Showing posts with label time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label time. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on March 26, 2014 with No comments
What our health and happiness come down are choices.  I make a choice each day to eat healthy, exercise, and respond to life the best way I can as a Christian woman.  I am not perfect, do not claim to be, and my goals in life are about progress and never the “P” for perfection word.  I struggle with things just like you do, have had my share of crap in this journey of life, emotionally and physically, and I have come out the other side learning and growing in a positive direction.

I will always be a work in progress, and we are all that in this life.  I enjoy writing which is why I Blog and what better way to provide motivation than to share me with you.  You will either like me or not, and that is a choice as well.  Reading my Blog gives you a small glimpse of me, although I try to be thorough, it is not the same as developing a close “friend” relationship chatting up a topic of conversation.  As an internet personality, I have had and do get my share of “haters” as the net likes to call them, but also a great number of supporters, but through this process, my goal and intention is to reach out and get people thinking about their health, making CHOICES to change and adapt healthier ways of living, and ultimately a healthy lifestyle. 

I am a trainer and coach who is passionate about helping people, and I do walk the talk of my mission.  I do not accept excuses or reasons why health is not made a priority and that is not called being unreasonable, it is being truthful.  I am not talking about reasons such as an upcoming surgery, injury, or illness that has unfortunately put a person in a position of inability to exercise.  I have suffered that journey and understand the frustrations, and emotions of dealing with such a crisis.  I am addressing the everyday person walking around with so much created busyness that they “think” that they just can’t fit in an hour of exercise at least 3 days per week, or prepare healthy meals. 

YOU CAN DO IT….BUT WILL YOU?  That is the question of the Blog and each of us has a conscience controlled decision to make when it comes to taking care of our health in all aspects.  We choose to exercise, eat healthy, be happy, and let go of pointless drama that is out of our control.  We choose how we spend the precious minutes gifted to each of us daily, and how we respond to the situations of this life.  I motivate YOU with “YOU CAN DO IT” because you can, and this coming from one busy business woman, wife, mother, grandmother, who is basically fifty and experiencing the throws of menopausal symptoms and existing injuries.  There are times that I feel like I can’t do it, and that is the honest truth.  It is in those moments, that I have to dig deep inside me and pull out the strong, and hope that the motivation kicks in mid workout.  YES, I am just like you, but the choice of “WILL YOU” is always mine and yours. 

This is not about comparison of me to you, but a straight up calling you out on the carpet and asking “WILL YOU start a healthy lifestyle?” and if not, WHY?  I will tell you that YOU CAN DO IT, but it will take the action of YOU to make it happen.  If you feel this is coming on strong, then I have accomplished a goal of getting you to think, maybe even creating some feelings that have been stuffed inside yourself too long and it is time to cleanse that body emotionally and physically.  Are you angry, bitter, frustrated, unhappy, and using the “too busy” title or other reasons to not address those things.  If that is the case, time for some internal cleaning of house, and time to get healthy.  YOU CAN DO IT…BUT WILL YOU?

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!


Friday, January 31, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on January 31, 2014 with No comments
Society really needs to stop the glorification of busy, and I am not one who is going to listen and accept all the excuses of not having enough time to care about making health a priority in life.  Let me rephrase that, I may listen to the laundry list, but I will definitely provide the tough questions in response and offer that better time management choices and priorities need to be addressed.  So many people create too much “busy” in life that every second of every hour is consumed by work, overtime, functions, social, social, social, volunteer work,  more work, more functions and the “YES” list goes on and on.  How can anyone pull themselves out of such a drowning pool of stuff, and many times all those so called important things consuming every minute are not even necessary.  Further, many of the things that fill those precious seconds are ways to avoid or hide from just “being”.  What is wrong with society to feel guilty sitting still for an hour alone in a contemplative state, relaxing, meditating, or exercising.  Has it got so bad that avoidance of looking at ourselves is too scary, disappointing, and living in denial has become the “norm”? 

I am convinced that people think it is impressive to be over busy and brag about it ad nauseam like some sort of “busy” award should be given.  I hope this ruffles a few feathers and causes people to think about their “busy” in the whole big scheme of life.  I mean what is this so “busy” mentality that good health is kicked to the curb and illness is accepted, and further taking pharmaceuticals to take care of the illness and stress caused by the “busy” and that being accepted.  Can you tell I am on a “soap box” on this subject?  I have worked in the health industry for over 30 years, and am strongly stating that the tiresome laundry list of busy needs a good washing out.  I am not talking about busy that may come from handling a temporary crisis, but years of putting off a healthy lifestyle all for the glorification of meaningless busy.   

