Thursday, June 22, 2017

Women Who Lift Weights Gain Muscle Definition Not Bulk

Posted by whatsapp status on June 22, 2017 with 2 comments
For those who believe lifting weights will make you lose feminine curves, I am here to say it's a myth. We simply don't have enough testosterone naturally to produce extreme muscle mass. 

We can create a firm, tone body with the help of weight resistance training. A small part of how we are built is also based on genetics. Every woman is different with the look weight training provides. This is called life and normal. As long as we maintain our lifting program along with healthy eating, we can enjoy a well-sculpted physique for life. 

We may see over-developed women bodybuilders who appear manly but this is often times created using illegal drugs, steroids, and male sex hormones. For us regular gals not on the bodybuilding circuit and just hitting it hard in the gym, this is not our norm. We may create some muscle, but nothing to the degree of lean mass enhanced with steroids. This is a whole other level of muscle development not applicable to active women in the gym. Unfortunately, seeing overly muscled women has caused many gals to fear lifting heavy. 

Applying a regular weight training program can create noticeably shapely arms, butt, legs, and an overall beautiful fit look. The other benefits include feeling great, boosted confidence, wearing anything you want and it's nice to receive compliments for your healthy lifestyle. 

I have been lifting weights for thirty years, have muscular curves but definitely not bulky. What allows my muscle to show more is maintaining a lower body fat percentage year round. However, I keep that within a healthy range to not screw around with my hormones. 

As a woman in menopause, I understand the importance and health benefits of weight bearing exercise. I enjoy how my body looks, but more important, focus on my bones remaining dense and strong as my estrogen levels continue to decline. Weight training is prescribed to all women going through this phase to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and/or osteopenia. 

I am genetically lean thanks to my Dad and my body has also responded well to weight training. I actually used resistance training to put on muscle weight and provide more curves. Being naturally thin also comes with challenges. I am a hard gainer so work even harder in the gym for the muscle I have.

Some may think I look bulky, but if you met me in person, you would have a whole different opinion. Can I flex it up in images? Yes and especially after an intense lifting session when the muscles are full and vascular. When I'm dressed in jeans and t-shirts, you might say I look like a woman who takes care of herself. 

The health benefits of weight training go beyond what is visible. Lifting weights helps improve bone and joint function, bone density, and increased muscle, tendon and ligament strength.  The more lean mass we have, the more efficient our bodies become with burning energy stores and maintaining a healthy weight. We become healthier overall, and our confidence is boosted when we feel our healthy best. 

The look obtained from weight training is one that exemplifies a healthy lifestyle. It's not a "she-man" body that seems to be running around in everyone’s mind. The media has successfully distorted the truth in all areas of fitness. The use of photoshop, airbrushing, and claims of weight lifting for females equals turning into a man. Nonsense!

This is far from the truth and laughable. I believe in being our own health and fitness advocates. It's important to research health and fitness subjects including weight training and applying what is best for our bodies to become a healthier person. Our female hormones which do include a small amount of testosterone naturally will allow for some muscle increase and a sculpted look. 

The inward and outward benefits of lifting are not only beautiful but we as women should embrace weight training as a very important part of our health programs. 

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Be well and Stay Healthy


Monday, June 19, 2017

I Love the Workout Perks of Coffee

Posted by whatsapp status on June 19, 2017 with 1 comment
The only stimulant I use to improve my workouts is coffee. Unregulated supplements come with too many health risks and who knows what's really in the stuff. Coffee contains caffeine, tastes amazing, full of beneficial antioxidants and a natural stimulant to boost my workouts.

Chronic studies have provided positive findings for caffeinated coffee improving athletic performance and other health benefits. It is said to increase our metabolism, reduce induced exercise muscle pain, improve mental focus, increase fat burning, and reduce the risk of disease.

The thing is you don't need that much coffee for effective results. More is not better and one to no more than 2 cups of black coffee is what's recommended according to research. I thoroughly enjoy my large mug every morning and admit to adding a small amount of creamer. I haven't been able to develop a taste for straight up black coffee.

I happen to be one of those people who is caffeine sensitive so drink half-calf and that works for me. Any more would have me bouncing off the walls. Call me a lightweight and I am just fine with that. I only indulge in the morning before a workout otherwise I would have a problem getting to sleep.

I love the natural edge up coffee provides as I prepare to hit the gym. Within 30 minutes, I feel more energetic and ready for an intense workout. It really prepares me mentally and physically. I don't have health issues like hypertension or diagnosed heart problems where coffee would be contraindicated so I do partake in moderation. The other health benefits from antioxidants are an added bonus.

