Showing posts with label Darla Leal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Darla Leal. Show all posts

Monday, January 26, 2015


Posted by whatsapp status on January 26, 2015 with No comments
It has taken me awhile to write about this subject and I also have a family medical crisis that I am dealing with, so blogging time has been difficult to fit into my schedule. I shared with the world on my Stay Healthy Fitness Facebook and Instagram that I was gearing up for my 50 club first experience at having a colonoscopy.  I took my husband a few years ago and all went fairly well, and I have also been re-assured by many that the prep is the worst part and the rest would be a breeze.  Sadly, this was not my experience.

Let me share that I have a very high pain threshold, had both of my children without drugs or epidurals, and in general it takes a great deal of discomfort for me to complain.  The prep for the colonoscopy was horrible, and I nearly vomited up the Moviprep solution each time I had to drink it.  I expected that so I was prepared that this was not going to be fun, and within an hour of drinking the solution, my frequent bathroom visits began.  It felt like self-induced stomach flu of the worst kind and I retreated under several blankets after each run to the commode. I had to drink more solution at 3:30am and continue the toilet runs up to the time of leaving for the hospital at 7:30am.  Needless to say by the time I was done, my poo looked like pee, and I lost 5lbs literally overnight, not the recommended or safe way to lose weight, but understand it needs to happen prior to this type of procedure.

I went into the procedure thinking that after the toilet trauma was complete, the rest would be smooth sailing, so I was ready for my short nap and passing with flying colors colon report.  The doctor was great and explained everything thoroughly and the nurses took really good care of me. I was covered with warm blankets, IV in place and ready to move to the procedure room.  Once the IV anesthesia was administered, I fell asleep quickly but what happened next was like an excerpt from a horror movie.  All of a sudden, extreme pain in my stomach started happening and I felt myself screaming that “it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, and to stop, stop, stop”   and I felt trapped in my mind and my body was enduring pain equivalent to child birth.  In the distance, I did hear a loud voice say “do you want us to stop” and I do remember saying “wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute”, and I was thinking if they stop, I would have to do this again and there was no way that was going to happen.  I do not know what I sounded like or how I moved during this process of extreme pain under IV sedation and was hoping someone would help me.  It could be more pain relief was placed in my IV, but I do not know that.  What I do know is that the pain was unbearable and unbelievable.  My colonoscopy was far from a breeze and I felt traumatized by the event.  The doctor did explain in my haze state upon check out that my colon is very compact with many bends, which caused a rigid application of the scope and caused pain similar to childbirth during the procedure.  His recommendation was that I go under general anesthesia for my next colonoscopy. 

It took my body a couple of days to recover from the anesthesia and I did not feel good physically or emotionally about what happened to me.  I had to know if others experienced extreme pain during a colonoscopy and began my research online and discovered that yes, I was not alone.  What a relief that I could read forums of so many sharing my same story and I think this is what bothers me the most.  I believe that in the paperwork received prior to the procedure that it should be outlined that extreme pain with colonoscopy can be experienced, and that measures will be taken to make the patient comfortable in that event.  I went in to my colonoscopy with a positive attitude and came out with post-traumatic stress about the event. 

I am not writing this to say that I am now against having a colonoscopy and do believe in preventative medicine.  I am happy to report that my colon is clear for ten years, but will be investigating different avenues of colonoscopy approach the next time.  I am writing this to inform people that extreme pain can be experienced, and it is not always a breeze for everyone.  I am in the percentage of those who do not respond well to colonoscopy and for those who have undergone and share my experience, you are not alone.  I was shocked to discover this about myself and now as I have always been, remain a voice of information about health related subjects.  It is important to be informed and your own health care advocate and hopefully the documents pre-colonoscopy will be revised to include a thorough statement of colonoscopy procedure expectations.

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Stay Healthy!


Friday, January 2, 2015


Posted by whatsapp status on January 02, 2015 with No comments
Fitness involves more than how much weight is lost or reps in a set that can be accomplished.  Being a fit person involves discipline for each day, creates awareness, and instills conscious living. Fitness is a lifestyle and goes way beyond the physical.   Having the desire to obtain a quality life and following through on that goal really defines being healthy and fit, and when the focus remains in that direction, we set ourselves up for feeling and looking our best for life. 

We put so much pressure on ourselves to squeeze into the tiniest jeans or boast the largest biceps, that we tend to forget how being fit is supposed to feel.  A fit and healthy body should be free or minimized of pain and many people do not realize just how good we are supposed to feel, and instead accept and accommodate pain on a daily basis.  A fit lifestyle includes physical exercise but not of the nature that will injure our bodies and create chronic setbacks, and eating healthy nutrient dense foods that provide our bodies with healing qualities.  Rest is also on the menu for a fit body and a very important part of the program.  Without proper rest and sleep, our bodies will not recover from the demands placed on it through workouts, stress, and the overall daily grind.  Balance of work and play is also a part of a healthy lifestyle and forgetting how to reach our inner child is sadly lost through the busyness of life.  Taking an active rest day enjoying the outdoors, or a shutdown day complete with pajamas and movies may be the trick to recharge the mental batteries. 

