Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

Monday, March 2, 2015

Happy Birthday! Chocolate Cupcakes with Chocolate Icing (Gluten, Grain and Refined Sugar Free)

Posted by whatsapp status on March 02, 2015 with No comments
My youngest is now 5!  Happy Birthday to our cuddly little bear. 

Today we celebrated with a few of her friends.  It was a busy, bug themed day.  Our youngest is is our little creature collector she is always out looking for lady bugs, frogs, snails, worms and even grubs. Thanks to Pinterest, I did get a few ideas for the theme.  Lady bugs became the idea for the cupcakes. Since we try to limit the wheat in our home as well as sugar and food colouring.  It can make birthdays a little more challenging, but I am usually up for a little "trial and error."

I revised my original cupcake recipe and am much happier with the results.  For the icing I used Chocolate Date Icing and they turned out really well.  The icing was great coverage and for the details on the strawberries.
For the Cupcakes

Ingredients (makes 20 mini muffins and 14-15 large muffins)
  • 3/4 cup cocoa
  • 1 1/4 cup palm sugar (add more if you want a sweeter cupcake)
  • 1/4 cup tapioca or arrowroot starch
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon psyllium husk
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/4 cup non dairy milk milk 
  • 1/3 cup grapeseed oil
  • 1/4 cup melted coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon gluten free vanilla
  • 1 1/2 cups cook quinoa (approximately 3/4 cup dry)* 
  1. Preheat oven to 350 F.  Prepare muffin cups/tray.
  2. In a large bowl combine cocoa, palm sugar, starch, baking soda, psyllium and salt.
  3. In a blender combine eggs, milk, oils, vanilla and quinoa in that order and puree until very smooth. 
  4. Pour liquid into dry bowl.  Using a wooden spoon, stir just until combined.
  5. Fill cups until 3/4 way full.  
  6. Bake for 25-30 minutes for large cupcakes and 12-15 minutes for mini cupcakes or until inserted toothpick comes out clean.
  7. Enjoy!
* to cook quinoa soak it for 1-2 minutes to remove the saponin residue which causes the bitter taste and then cook with double the amount of water to quinoa.   Cook for approximately 20 minutes on a medium to low heat.

For the Icing
Again, this is not my recipe my slight adaptation  from Kelly Brozyna at The Spunky Coconut.  

Ingredients (makes enough for single layer cake or 12 cupcakes)

  • 3/4 cup cashews
  • 1 1/2 cup dates
  • 1 can coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon gluten free vanilla
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon arrowroot starch
  • 1/3 cup melted coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup raw cocao or cocoa
  • pinch sea salt
  • 1/4 cup ground palm sugar (optional-if you prefer it sweeter)

  1. Soak cashews in 1 1/2 cup water for 2-4 hours to soften.  Drain and then rinse with clean water.  Set aside.
  2. Soak dates in hot water for 1-2 hours to soften.  Drain water and set aside.
  3. Add all ingredients to a blender and puree until smooth.
  4. Set in refrigerator to harden for 1-2 hours.
  5. Pipe or spread over cake.  
A Few Pictures of the Day

Happy Birthday!  I Love You!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

FIT at 50 feels like FINE WINE

Posted by whatsapp status on May 07, 2014 with No comments
This Sunday happens to be Mother’s Day and my 50th birthday.  Turning fifty does feel like fine wine and it just gets better with age.  I am not going to hide behind the number, be embarrassed because I am a fifty year old woman, or even feel old for that matter.  Age is really a state of mind and overall attitude about self and life in my opinion.  I think the most mind boggling thing is realizing how fast time goes by, and seeing my grown children living their adult lives.  The best thing I can do at any age is be my best self physically, emotionally, and spiritually each and every day.  I will always be a work in progress until I take my last breathe and how great is that. 

Living 50 years has provided me lots of education, and I am not just talking about my college degrees or even my fitness certifications.  I am talking about the wisdom that comes from living life.  I am a woman who has journeyed through lots of crap to get to the cream, and learning how to process all that along the way has been a challenge and a blessing.  Just like a great red wine as it matures becomes smoother, more palatable, and carries the flavors and scents of the work in the oak barrels, my life resembles this fabulous growth in a positive way.  I have always looked at circumstances from a point of view of “what can I learn from this to make me a better person?” As all of you who follow my blog know, I am a Christian and I have definitely leaned on a power greater than my own during my maturing process.  All I can be is better than the person that I was yesterday and I have had 18,250 days on this earth to do that and counting.  I feel it is truly an honor and privilege to be gifted each day.