The hard truth is that good health does not care about busy, and all those things that are cluttering up our time, creating stress, and keeping us from a healthy lifestyle WILL bring the consequence of illness.  Maybe not today or even tomorrow, but all that procrastination of not taking care of YOU will rear its’ ugly head in the form of illness, obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, joint and spinal issues, depression, and that list can go on and on as well.  It is the blow of illness that can rattle a person and finally cause a wake-up call to adapt a healthy lifestyle. Sadly, and many times at this point, permanent damage to body processes have already taken place, and the person that once was can never be again, to the extent of 100% recovery anyway.  It is at that point that the “things” in life become unimportant as the struggle to become healthy, and the regret of not taking care of oneself surfaces to the forefront of one’s life. 

We are all at a point of being able to prevent or greatly reduce illness, and I am and always will be a very candid health professional with you, my family, and all of my clients.  I can write all this to you and hope that you listen, but this is your journey and your decision.  I fear for those who choose to let this go in one ear and out the other, and if I have reached and shaken the limbs of others to start now to live a healthy lifestyle, then I have accomplished the goal I set out to with this write. 

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Value of Time

Posted by whatsapp status on March 07, 2013 with No comments

Our New Puppy ~ Roxie

Hubby and I were reading our daily devotional about the meaning of time and really how that equates to love.  What really shouted loud for me was this fabulous share:

“Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can't make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you'll never get back. Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time.  It is not enough to just say relationships are important; we must prove it by investing time in them. Words alone are worthless. "My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action." Relationships take time and effort, and the best way to spell love is "T-I-M-E.”

It is this kind of paragraph that stops me in my tracks and makes me appreciate the value of time even more.  I zero in on “you can make more money, but you can’t make more time”, and “Your time is your life”… aren’t these such  AH-HA statements to think about.  The reason I share such a personal blog today is that I want you to know, and I am sure you have heard this many times…it is not about having the best of everything, but making the BEST of everything you have.  I would have to say that this really attributes huge to my living a healthy lifestyle, and realizing that I am enough, my funds are enough, my car and home are enough, time I spend in the gym is enough, and all the things that I am blessed with are ENOUGH.  Knowing this allows me to relax, spend quality time with hubby, family and friend relationships, and to really let go of so much stress that can be created by the “Not Good Enough” mentality.   

It is also being comfortable in this/my skin, and not having to compare myself to others.  I am the type of person that can celebrate the success of my family and friends and not be down in the dumps if I am not at their financial status.  What kind of friend would I be if I secretly felt bitterness, jealousy, and other ugly negative mind games that spell out hypocrite and surely does not fit a healthy mind or life…I could not define myself as a friend that is for sure.

Time is so valuable that no amount of money or price tag can be placed on it, and that tells me just how important it is NOT TO WASTE IT.  It also tells me that I should be living the BEST life with my time, being the best I can be to myself and other important people in my life.  Quality time and all the good and meaningful things I do in that quality time is healthy.  Loving Darla daily through exercise and healthy foods is time well spent.  Let me go further and share that my job as a personal trainer/consultant/coach is so enjoyable because it is giving the gift of my time, never to get back, but given with genuine care and complete attention to each of my clients, and I feel really great about that.  Helping people with my time is healthy for them and healthy for me.  It is such a great team relationship that can truly be defined as quality time. 

I think the most important part about time is not wasting it…it is such a gift and privilege to be given each day to celebrate all that TODAY is and will be.  I think it would be a slap in God’s face to not appreciate the time given to me…I mean how can I waste such a gift as this.  If you gave me a present, I would not throw it on the ground and not appreciate it.  I look at life and time like that. How I spend my time makes for a healthy me, and realizing what that means, and how it makes me feels is pretty darn satisfying for this Stay Healthy Gal.


Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding! 

