Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Why Wait for New Year to Make a Change?

Posted by whatsapp status on December 28, 2016 with No comments
I enjoy the excitement and celebration of New Year but not really a big fan of the resolutions. Largely due to seeing so many people not follow through after a few weeks, or even days. The fireworks of new healthy promises are typically replaced by old habits. The new healthy lifestyle fizzles back into the norm of unhealthy choices. Sad but true.

Why wait for New Year’s to make a positive decision to change your life and become healthier people?  Today is always the best day to make a change. Never put off until tomorrow what can be accomplished today.

New Year has been a holiday used as a crutch to continue living unhealthy lives. Why? Because we put off until the New Year what we should be doing now and abuse the days leading up to the event. We create an excuse to consume large amounts of unhealthy food and avoid starting an exercise program until the so-called magical perfect time. 

The reality is no perfect time exists and life doesn't wait for our decisions. It goes on whether we join in the positive decision making process or not. Procrastination is the thief of health and fitness. Not taking care of ourselves eventually leads to poor lab results, obesity, heart issues, diabetes, hypertension, increased stress and the list goes on.

Wouldn’t it be better going into the New Year with a healthy lifestyle already in place? 

I'm not trying to be a Darla Downer for the upcoming New Year. I simply want you to consider the reason for waiting to become a healthy person. Celebrating is awesome and decisions made on any day are worth raising a glass in cheers. I applaud all efforts to adopt a healthy lifestyle and the awesome thing is it doesn't have to wait until January 1st.

But what about all the holiday food and fun? I agree there is a bounty of savory and sweet treats during the holidays. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a little of this and that. This is called living life and balance. However, including your healthy foods and exercise should also be part of your holiday season.

Let’s not use the holiday as an excuse to not take care of ourselves. We have promoted a hall pass to a month of junk food for long enough. When the so-called fun is said and done, we are left with expanded guts and butts. Why cause frustration knowing it will be that much longer and harder to undo what has been done? Think on that.  

Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Remember to subscribe and never miss a free update. Be well and Stay Healthy!

Happy Stay Healthy New Year

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

How Fitness Helps Slow Down the Aging Process

Posted by whatsapp status on December 21, 2016 with No comments

Fitness actually is shown to slow down the aging process. I heard this today and was immediately excited and inspired. Think about how you feel when health and fitness aren't part of your life. Stressed, sluggish, ill and feeling old, right? When you start stopping is when you start getting older. Fitness works on the cellular, emotional and physical level. The better we care for our health and fitness, the better our body will be.

Fitness is the fountain of youth. If we don't make time for it, we will eventually be making time for illness. Our body ages daily, but there are things we can do to slow this process. Studies link eating healthy and exercise to longevity. I don't know about you, but I want to maintain the best body for life.

When we start stopping is the same as giving up. We get so caught up in believing fitness is a difficult process. We also become frustrated without instant results and begin shutting down. The negatives seem to outweigh the positives in our minds and ultimately lead to unhealthy choices.

Colin Cook, Shark Attack Survivor
You may believe the inability to lose 3lbs this week is a tragedy but how does that compare to someone who has lost a leg and still pushing?  We all need to fight for our fitness. This comes in different ways for each of us, but stopping is not an option. As long as we are taking positive steps toward our health goals, changes are happening. Have faith in the unseen and hold onto daily progress. Strength comes from the inside out. Don't start getting old and crumpled, feeling sorry for yourself because you decided to quit.

Age is just a number but we also create how we feel at every age and circumstance. Stop and suffer the consequences of aging more rapidly or continue and enjoy the vitality of youth. Life is full of choices and we are ultimately responsible for the outcome that is within our control.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and don't forget to subscribe and never miss a free update!

Enjoy a magical and Merry Christmas holiday season. Be well and Stay Healthy!


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Keeping Fitness Real is an Important Part of the Lifestyle

Posted by whatsapp status on December 15, 2016 with No comments

Have you struggled with starting a fitness program, illness or even setbacks? It's during these times our bodies will dictate our abilities and limitations. 

Personally, when illness hits me hard, I have to take a break and put my favorite HIIT routines on hold. This is all part of realistic expectations. I may want something right now, but it's just not going to happen. 

Similarly, there is no such thing as here today and gone tomorrow. Patience is very important on our journey to health and fitness. It may feel frustrating and I will even validate this emotion. The key is not letting negative thinking consume us to the point of giving up. We must remain realistic. 

Realistic workouts start with what you can do right where you are. Allow yourself to be a beginner. If returning to fitness from injury or illness, take it slow. The work is always about progress and not perfection. It's so important to pay attention to what the body is saying. Being in tune allows you to do exercise at your best and in great form.   

Realistic expectations involve creating plans that are reasonable and obtainable. Going into our fitness program with the wrong mindset and expectation will cause feelings of discouragement. When we think beyond our current fitness level it can cause us to give up before seeing any positive progress.  

All effort toward weight loss and muscle gain is progress. It doesn't matter how long it takes as long as you stay consistent. Results happen when healthy eating and consistent exercise is a lifestyle. There is no magic pill or gimmick that will make you fit. Healthy bodies are made by real work and being patient through the process. We all want things to happen quicker than they do. Being realistic is what will provide life long results done the right way. 

Rushing into a seemingly healthier body using unhealthy means is not realistic. It only scratches a temporary itch without lifelong results. Unhealthy fitness choices are typical yo-yo attempts. They lead to diet frustration and gaining back even more weight. It also sets us up for discouragement and unhappiness. 

I have this saying “nothing good happens fast” when it comes to our health and fitness. It really can be applied to many things in life. Taking care of ourselves is about a healthy lifestyle. The choices we make each day are what keep us progressing in a healthy direction. We all possess the ability to get healthy and become our best self at any age. Keeping our realistic expectations front and center will help make it all happen.   

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Live Verywell and Stay Healthy

Friday, December 2, 2016

Butternut Squash, Apple and Cranberry Bake

Posted by whatsapp status on December 02, 2016 with No comments
I love a good baked vegetable dish.  Squash and apples are a great combination, especially with a hint of maple syrup and some warm spices.  This makes a great side to bring to a potluck or just enjoy at home :)

  • 1/4 cup melted coconut oil 
  • 1 regular size butternut squash peeled and cut into bite sized cubes
  • 2 medium apples or 1 apple and 1 pear, cubed (peeled or unpeeled)
  • 1/3 cup dried cranberries
  • 1/4 cup chopped dates (optional)
  • 1/2 tablespoon pure maple syrup or to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
  1. Preheat oven to 375 F.
  2. Combine all ingredients into an oven safe dish and stir to fully coat.
  3. Bake uncovered for 30-40 minutes or until squash is tender.  Stirring 2-3 times while baking to rotate the squash and apples.