Drinking coffee is one of my secret weapons for maintaining a fit body. Studies show the fat burning effects last up to 3 hours after having caffeine so I create that window for my workout. I would not venture into an unsafe stimulant scenario and don't support unhealthy ways to maintain my body. Coffee, on the other hand, is one of the best natural effective stimulants and my pre-workout drink of choice.

It's very important to check with your doctor before adding coffee to your nutrition and be aware of how your body responds to caffeine.

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Be well and Stay Healthy


Friday, June 16, 2017

Fitness is a Lifestyle Not a Temporary Condition

Posted by whatsapp status on June 16, 2017 with No comments
Adopting a healthy lifestyle and achieving fitness goals can provide a feeling of accomplishment in the beginning. We plug into our fitness apps, fit bits, eating right and motivated to exercise. We are in fitness euphoria and experiencing self-motivation at its peak. We are determined and feel nothing will get in the way of reaching our goals, right?

This is awesome but the struggle is usually not in starting but in the maintaining. We all need to start the process of getting healthy but even more important is being able to continue the lifestyle.

As we progress in our fitness journey, things often become less important. Our determined mental game starts to soften.

Week three of the start may not feel as good or exciting anymore. Other things start to take priority and somehow being too busy to exercise or eat right dampen our motivation.

Week four seems to be filled with obligations that are somehow more important than the promise we made to ourselves to get healthy.

Week five may involve a long vacation where fitness is set aside and anything goes with food that will surely expand the waistline. Exercise is also put on the back burner. I mean who wants to be active on vacation is the typical feedback.

In a short time, our goal to get healthy has taken a back seat and old patterns have returned. The struggle is real for many out there.

Processed foods have replaced the good carbohydrates that were there just a month ago. The menu includes pizza and burgers instead of lean proteins and healthy fats. Water intake is also not what it should be for optimal fitness. What happened?

Believe it or not, choices and behaviors like this happen all the time. It can cause feelings of failure, discouragement and many of us give up. None of us are immune to returning to poor eating habits and reasons not to exercise. We somehow think once we reach our goals, we can start slacking. We miss the point of getting in shape is staying in shape.

Fitness is a lifestyle and not a temporary condition. The truth is we are responsible for the choices causing us to return to unhealthy patterns. This will require getting back that motivation we felt so strongly in the beginning.

If you are unable to do it alone, hire a qualified personal trainer or find a workout partner. If you are sabotaged at home, start creating two separate meals to ensure that you're eating healthy.  If too busy seems to be a problem, it's time to review your priorities.

Now is the time to start achieving your fitness goals, but even more than that, learning how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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Monday, June 5, 2017

Diets Really Have No Place in a Fitness Lifestyle

Posted by whatsapp status on June 05, 2017 with No comments

Getting fit has nothing to do with going on a diet. In fact, I came up with an acronym for the 'diet' word and how it affects us:

D: Depressing
I: Illogical
E: Extreme
T: Taxing

How many times have you heard someone say they are on a diet? Diet trends are numerous and marketed ad nauseam. Diets may have a place in clinical scenarios but really not something for us regular people who may be sedentary or even active adults wanting to get back in shape.

Nutrition does play the largest role in our health and fitness. This doesn't mean restricting our calories by means of a fad diet is the way to a fitter body. It simply means eating better food for our goals. Actually not eating enough can work against us causing our body to hold onto fat stores.

Diets are also not lifetime sustainable because they can be too restrictive and remove important macronutrients from our daily food intake. We function best eating all macronutrients including lean proteins, healthy fats, and good carbohydrates. Any nutrition plan asking you to eliminate vital nutrients to reach your goals quickly should be a red flag. It may be tempting, but remember if something sounds too good to be true - it is.

Reducing fat and gaining muscle is not about eating less just eating right. Consuming nutrient-dense foods like vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, nuts, and seeds will enable you to reach your goals without feeling deprived. It does mean reviewing your current nutrition plan and changing up the food you eat.

Nutritious foods contain fewer calories allowing us the freedom to eat more and not feel guilty. When we start filling our plates with mostly vegetables and an appropriate portion of lean meat, counting calories can even be removed from the equation. Remember, no one ever got fat eating kale.

A healthy lifestyle is meant to be enjoyed and not to feel like a burden. Contrarily, diets can cause us to feel deprived and frustrated. Who enjoys drinking special shakes all day instead of eating real food? We are meant to cook, eat and enjoy real food. This is also called eating to live and loving every minute of it.

When we stop looking for quick fixes and forget about fad diets is when we can really be on our way to getting fit and healthy.

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