A milestone is an important event and I do believe that turning 50 has proven to be that for me.  I celebrate that I no longer “Sweat the Small Stuff” of my immature younger self, no longer seek the approval of others to feel acceptance nor do I really care what people think of me.  It is an age of freedom in many ways as life comes full circle in meaning of what is truly important.  My husband, children, family and friends come to mind when I think about the meaning of life, and helping as much as I can to take care of my parents, spend time with those I love, and getting lost in the kid in me and not take life so seriously that I forget to live.  I do not care if dust bunnies live under my sofa, or if the bed goes unmade for the day if I make the choice to spend quality time with my hubby or kids.  I want to be a woman of “no regrets” as I journey into the second half of my life. 

My idea of health and fitness at fifty is taking care of me so that I can have a quality life for as long as I am here.  I want to feel good, strong, confident, and sexy and I know it will take consistency of living my healthy lifestyle to maintain that.  I do the best that I can with my abilities, and modify when I need to along the way.  I am not here to impress anyone or compare myself to others in my journey of living a fit life, but I do want to motivate others to live a healthy life.  The beautiful part about my passion for health and fitness is that I have turned that passion into my occupation, and it is such a joy that it never feels like work. 

I am not saying that there are not days that I feel every bit an older woman because those days do come around, especially if I am struggling with my hormones and lack of sleep.  There is nothing worse than feeling sluggish and having low energy to the point of not feeling like hitting a workout, or for that matter getting out of my pajamas. On the other hand, I have learned to accept this new and improved Darla who can now accept the changes that go along with this journey.   I do not always like it, but what is my alternative?  I focus on as much positive as I can, surround myself with positive, and get rid of anything that does not nourish my mind, body and soul. 

I am a very simplistic 50 year young woman and quite comfy in jeans and tank top, but can also enjoy a dress up date with hubby.  I have become a great listener and really love to dig deep into people’s feelings and passions about themselves and life.  I love to laugh, enjoy the balance of work and play, and feel that I have learned the importance of this along my fine wine journey.  I feel less stress and more relaxed with who I am at 50 and look forward to what 60 has to bring. 

I want to dedicate this Blog to my beautiful Mother.  I love you dearly, and wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day!

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Natural Food Colouring or Dyes That Won't Harm Your Body

Posted by whatsapp status on March 02, 2014 with No comments
This weekend we celebrated our youngest's 4th birthday.  She is a big fan of the Despicable Me movies and in particular the Minions.  Who doesn't love these adorable little yellow guys?  My husband and I had fun decorating the house and coming up with fun activities for the day.  I love and yet always struggle with the idea of the cake.  I want to make something that other children will like but without using the harmful ingredients.  For this year's cake, we decided on my Grain Free Chocolate Cupcakes.  The icing became the next challenge. How to make yellow and blue icing without using harmful food colours/dyes?
Food dyes have been linked to everything from bladder cancer, brain tumors, attention deficits, bed wetting, migraines etc. Most artificial food dyes are petroleum based, yes the same stuff used to make fuel for your car.  According to Dr. Mercola, artificial dyes have the same effect on your child as lead. Yikes!  Why is this stuff even aloud.
I took the girls to the dentist a few weeks ago and was completely appalled that they handed the girls toothpaste and a mouthwash filled with blue dyes and not to mention fake sugars. Yuck! Sure, according to the food industry, there is so little added to your favourite pastas, chips, drinks, pickles etc. there isn't enough to cause an effect.  That doesn't work for me.  A little is still too much. Thankfully there are a few other countries who have already banned unnatural food dyes.

At home we try to completely avoid artificial food colouring.  We have managed to make birthday cakes by using natural foods to make our coloured icing. Here are a few ways we have created coloured frostings/icing.

-Turmeric spice works awesome.  A little goes a long way so start slowly.  If you add too much you make alter the taste.  I love this spice but not in my dessert.

