependence to function…not for this girl.  I do look forward to when my body says OK…YAHOO…loving coffee but for now… I will enjoy my coffee break;)



MY FAMILY...I am the goofy one in the middle
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Have a Fabulous Week!
Stay Healthy!

Friday, July 6, 2012


Posted by whatsapp status on July 06, 2012 with No comments

I am walking away from fitness!!!  Yes…you heard me… and I am going to enjoy every moment of this week off.  Just like anything else done day in and day out, stepping back and away for a short time and taking a break from what I do daily can rejuvenate my body, mind, and provide a fresh stronger ME when I return…like going on a little vacation from your job and coming back feeling like…YES…I can tackle the world. 

There are times that my body feels tired, burned out, and there are days that I, the trainer need to be pushed through a workout…thanks BABE for that!  I also listen to things like…why is my hamstring staying sore and not recovering well, my sleep not the best, and just mentally in need of a break.  YUCK…really…but you know being healthy is not only about how many days I can spend in the gym to push through that hour workout.  Life is truly a balance of the physical, mental, nutritional, and spiritual and if one is out of balance…there is no balance.  Taking a mental and spiritual break is what I am talking about for 7 days…fun active quiet time of doing whatever I feel, whenever I feel…even if that means hanging out under a tree and watching the leaves move through the breeze…you know the things that we all think about doing…but never do…I AM DOING IT!

Also, I am no longer that 20 something athlete who could leap over “small” buildings in a single bound and go go go it seemed without every really taking a break.  This “Older, Wiser, Better” fitness gal is really in tune to her body and I have put some thought into taking this break.  Am I going to throw all my philosophies out the window during this week…of course not!  What I am going to concentrate on is having fun, still being active but in a different way.  My nutrition will be maintained as I always have…that is a lifestyle that to me feels like breathing and I look forward to my healthy meals and enjoy how I feel overall when I eat healthy. 

I will tell you that YES…I will struggle and have withdrawals from my norm workouts…maybe even a little anxious about doing this...this is really stepping out of my comfort zone.  On the other hand, I am looking forward to a not so structured time of active rest, one that is not planned and methodically put together, but a spontaneous adventure of let’s say hiking, swimming, playing outside (I am a kid at heart), and things like that.  So, I am taking a break from my norm, but still planning to be a moving girl…I am not just going to sit on my tush, eating crap, and call that quality rest…NOT.  

I AM GOING TO HAVE FUN!  Life is about balance and listening to the call of rest, relaxation, and just being in the moment of who I am outside the gym.  I have reprogrammed my thinking to know that this will be good for my body and the rejuvenation fabulous for strength and muscle gains.  I am not going to freak out or feel guilty as the “old” Darla did for living life outside my normal day to day…I mean really.  Thank goodness, I am no longer that chickie. I know that my body will not turn into a marshmallow, become cellulite ridden, and my muscle disappear into nothing…really…come on now…NO WAY.  It would take me at least 3 weeks of inactivity as an extremely fit exerciser to start a decline in my fitness level, and muscle memory lasts for months…so this chick is covered and “Good to Go” for this 7 day rest adventure. 

I do know that I will appreciate being in the moment as I frolic about in the water, being outdoors around beautiful scenery and just laying on my back under the stars taking in the wonders of everything that is life…FABULOUS!  I will feel my body resting, recharging so to speak, and know that when I return to my programmed workouts, it will be with even a stronger and more positive MENTAL and PHYSICAL game.  Guilt Free Fun…HERE I COME!!! 


My Nutrition of the Day plus 2 more snacks

Newly Added to My Stay Healthy Kitchen Recipes

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Have a Fabulous Week!
Stay Healthy!