Friday, February 26, 2016

Meet our Baby Isaiah

Posted by whatsapp status on February 26, 2016 with No comments
So it has taken me a little to write this post.  I have been  preoccupied, falling in love with our little boy.  Our precious son Isaiah arrived on February 18, 2016.  We are already so in love with him, our hearts are full.

For those of you who are interested in the birth story, I thought this would be a great place to write it out.  Isaiah was due February 16.  During the week leading up to this date I had been having a lot more Braxton Hicks and some other more "suspicious" contractions.  Overall I felt they were stronger than the regular BH but wasn't sure if it was the real thing.  On Isaiah's due date, our region was hit with a terrible snow storm.  I was warned by my midwife not to do anything that could induce labour.  No one wanted to drive in it! It was the one day in the week I really was hoping he would stay inside.
The amount of snow we received on his due date!

The next day I had midwife appointment and was told it could be in a day or so.  After much debate we decided that the girls should go to their Opa and Oma's house and that the dog should go to the kennel.  Of course with all that planning, nothing happened the first night :(

On the 18th I enjoyed a morning of movies and just hanging out with Dan.  We never have the TV on during the day...I felt like a rebel.  We decided to do a little shopping and go out for lunch so I could walk around.  I had felt stronger "contractions" throughout the morning and then during lunch I had a couple stronger contractions which had Dan saying, "We are going home!"  Since we were planing for our first home birth, I agreed.  No one wants a baby out in public.
2 hours before meeting Isaiah

Once home, I had a nap and felt a few more conractions throughout the afternoon, still not sure if these were the "real" ones.  I actually googled people's opinions on contractions because these were not what I remembered from the girls but they felt strong.  I was surprised to read more people experiencing the same feelings.  I now started to see that perhaps I was in labour.

By 5:00 pm I decided maybe I should time them to see if there was a pattern.  Well sure enough they were about 10 minutes apart and lasting for about a minute or longer.  Hmm maybe these are real.  So I did the true test and took a bath.  No change! Dan, who by now was getting a little anxious said, "I think we should call the midwives." Not being one to disturb others for no reason I said, "No not yet, I just want to be sure."  I can get a little too focussed on just moving things along which I think worries my husband.  About 10 minutes later I had one that took my breath away and told him we could call the midwife!

Both midwives arrived just after 7:00 pm.  Normally just one comes first, but they expected a quick labour due to my history. Unfortunately when they checked me, I was only 3 cm and still only having contractions about every 10 minutes.  In my head I was thinking....I did call them too early.

Determined not to be in labour long, I just kept walking around.  Meanwhile, the midwives were discussing with Dan about getting their equipment out of the car and making something to eat.  A moment or so later my water broke and the contractions came one on top of the other.  Plans changed. I barely had time get out of my wet clothes and make it to the bathroom.  Contractions lasted about 30 minutes and they were bearable.  Finally it was time to push!  Dan was right there and was able to "catch" him!  He was so honoured to be able to take our son. By 8:15 we were holding our Isaiah!

His name is one we had picked out around 4 months.  I really feel the meaning of a name has a bearing on the child and so I won't consider a name until I know what it means.  I had also been praying about choosing the right name.  I wanted a name that represented God being the centre/reason of your life but didn't know if there was a name to go with it.  One day Dan came home and inquired of the name Isaiah.  I like it a lot, but naturally wanted to know its meaning.  Wasn't I blown away when I found out Isaiah means; YAHWEH (GOD) is Salvation!  We never considered another name again.

We have really been enjoying having a little boy.  The girls are smitten with him.  They are constantly asking to hold him, walk around with him and smoother him with kisses.  He is a blessed little boy with such caring big sister.  My heart is full.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Complaining Doesn't Change Your Fitness

Posted by whatsapp status on February 25, 2016 with No comments
We all complain from time to time and that's called life, but what about when it interferes with our fitness? What good does it do to constantly complain, be unhappy and bring on a full Debbie or Dave Downer attitude without being willing to change the situation?  It's like a leaky faucet we watch drip all over the place, complain about it but refuse to fix the darn thing. Too many people are complaining and not doing, and seriously, how's that working for you?

Complaints only go so far and then the radio gets turned off. Who wants to continually listen to a self-bashing session when the outcome is always the same. Getting fit and maintaining a healthy body starts by stopping the complaints and getting to work on fixing the problem. The extra fat on the gut or butt isn't going to disappear on its own no matter how much complaining comes out of your mouth. What will help is putting the negative energy (complaints) into positive action.

