Showing posts with label workouts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workouts. Show all posts

Monday, January 30, 2017

Too Busy for Fitness is Not an Option

Posted by whatsapp status on January 30, 2017 with No comments

If we don't make time to workout and let the day get away from us, it's easier to say forget it. Other things become a priority and we tend to use being busy as an excuse to skip it. If we're high energy in the morning and missed that window to exercise, we can dread doing it in the afternoon.

I just so happen to prefer working out in the morning and understand the feeling of pushing through later. It sucks but doesn't mean to skip the workout. Discipline means doing what you need to do even when you don't feel like doing it. So, it's important to not let ourselves down and make it happen. We can only blame ourselves and will suffer the consequences of not taking care of our fitness business.

There will be times missing a workout can't be helped and that's acceptable. Honestly, this is a rare occasion. When busy things seem to take over our entire day leaving us without a sweat session is the norm. Fitness takes good planning, making time and not skipping a workout no matter what. Without a plan, it's just a wish, right? Without making the time, it's not going to happen, right?

We go through life making so many excuses on how we don't have time. Really?  I love that quote "someone busier than you is working out right now" and it's the truth.

We must start owning our excuses and admit when fitness is something we don't want to do. Now that's the beginning of a revelation.

We should ask ourselves why we procrastinate or refuse to take care of our health?  What's so burdensome about moving your body for a few minutes each day and eating healthy?

It's not about time at all, but your feelings toward working out and eating right. Honesty is always the best way to create change.

The truth of the matter is if something is important to you, it gets done. Everyone has time to hit up social functions, watch hours of TV and surf the web. When it comes to one hour of exercise, the busy button somehow gets turned on. Give the offer of meeting for a drink, and suddenly a burst of energy occurs.

Unfortunately an unhealthy epidemic is happening because too many people are refusing to take the time for health and fitness. Those who exercise and eat right on a consistent basis are in the minority. This really needs to change. Agreed?

If we continue to not make time for exercise, we will eventually be making time for illness. The same applies to eating right because we are what we eat. What we eat in private, we wear in public and our body certainly shows how we're living. This has become a horrible fact. Straight talk, but we need to start making the time!

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Be Well and Stay Healthy!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

If Fitness Feels Like a Burden, You're Doing it Wrong

Posted by whatsapp status on November 17, 2016 with No comments
I was reading an article in More Magazine and came across a small piece on what motivates us to exercise. The reason I bring up the article is I happen to agree with the content. According to More, the top reasons women over 40 exercise are to lose weight and protect their health. Research indicated these women were more disenchanted with their fitness programs. Regular exercise was explained as a duty, not fun and more like taking a mouthful of bitter medicine. So, it appears gals over 40 feel exercise is more of a have to duty than having a fun time.

The lesser percentage of women surveyed stated they exercised to improve mood and reduce stress. Now, that sounds fabulous. Studies show women who exercise for stress reduction and to feel good remained true to their programs. In fact, they exercised 30% more than those seeking to lose weight and protect their health.

Now, you may think losing weight should be motivational, but let's say you're not seeing results. This creates a whole other dynamic of fitness. We may begin feeling discouraged and even want to give up on fitness. The results are typically dwindling workouts and returning to unhealthy eating habits. It's weird how all this gets turned around, but it often occurs.

Our mindset and reasons to exercise should be clear and supportive of a healthy lifestyle we enjoy. The goals need to focus on feeling better about ourselves because we are working out and eating right.

Think about the immediate benefits of exercise and how you feel after finishing a workout. Positive endorphins (happy hormones) are released during exercise creating a positive mood and reduced stress. Being able to flow through the day more at ease, feeling good, and accomplished are feelings you will want to repeat. The long term benefit will be an improvement in the quality of your life and health. Before you realize it, you will be living an adopted fitness program and lifestyle.

The takeaway from all this is to enjoy what you're doing when it comes to fitness. If it feels like a burden, you're doing it wrong. Find healthy foods you enjoy and workouts that keep you anticipating the next session. The outward appearance you're striving for will eventually happen and the best part is enjoying the process along the way.

Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Don't forget to subscribe and never miss a free update.
Be well and Stay Healthy

Monday, November 14, 2016

What Works for Me May Not Work for You

Posted by whatsapp status on November 14, 2016 with No comments
What works for me may not work for you. That's awesome! Why? Because we're all different people with differing strengths and weaknesses. Each of us should focus on the things we can do, and do our best not holding anything back.

Acceptance of who we are and celebrating our strengths is essential for health and fitness. I eliminate push-ups from my workout for example because they will aggravate my neck injury. Instead, I work hard on my chest press and it works for me.

