Showing posts with label no excuses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label no excuses. Show all posts

Friday, March 31, 2017

Reasons or Excuses are Both the Same When it Comes to Getting Fit

Posted by whatsapp status on March 31, 2017 with No comments
Let's be honest about how reasons affect our overall health, fitness and daily lifestyle. Reasons are often used to avoid a workout or eat healthy meals, agreed? They are really the same as excuses that keep us from getting fit.  

We want the fit and healthy body but come up with every reason in the book to avoid doing the work to achieve the goal. Why? What continues to get in the way of the thing we most want?  

We almost have a rebellious attitude toward health and fitness. We convince ourselves we can achieve our goals even with unhealthy eating and exercise habits. A negative attitude, excuses, and rebel behavior is definitely not going to achieve a healthy body or mind. We really need to change our mind in order to change our body. 

If getting fit were easy, everyone would be doing it. Health and fitness require effort and planning. Why is there such an issue with working for our goals? Everything in life worthy of anything takes work. Health is a gift and fitness is the action and our responsibility to maintain it. 

Why is the effort to adopt a healthy life considered a burden, and why are reasons used to avoid it? Most of us work hard in our careers, strive for material things but disregard health and fitness. Without our health, we wouldn't be able to achieve even those material goals. Things are really turned around in this life.

When are health and fitness going to become the priority? It's not like we have to scale the largest mountain peak in the world. We simply need to love ourselves enough to take care of our body. Fitness is meant to better our life not to be a burden. It's time we stop using excuses to avoid what should be high on our important list. 

Life is too short to let reasons get in the way of being our best healthy self. Convincing ourselves otherwise is absolutely crazy. 

We waste so much time coming up with reasons to not get healthy. The workout or healthy meal could have been done already. Time has become so mismanaged and our bodies are suffering the consequences. We know what we want and it's important to not give into the reasons holding us back. You can achieve your goals but it will take losing all the excuses. Start doing something today your future self will thank you for. 

Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Don't forget to subscribe and never miss a free update.  

Be well and Stay Healthy

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Find Your Motivation Mojo

Posted by whatsapp status on June 14, 2016 with No comments
Have you found Motivation Mojo when it comes to improving your health? Finding our motivation is an important step when it comes to fitness so we enjoy the journey. 

Let me ask what motivates you in the image below: the left image, center image, the right image, neither images and why?

I'm not going to wow you with a huge before and after weight loss story, or a long list of bikini titles. I will share my journey to health involves one of great physical and emotional adversity. Also, taking care of my health and being a woman of faith has been a huge factor in the woman you see in the above images. 

Some may not be motivated by visual images and respond more to the written word: YOU CAN DO IT, FIND YOUR STRONG, or BE YOUR BEST HEALTHY YOU for example. Regardless of what suits your motivational fancy when it comes to fitness, the important thing is to just get yourself going.  

I will not tell you it will be easy because there are days when it will be straight up hard. I'm speaking from personal experience. We all struggle with tough days of keeping it healthy.  I'm relating to you on a very personal level. At the same time, I want to stress the importance of living the healthiest life you can. We only have one life with no playbacks. 

There has been so much controversy over the image of health. This is why I opened with an interactive exercise of wanting to know your mental game when it comes to visual motivation. I didn't add the famous “what’s your excuse” tag, although I am a no excuses trainer and coach. I don't accept that anyone is too busy to take care of their health, and that includes me. 

Being a very busy woman and if the day only allows a 20-minute workout then I do that. Exercise doesn't have to be some long duration program lasting over an hour. In fact, studies have shown the greatest benefit of exercise is achieved within the first 30-minutes. Also, 45-minutes of focused exercise is sufficient to maintain a healthy body. I adhere to this philosophy and keep my exercise sessions limited to 45-minutes and no more than 5 times per week. 

How do you find your Motivation Mojo?  Get out a piece of paper and write down your active passions … fun things you like to do. It's time to get off the couch, dance your pants off in the living room, go hiking, play games with the kiddos and dogs. What is it that makes you happy and will ensure you keep coming back for more?  No more exercise is a burden stuff. Let’s turn that around and create a plan you can maintain for a lifetime.  Share your Mojo in the comment section and I look forward to reading and responding to all of your shares. 

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, and don't forget to subscribe and never miss a free update!

Be well and Stay Healthy

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Posted by whatsapp status on February 11, 2015 with No comments
The truth about health and fitness is that we either want it or we don’t.  Let’s face it, we can all come up with reasons not to exercise today or pack our coolers with healthy food to have on hand.  All the reasons in the world are excuses that will eventually catch up to us in the form of illness or injury.  That also is the truth.  What we need to understand is that our lifestyle is our medicine, and that includes what we eat and how we move and rest our bodies.   We can’t continue to walk around in a state of un-health and believe that this is an acceptable existence.  Looking and feeling our best is what we all want, dream about, and talk about, but the action to make it happen never seems to occur.  Look at what is flooding our magazines, commercials, and television shows when it comes to getting healthy.  We need to be living the reality shows of achieving our best body not sitting in front of the tube with our chips watching other people taking action to get healthy. 