Stay Healthy~ Darla

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Friday, February 8, 2013


Posted by whatsapp status on February 08, 2013 with No comments

Simple is Healthy ~ Workouts Part 2

As promised, I am continuing my write about why I think “Simple is Healthy” and how I apply that to my life in all aspects.  Of course, it is such a HUGE factor for me, and knew that I could not fit all I had to say in one piece being the chatter bug that I am, so had to break it up in a series of Blogs. If you read the first of the series, I covered my food and how keeping it Simple makes for healthier foods…an apple vs. some packaged product with fake apple substance in it for example…YUCK.  I am dedicating this Blog to how I keep my workouts Simple and how that is absolutely HEALTHIER for me. 

I am a down to earth, back to the basics, sticking to the foundation of exercise kind of gal.  I do not need anything fancy to create a healthy body, and in fact enjoy the simplicity of an all over body weight   program many times throughout the week.  Also…my time…it is so important…please do not think that I spend hours in my studio pounding the weights to maintain my 48 year young self…..NOT.  I keep that simple as well and dedicate one hour at least 5-6 days per week to get my Darla Sweat ON.  That is it…if I am spending more time than that…what the heck am I doing and WHY for crying out loud.  My body requires daily physical activity and healthy foods and feeling like I need to push my body to limits beyond requirements is unhealthy in my book.  I consider working out a reward, a privilege and thankful that I can perform the exercises that I do with my new modified ME.  I think when the balance of workout is tipped so far into an obsessive thought process, it can become a burden and a something I “have to do” instead of “I want to do it”.   Think about this idea…maintaining healthy food intake so I do not have to work as hard or long in the gym…WHAT….YES, studies have shown that the body only requires a good focus of 30 minutes per day of QUALITY exercise to maintain a great physique.  LIGHT BULB moment here and QUALITY workouts are a “want to” inclusion in my life to make exercise SIMPLE, and that is HEALTHY!  So, if I remain consistent on my healthy food intake, I can shave down my gym time by at least 15 minutes and really complete what I have to do in 45minutes.  WIN WIN…clicking of fitness gal trainer shoes…woo hoo.

There are so many ways to exercise the body, but think about the root of all exercise that stems from strength and stabilization…that is where I come from.  If my strength and stabilization are not in order, I might as well forget having a healthy workout session and body for that matter.  I am all about body balance, proper posture, positioning, form and technique, and positive and negative (concentric/eccentric) movements.  Let’s say I have a postural deviation and need to work on my core strength, my simple focus will be on doing that, and progressing from there.  I will not put my body at risk for injury by swinging this or that for hours on end, jumping here or there, and creating pain and suffering by performing movements that my body is just not ready for and may not be able execute properly even after I have come to my point of progressing forward.  I feel like a “body whisperer” where I pay close attention to what my body says I can do and proceed with caution with those things that I should not be doing. I am not a “push through the pain” person or trainer…there is normal discomfort that comes from a workout and then there is that “not right” discomfort that should put a screeching halt on my workout and yours for that matter.   

I can have a simple good exercise time with nothing but my body weight, a set of dumbbells and pull up bar…BINGO.  I see squats, negative pull ups, overhead presses, bicep curls, triceps kickbacks, and core work in that program.  Nothing fancy about what I do, just me executing simple controlled QUALITY moves for 30-60 minutes, getting a fabulous sweat on, and feeling accomplished when I am done.  Getting back to the basics of exercise, and the base moves that ALL workouts stem from is the safest and simplest form of creating a healthy body for ME and has served me well for several years.  I turn a deaf ear to the fads of fitness out there, especially if they are making unrealistic promises with risky movements that may send a once healthy body into a now I need rehab for an injury body.  Keeping it simple, fun, QUALITY, and time efficient sums up my workouts to be HEALTHY and LIFETIME maintainable.  That is what I am all about …Quality Life, Simple is Better, and Simple is definitely HEALTHY!

Enjoy my Stay Healthy recipe feature this month on, a website dedicated to Health, Fitness and Success! 

Stay Healthy Crock pot Chicken & Brown Rice on Skinny Ms



Coming soon…I have been asked to provide a review for Ellie, a new online fitness clothes brand and I am very excited to share my personal and professional opinion next month in addition to providing a special offer for you!

Thanks to all my Stay Healthy Fitness Facebook Followers who contributed to the Stay Healthy Fitness Grocery List and this was a fun interactive project.  I have put your selections together and created a printable PDF list for you…HAPPY STAY HEALTHY SHOPPING! 

Mardi Gra Fun with Hubby day before Super Bowl
Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding! 

Stay Healthy~ Darla

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