It could be easy to sulk back into a corner and cry over my loss of certain athletic abilities, but what would that do for me?  Nothing. Life has given me a great purpose and a strong will to fight for my fitness. I have good and bad days just like you. Over several years of training, I have come to really enjoy what I can do through exercise modification and creative program development. I do what works for me and it's fabulous.

It's important to never give up hope and know you can achieve great things. Work hard to reach your goals and do whatever it takes to get there. We all have the ability to find our strong and put it to work literally. It doesn't matter how long it takes because life and fitness are all about the journey. The important thing is to put aside fear and doubt, let go of a failure attitude, and embrace who you are right now.

Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Don't forget to subscribe and never miss a free update.

I dedicate this Blog to my beautiful Australian shepherd Roxie who passed away 2 weeks ago at 3 years young. She was diagnosed with a rare, advanced heart disease (DCM) for her breed and age. I dearly miss her and she was truly my love bug companion. Always cherished and remembered my sweet girl.

I Miss My Roxie


Sunday, January 3, 2016

Fitness Takes Discipline

Posted by whatsapp status on January 03, 2016 with No comments
Discipline can feel like a negative word. Remember when we were disciplined as kids? It felt horrible at the time. However, if done out of love, discipline can provide structure and a healthy lifestyle. In fact, I would say I live a pretty disciplined life when it comes to health and fitness. Discipline has helped mold me into the woman I am today.

Discipline has made the ranks of being a positive part of fitness success. It provides the drive to pursue my goals even on days where I don't feel like it. Without discipline, I think my life would be completely different. Without this structure, I wouldn't have the discipline to work out, eat the way I do, or take care of myself overall. 

Discipline includes keeping workout appointments with myself without excuses. Preparing meals ahead of time to stay accountable to eating right also takes discipline. Remaining true to fitness philosophies also takes a disciplined attitude. It could be easy to get off track, but a disciplined mind provides the strength to stay the course. 

Discipline takes on a whole new wow factor of this is a good thing for me. Maintaining fitness is our individual responsibility and the choices we make each day determine how that turns out for us. This is all about the discipline to do it and making fit happen. 

Sometimes there are bumps in the road, but it shouldn't sabotage our goals. It takes discipline to shake it off and get back to fitness business. If you happened to skip your morning workout, just push it to the afternoon or evening for example. Never throw in the towel and forget it. Being disciplined will help you find a way to be successful.  

Enjoy a sample workout video!

Sample workout program

Set 1 – demo on video
Negative pull-ups 5 reps x 4 sets
Jump rope interval: 100 reps
Set 2
Low rows 45lbs @ 25 reps
Modified burpees @ 30 reps
Set 3
Leg extensions 35lbs @ 25 reps
Hamstring curls 25lbs @ 25 reps
Lung back kick fronts @ 25 reps
Set 4
Modified french press 10lbs on bar @ 25 reps
Triceps push downs – 20lbs on cable @ 20 reps
Jump rope interval – 50 reps

Sample Meal Plan
Coffee (one cup with vanilla creamer)

Meal 1- Powered up steel cut oats   
Meal 2 – Post workout shake
Meal 3 – Leftover spaghetti squash with lean turkey pasta sauce
Meal 4 – Sweet potato with 2 energy bites
Meal 5 – Grilled shrimp/chicken with steamed green beans/broccoli
Meal 6 –Protein pudding

grilled shrimp

spaghetti squash

pasta sauce
Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Don't forget to subscribe and never miss a free update.

Be well and Stay Healthy!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on August 20, 2014 with No comments

Exercise does not have to be extreme to be effective.  When it comes to our health and fitness, it is not a competition, but a lifetime maintenance body program.  There may be those who have certain goals and need to perform above the maintenance requirement, but in general creating a healthy ROCKIN body can be accomplished by moving it for 30 minutes at least five days per week.  Most of us want to feel and look good in and out of clothes with a simple exercise routine that does not require leaping over tall buildings in single bounds and lifting hundreds of pounds of weight.  I am not knocking those doing the leaping, heavy lifting, or extreme sports with this Blog, but addressing the norm demographic of everyday people who just want to get healthy and look healthy.

Studies have shown that 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity such as brisk walking is sufficient to maintain a healthy body, and spread over time throughout the week.  It would be reduced to 75 hours per week if the exercise is vigorous like running or attending an aerobics class.  Also recommended is weight resistance training two days per week, and although the guidelines are not quite as thorough with duration on this one, I personally keep my weight training sessions to no more than 45 minutes including my warm up and stretch time.  What that means is if you move that body for 30 minutes five days per week while maintaining a healthy nutrition program, you will see results or maintain an already in shape physique.  Everyone has 30 minutes to give to their health regardless of any excuse thrown down on the table.  If health and fitness is a priority, the exercise will be a priority and that is the simple truth of it. 