Reasons will not change how we look or feel and in fact will only make us feel and look worse if continued as a lifestyle.  Our first step to change this reality of reasons, is to own that we are doing that.  If you are coming up with reasons to stop by the fast food or restaurant, skip out on the workout, and party hardy until the break of dawn, it is time to stand in your own truth and ask why.  Looking at the truth can sometimes piss us off, cause us to throw our hands up with a profound “f” word salute, and that is normal.  It will be in that frustrated moment of anger or other emotion that will open the mind to what in the hell am I doing with my life and body.  It will be that slap in the face that will cause us to get serious about a healthy lifestyle becoming our medicine. 

The only person responsible for replacing reasons with action is you and me.  It is time to rearrange the priorities in our lives because no person is too busy to take care of their health.  Everyone can have their fittest body at any age and I will take on any backlash for making this statement.  A healthy fit body is obtainable and realistic for all of us and should be the goal while we are living this life.  Dependence on prescribed drugs to pseudo fix health issues is way out of hand, and although certain medications are needed for a small percentage of medical issues, I am addressing the general populous that continue to accommodate their “reasons” and unhealthy way of life.  Living a healthy lifestyle is not a half in and half out scenario either because occasional effort equals occasional results.  We want so much to change but are not willing to give the effort and this is the bottom line.  Results can and will happen, but the choice is up to you.

I dedicate this Blog to my husband, friend, love and support in my life.  
Happy Valentine’s Day Babe and I Love You Forever and a Day

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list, or if you want to receive my free updates, use the button below to select your feed preference. I look forward to responding to your comments and appreciate your shares.

Stay Healthy!



Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on March 26, 2014 with No comments
What our health and happiness come down are choices.  I make a choice each day to eat healthy, exercise, and respond to life the best way I can as a Christian woman.  I am not perfect, do not claim to be, and my goals in life are about progress and never the “P” for perfection word.  I struggle with things just like you do, have had my share of crap in this journey of life, emotionally and physically, and I have come out the other side learning and growing in a positive direction.

I will always be a work in progress, and we are all that in this life.  I enjoy writing which is why I Blog and what better way to provide motivation than to share me with you.  You will either like me or not, and that is a choice as well.  Reading my Blog gives you a small glimpse of me, although I try to be thorough, it is not the same as developing a close “friend” relationship chatting up a topic of conversation.  As an internet personality, I have had and do get my share of “haters” as the net likes to call them, but also a great number of supporters, but through this process, my goal and intention is to reach out and get people thinking about their health, making CHOICES to change and adapt healthier ways of living, and ultimately a healthy lifestyle. 

I am a trainer and coach who is passionate about helping people, and I do walk the talk of my mission.  I do not accept excuses or reasons why health is not made a priority and that is not called being unreasonable, it is being truthful.  I am not talking about reasons such as an upcoming surgery, injury, or illness that has unfortunately put a person in a position of inability to exercise.  I have suffered that journey and understand the frustrations, and emotions of dealing with such a crisis.  I am addressing the everyday person walking around with so much created busyness that they “think” that they just can’t fit in an hour of exercise at least 3 days per week, or prepare healthy meals. 

YOU CAN DO IT….BUT WILL YOU?  That is the question of the Blog and each of us has a conscience controlled decision to make when it comes to taking care of our health in all aspects.  We choose to exercise, eat healthy, be happy, and let go of pointless drama that is out of our control.  We choose how we spend the precious minutes gifted to each of us daily, and how we respond to the situations of this life.  I motivate YOU with “YOU CAN DO IT” because you can, and this coming from one busy business woman, wife, mother, grandmother, who is basically fifty and experiencing the throws of menopausal symptoms and existing injuries.  There are times that I feel like I can’t do it, and that is the honest truth.  It is in those moments, that I have to dig deep inside me and pull out the strong, and hope that the motivation kicks in mid workout.  YES, I am just like you, but the choice of “WILL YOU” is always mine and yours. 

This is not about comparison of me to you, but a straight up calling you out on the carpet and asking “WILL YOU start a healthy lifestyle?” and if not, WHY?  I will tell you that YOU CAN DO IT, but it will take the action of YOU to make it happen.  If you feel this is coming on strong, then I have accomplished a goal of getting you to think, maybe even creating some feelings that have been stuffed inside yourself too long and it is time to cleanse that body emotionally and physically.  Are you angry, bitter, frustrated, unhappy, and using the “too busy” title or other reasons to not address those things.  If that is the case, time for some internal cleaning of house, and time to get healthy.  YOU CAN DO IT…BUT WILL YOU?

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!