-Strained blue berries work wonderfully

-Strained blueberry juice with a pink of baking soda.  It will cause a chemical reaction and make a blue

-I have not yet tried this one but apparently juiced spinach works really well and doesn't not give a spinach taste

-Juiced or boiled beets, a little juice goes a long way and not it doesn't taste like beets.
-Strained raspberries or berry jam also make beautiful pink colours
If you are not up for making your own colours I have heard good things about this natural food colouring India Tree Natural Food Colouring.

Here are a few pictures of the rest of our party, I figured my family may want to see these.

Happy Birthday Beautiful!

Friday, June 7, 2013

My Responsibility

Posted by whatsapp status on June 07, 2013 with No comments

Life comes with responsibility and I am surely not going to sit back and not take that seriously.   My health, relationships, financial obligations, emotional and spiritual life all depend on me to take care of business.  If I were to sit around and not take care of my stuff then all of ME would be a big mess and that does not sound like a great place to be nor do I want to even go for a visit down that road.  Sometimes in life, and I have been there, we can be placed in a situation that is not in our control and the best we can do is to go through the process of fixing the problem which can take years.  I am thankful for the patience that it takes to get through those sticky scenarios, but the point is, I am responsible to persevere and take care of ME.

Imagine sitting back and thinking life is going to take
care of me without my daily choices and actions to make things happen…my health would be a mess, my finances would be in the toilet, I am sure my hubby would not like that person, and any other relationship for that matter would steer clear, and I would be an emotional and spiritual blank slate…YUCK and OH MY…NO WAY.  I am sharing that it is up to me to make the choices to be a healthy person, to put in the work to GET IT DONE, to plan, to cook, to move my body, to sleep, pay the bills, take my job seriously and be thankful,  love and appreciate my husband,  family and my God each and every day.  I am owed nothing and responsible to give everything…in a GOOD HEALTHY WAY.  Life has taught me to not believe in the “golden goose” that is to magically make everything fabulous, but to be my own “bronze goose” and do the best I can with the choices I make each day with the goal of not making magic happen, but making a HEALTHY life happen. 

I have said this before that life does not promise easy, but the effort put into your/my/our life is worth all that we give and put into it.  I do not sit around blaming my past, people, or circumstances and use that as an excuse to not be my BEST me and remain an unhealthy person, but utilize the circumstances of life to become a BETTER me, learning what I can through all journey that is good, tough, happy, sad…you get the point.  Let’s take a credit card for example, instant gratification without the work and it may feel great at the moment, but at what cost when the card runs dry…the inability to pay the bill, ruin my credit, stress me out, and ultimately make me an unhealthy person.  The other side of that coin and my preference is to be patient, save enough to afford the item and then make the purchase, and sometimes, I no longer need or want the item I have saved for.  My health is the same way, I can think that there is some quick fix pill that is going to make me into some fabulous fit thing, but just like the card, it is only instant gratification that comes at an unhealthy cost to my body.  I take the responsibility for my health very serious, and invest the time to take care of my body, prepare healthy foods, and exercise with what works for me.  This is a life LONG journey of patience and persistence to create the BEST healthy me and ultimately, my responsibility.  

I make the choice to WANT a healthy body and that
does take effort to commit to my exercise routine, plan my meals, and cook healthy foods daily.  I am a very busy gal and I have learned that time management skills are important in life, and choosing to say “NO” can be a good thing to not overburden my calendar and not allow for a healthy life.  It is about choices and responsibilities and knowing what I want and what I do not want, and going a step further to recognize the needs versus the wants in life.   The “old Darla” used to be a “YES” to everything gal and trying to please everyone under the sun…GUESS WHAT…unhealthy and why put myself through all that and for what point?  Being responsibly balanced has become important and allows me to live each day feeling accomplished, not overwhelmed, and have the ability to enjoy precious time that is meaningful. 

Being responsible means throwing all laziness aside and not waiting around thinking that someone else is supposed to do this for me.  Life is not about what others can do for me, it is about what I can do for me and should do for me.  The straight up truth about life is that “it is tough” as my Dad would say, and “it takes a tough person to get through it”.  The responsibility to be healthy in all areas is my decision and the choices I make determine how my body is going to look and feel from the inside out.  No magic involved, just responsibility.


I dedicate this Blog to my Dad for Father’s Day and also my beautiful Daughter to wish her a Happy Birthday!  Love to you always and I look forward to spending meaningful time with you.
Happy Father's Day Dad

Happy Birthday to my Beautiful Daughter
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