Start by ditching the complaints, accepting who you are right now and apply strategies to make you feel better about yourself. Get serious about your fitness by keeping a food and exercise journal. Use it to chart your feelings as well. If you have a complaint, write it in the journal and move on. Stop dwelling on the "wah wah" and steer your attention toward eating healthier. Instead of sitting on the couch downing beers after work, go for a walk for example. You will be amazed how small changes will eventually provide big results.

Stop complaining about not having the time.  Really?  We are all busy and there's someone busier than you working out or prepping healthy food right now.

What's in your pantry? Is it filled with processed foods and sugar cereal? What's going on in the refrigerator? Is it filled with salami, beer, and cheez whiz? A large percentage of your fitness success is determined by what you put in your face consistently. Healthy food in the house equals eating right for your body. 

When is the last time you exercised? Time to dust the fitness shoes off and get moving. You will burn some extra calories and feel great for accomplishing an awesome workout. Exercise is also linked to stress relief and increased self-esteem. Be willing to do what it takes, stop complaining and you know that old saying sh*t or get off the pot well it truly applies here. Straight talk but all in fitness love.  Be well and Stay Healthy!

Head on over and read my new articles "When BCAAs Help the Most" and "Are Energy Drinks a Safe Pre-Workout Choice?".  Regardless, you will find something on my page  specific to you. It's important to feel motivated and informed!

Thanks for stopping by my Blog and don't forget to subscribe and never miss a free update!

Darla Leal, Fit-over-50
Stay Healthy Fitness


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Stop Enabling Your Fitness

Posted by whatsapp status on February 18, 2016 with No comments
What comes to mind when you think of enabling someone ... healthy or unhealthy?  The recent definition refers to providing help that perpetuates a problem rather than fixes it. You know, the reasons and excuses we make to justify a person's behavior or actions even sacrificing our own health and well-being in doing so.

It can develop into such dysfunction where we actually believe we are helping a situation.  "The reality, though, is that enabling not only doesn't help, but it actively causes harm and makes the situation worse."  When an enabler steps in to help an addict, for example, they take away their motivation and desire to get help or change. According to Psychology Today, "enablers help addicts dig themselves deeper into trouble."  

What does this have to do with fitness? Well, it happens to pertain quite a bit to health and fitness.  Are you making excuses and justifications to not start a fitness program? Is it lack of time, your spouse, kids or even your friends keeping you from getting fit?

What unhealthy beliefs do you create preventing you from getting healthy and why are you enabling that? This is my point and yes, I strongly disagree with enabling behavior. It's time to stop enabling yourself. Being a healthy and fit person will take breaking the cycle of enabling.

When you stop enabling unhealthy thinking, you will see an improvement in your mental game, motivation to exercise and eating right. Continuing down a path of excuses will only make things worse and illness will eventually come knocking at your door.

We have only one body and playing around thinking our enabling behavior will not eventually bite us in the backside is negligent. Now is the time to make a shift toward healthy decisions. We can no longer hide behind our justifications holding us back. I know this is an in-your-face blog, but it's also what I call tough fitness love. So, are you ready to stop enabling yourself and get serious about your health and fitness?

Head on over and read my nutrition and fitness articles!  Take some time to peruse the site because it's full of helpful fitness and nutrition info.
Read My Sport Nutrition and Fitness Articles!

Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Don't forget to subscribe and never miss a free update!

Be Well and Stay Healthy! 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A Quick Fix is Like Using Duct Tape for Fitness

Posted by whatsapp status on February 09, 2016 with No comments
Duct tape is awesome, but it's not meant to last. In a pinch, the strong stuff can fix things temporarily but doesn't quite do the trick long term. If you want something repaired right, it takes the right tools and materials, agreed?

Quick fixes are the same as placing duct tape all over your fitness. Speaking personally, I don't want a short-cut but a permanent solution to staying fit.

Unfortunately, duct tape fitness is the most popular route for most people and as the sticky starts wearing off, it reveals what still remains ... an unhealthy body. The tape removal is painful and frustrating, but somehow the roll gets pulled back out and the ducting process begins again. Temporary happiness but what a yo-yo ride.

It's time to toss out the tape and get real with what it takes to fix things right. Our healthy lifestyle tool box should contain things like dumbbells and jump ropes along with lean proteins, good carbs, and healthy fats.  Other great add-ins are motivational sayings, music, and awesome fitness clothes.  Probably one of the best tools pulled out of the box is a fitness accountability journal.

There are no short-cuts to where we want and need to go.  Duct tape has no business in our fitness and lifetime journey of  being healthy.  We should not be covered in a sticky mess revealing yuck on the inside when the tape is pulled back. Our society needs to stop embracing the quick fix as any type of healthy remedy because that is crap.  What needs to happen is building a strong toolbox we can carry and use for a lifetime.

Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Don't forget to subscribe and never miss a free update!

Be well and Stay Healthy