The best part about getting our sweat on for 30 minutes is making it our own.  When we create physical activities that are enjoyable, that is what builds a lifestyle of physical activity.  If the outdoors suits your fancy, lace up the tennis shoes or hiking boots and find some fun trails, and if using cardio equipment while watching a show or listening to music floats your boat, that works just as well.  The heart muscle only understands the demands of exercise being placed on it, not what you are specifically doing if that is a question you are pondering.  Sweat is sweat, a mile is a mile, and 30 minutes is 30 minutes and what you do to increase the heart rate at a moderate level for that amount of time is up to you.  The point is to just MOVE IT!

It really comes down to getting back to the basics of exercise and keeping it simply fun, and a part of our everyday life.  The latest trend of extreme this or that, no pain means no gain, or work until you bleed program will never become the maintenance body program that will carry us from where we are now into our elder years. There is much controversy with these types of programs and some are used to fit specific athletic goals, but not what the laymen person is looking for to get healthy and overall improve quality of life.  I am trying to motivate everyone to just MOVE IT FOR 30 MINUTES as a start, and not get caught up in the hype of fad exercise movements that may look absolutely amazing, but are not the “only way” to achieve healthy results.  There lies the confusion of interpretation that the only way to achieve a smoking hot body is to do this type of new trend or fad workout.  Believing that there is only one way to achieve something creates a very boring world and variety is truly the “spice of life.”

Working in this industry for over 30 years, I have come to appreciate more and more the simplicity of health and fitness, and that it truly does not require as much time as one might think to be a healthy person.  I never exceed a one hour block of time in my workouts and often I am reduced to the “move-it for 30-minute” program because it fits with my work schedule.  As long as I challenge my body, it feels good, and I am focused on quality of movement, I am accomplished and start my day energized.  Getting caught up in the stress of what we think exercise is according to the media scares many off with feelings of intimidation and inadequacy, and stopping people before they even start.  Crap, some of the things I see scare me as well, but the thing to remember is not to believe everything you read or see, and stick to searching for what works for you.  Keep it simple, don’t stress or sweat the small stuff, and all of us do have the time to just MOVE IT for 30 MINUTES.

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Posted by whatsapp status on October 03, 2013 with No comments
Remember being graded on a curve back in high school?  I implement something similar when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle.  I am sure you have all heard of a 90/10 or 80/20 percent variable when it comes to eating clean and exercise.  What it comes down to for me is CONSISTENCY with a curve and that allows for the little fun off the plan meals or missed workouts that WILL be a part of my balanced life.  I really do not stress about it, and I try to have a positive and fun outlook most of the time.  There are times that my mental game can be in the tank just like anyone else, and my actions have to be stronger than my mind.  It is in these moments that I realize that the workouts never get easier, but I definitely am stronger for them. 


I am not perfect and never will proclaim to be, but I am CONSISTENT.  I exercise at least five times per week and nothing extreme either.  I get in my sixty minutes and sometimes even forty-five and call that good.   I am in lifetime maintenance mode, which is easier than let’s say having a goal of building muscle mass.  Through my journey of consistent exercise, I have paid my dues to create the muscle that I have, and I am happy with that and do not long for more.  What I do care about and my lifetime goal is being a fit healthy person, having a quality life, free from injury, pain, and to just feel good overall.  I strongly feel that when the focus is on healthy and quality life rather than meeting the goals of extreme this or that, then a healthy body is the result.  So much brain effort is placed on all the new workouts and “diets” that people are becoming obsessive, discouraged, disenchanted and sadly give up before even trying. I enjoy being simplistic, getting back to the basics, and do not fall for the fads when it comes to working out. 

I eat healthy REAL foods the majority of the time and am CONSISTENT with this
habit that is now my lifestyle, and do not stress when a craving calls for something off my normal.  Please do not think that I am sitting over here eating boiled fish and steamed broccoli.  That is definitely not me, so boring, and I enjoy spicy foods and lots of variety to even want restrictions like that as part of my life.  Besides, that is not realistic, not lifetime maintainable and just could not be accepted consistently in my menu planning. Healthy eating does not mean I am on a diet, it just means that I eat healthy foods all the time that taste good. 

I maintain my body CONSISTENTLY to keep it healthy, to feel good and yes, I enjoy the outward part of being a healthy woman.  Anyone who says different just is not being honest.  I feel a certain confidence that comes from being a healthy person and I enjoy that. Things that I will not call a sacrifice to keep me consistent are eating at home all the time and rarely dining out.  On those rare times, it is a real treat and in fact, I do not mind hitting up the dessert menu during those occasions.  Honestly, I prefer my cooking to what is served in restaurants, for so many reasons.  I can control what is actually going in my face, the fats, sodium, and overall organic value of what I am eating.  The struggles I have are with getting to bed on time and I would have to give myself a “needs improvement” grading on the curve. I enjoy my weekends so much and night time with my hubby that sometimes, it is difficult to want the evening to end, and the consequences are a tired, and not fully recovered body.  Overall though, I am very CONSISTENT and enjoy a bit of a curve in life for that balance that is so important. 



Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!

Stay Healthy~


Friday, February 8, 2013


Posted by whatsapp status on February 08, 2013 with No comments

Simple is Healthy ~ Workouts Part 2

As promised, I am continuing my write about why I think “Simple is Healthy” and how I apply that to my life in all aspects.  Of course, it is such a HUGE factor for me, and knew that I could not fit all I had to say in one piece being the chatter bug that I am, so had to break it up in a series of Blogs. If you read the first of the series, I covered my food and how keeping it Simple makes for healthier foods…an apple vs. some packaged product with fake apple substance in it for example…YUCK.  I am dedicating this Blog to how I keep my workouts Simple and how that is absolutely HEALTHIER for me. 

I am a down to earth, back to the basics, sticking to the foundation of exercise kind of gal.  I do not need anything fancy to create a healthy body, and in fact enjoy the simplicity of an all over body weight   program many times throughout the week.  Also…my time…it is so important…please do not think that I spend hours in my studio pounding the weights to maintain my 48 year young self…..NOT.  I keep that simple as well and dedicate one hour at least 5-6 days per week to get my Darla Sweat ON.  That is it…if I am spending more time than that…what the heck am I doing and WHY for crying out loud.  My body requires daily physical activity and healthy foods and feeling like I need to push my body to limits beyond requirements is unhealthy in my book.  I consider working out a reward, a privilege and thankful that I can perform the exercises that I do with my new modified ME.  I think when the balance of workout is tipped so far into an obsessive thought process, it can become a burden and a something I “have to do” instead of “I want to do it”.   Think about this idea…maintaining healthy food intake so I do not have to work as hard or long in the gym…WHAT….YES, studies have shown that the body only requires a good focus of 30 minutes per day of QUALITY exercise to maintain a great physique.  LIGHT BULB moment here and QUALITY workouts are a “want to” inclusion in my life to make exercise SIMPLE, and that is HEALTHY!  So, if I remain consistent on my healthy food intake, I can shave down my gym time by at least 15 minutes and really complete what I have to do in 45minutes.  WIN WIN…clicking of fitness gal trainer shoes…woo hoo.

There are so many ways to exercise the body, but think about the root of all exercise that stems from strength and stabilization…that is where I come from.  If my strength and stabilization are not in order, I might as well forget having a healthy workout session and body for that matter.  I am all about body balance, proper posture, positioning, form and technique, and positive and negative (concentric/eccentric) movements.  Let’s say I have a postural deviation and need to work on my core strength, my simple focus will be on doing that, and progressing from there.  I will not put my body at risk for injury by swinging this or that for hours on end, jumping here or there, and creating pain and suffering by performing movements that my body is just not ready for and may not be able execute properly even after I have come to my point of progressing forward.  I feel like a “body whisperer” where I pay close attention to what my body says I can do and proceed with caution with those things that I should not be doing. I am not a “push through the pain” person or trainer…there is normal discomfort that comes from a workout and then there is that “not right” discomfort that should put a screeching halt on my workout and yours for that matter.   

I can have a simple good exercise time with nothing but my body weight, a set of dumbbells and pull up bar…BINGO.  I see squats, negative pull ups, overhead presses, bicep curls, triceps kickbacks, and core work in that program.  Nothing fancy about what I do, just me executing simple controlled QUALITY moves for 30-60 minutes, getting a fabulous sweat on, and feeling accomplished when I am done.  Getting back to the basics of exercise, and the base moves that ALL workouts stem from is the safest and simplest form of creating a healthy body for ME and has served me well for several years.  I turn a deaf ear to the fads of fitness out there, especially if they are making unrealistic promises with risky movements that may send a once healthy body into a now I need rehab for an injury body.  Keeping it simple, fun, QUALITY, and time efficient sums up my workouts to be HEALTHY and LIFETIME maintainable.  That is what I am all about …Quality Life, Simple is Better, and Simple is definitely HEALTHY!

Enjoy my Stay Healthy recipe feature this month on, a website dedicated to Health, Fitness and Success! 

Stay Healthy Crock pot Chicken & Brown Rice on Skinny Ms



Coming soon…I have been asked to provide a review for Ellie, a new online fitness clothes brand and I am very excited to share my personal and professional opinion next month in addition to providing a special offer for you!

Thanks to all my Stay Healthy Fitness Facebook Followers who contributed to the Stay Healthy Fitness Grocery List and this was a fun interactive project.  I have put your selections together and created a printable PDF list for you…HAPPY STAY HEALTHY SHOPPING! 

Mardi Gra Fun with Hubby day before Super Bowl
Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding! 

Stay Healthy~ Darla

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