We all can enjoy our life and live a healthy lifestyle at the same time. This is the absolute truth and is accomplished by simply being consistent with our choices and follow-through.  Being fit does not take working out seven days a week for several hours a day and eating boiled fish and broccoli.  This is far from what living a healthy lifestyle looks like.  When our thoughts are on taking the best care of ourselves, the enjoyment of living this life flows naturally like breathing.  The desire to purchase fresh healthy foods and try new recipes is more of an exciting thing to look forward to and not a curl your lip up downer for a Friday night.   Also, when that is combined with finding an exercise program that is enjoyed and works for your body, nothing feels better and provides a positive mental outlook.  The balance of life through play and rest can’t be emphasized enough because life is about quality and feeling our best. 

When the focus is on health and improving the quality of our life, the “fit” part of that equation happens along the way.  Letting go of the stress of wanting to look a certain way tomorrow and concentrating on how good being healthy feels will eliminate the frustration and pressure that we too often place upon ourselves.  Living a healthy lifestyle encompasses everything that we do on the daily and the fact that we are physical beings does not mean that the emphasis on fitness is all about the physical.  Our awareness of the importance of being a healthy person, what we are consuming, how we move our bodies, how we think and act, and the balance we create for ourselves are all included within the definition of fitness.  What do you think about that and hopefully this has opened your eyes to a new attitude when it comes to being a fit person?

Me and My Hubby
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Happy Stay Healthy New Year!


Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on October 15, 2014 with No comments
Let me clarify before I continue writing this article that my stance about sex is that it belongs and is a big part of a healthy marriage. The issue with sex and menopause, or even going through the premenopausal period brings lots of changes to the female body that can negatively impact our sex lives. I do cover all things health related and never to offend, but hopefully to motivate, inspire, educate, or get us thinking about our lives in a healthier way.  I have joined the ranks of the 50+ woman and feel that it is important to speak out about subjects that we all want to talk about, but seem to hide behind closed doors feeling ashamed, embarrassed, or in denial.  Whatever the case may be, please know that no woman will escape going through menopause, we all have this in common, and it is pretty awesome to think that there is a support system to lean on for answers.

I am just going to blurt it out, when it comes to sex and menopause, use it or lose it ladies.  As our hormones plummet to nothing, ugly things start to happen to the vaginal and surrounding tissue of the urethra.  Our once plumped up beautiful flower has started to wither away making pollination something of a challenge to say the least. What is happening is called vaginal atrophy and just as a muscle begins to decrease in size and shape when not exercised, the same thing happens to our vagina. Studies have shown that consistent sexual activity helps to promote lubrication of the vaginal walls and to maintain the shape and strength of the vaginal canal.  So it is not only important to have regular sexual activity, but also climaxing to exercise those muscles and bring blood flow to the area.  

Sex is a big part of a healthy marriage, and I applaud the husbands out there who are our biggest cheerleaders, and approach with patience and understanding their menopausal wives.  The bedroom romp takes on a whole different meaning when it comes to our aging bodies.  We will be the biggest investors of lubricants, gels, and creative play to maintain a healthy sex life.  The important thing to remember is not to get frustrated, relax, go with the flow, and just have sex.  Schedule a sex date with your spouse and focus on the feelings, sensations, and enjoyment of just being together.  That is what it is all about anyway, giving of ourselves to each other, without inhibition, embarrassment or shame for what we are going through, but a greater sharing experience and acceptance of who we are as women.  Place no expectations on the sexual experience and bask in the moment of play time with your spouse. 

Sex and menopause are just another part of our journey in this life and we do have a choice of how we will handle the changes.  It is important to be pro-active in taking care of our sexual bodies and applying whatever healthy measures that will enable us to feel good, sexy and confident in this area.  Avoiding the subject will not only create a dysfunctional vagina, but also an unhealthy marriage, since sexual closeness is an important part of expressing our need and want for our spouse.  Apply the “use it lose it” philosophy to your changing body and you will be on the right track to a healthier vagina through menopause.   

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Be well and Stay Healthy

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on August 20, 2014 with No comments

Exercise does not have to be extreme to be effective.  When it comes to our health and fitness, it is not a competition, but a lifetime maintenance body program.  There may be those who have certain goals and need to perform above the maintenance requirement, but in general creating a healthy ROCKIN body can be accomplished by moving it for 30 minutes at least five days per week.  Most of us want to feel and look good in and out of clothes with a simple exercise routine that does not require leaping over tall buildings in single bounds and lifting hundreds of pounds of weight.  I am not knocking those doing the leaping, heavy lifting, or extreme sports with this Blog, but addressing the norm demographic of everyday people who just want to get healthy and look healthy.

Studies have shown that 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity such as brisk walking is sufficient to maintain a healthy body, and spread over time throughout the week.  It would be reduced to 75 hours per week if the exercise is vigorous like running or attending an aerobics class.  Also recommended is weight resistance training two days per week, and although the guidelines are not quite as thorough with duration on this one, I personally keep my weight training sessions to no more than 45 minutes including my warm up and stretch time.  What that means is if you move that body for 30 minutes five days per week while maintaining a healthy nutrition program, you will see results or maintain an already in shape physique.  Everyone has 30 minutes to give to their health regardless of any excuse thrown down on the table.  If health and fitness is a priority, the exercise will be a priority and that is the simple truth of it. 

The best part about getting our sweat on for 30 minutes is making it our own.  When we create physical activities that are enjoyable, that is what builds a lifestyle of physical activity.  If the outdoors suits your fancy, lace up the tennis shoes or hiking boots and find some fun trails, and if using cardio equipment while watching a show or listening to music floats your boat, that works just as well.  The heart muscle only understands the demands of exercise being placed on it, not what you are specifically doing if that is a question you are pondering.  Sweat is sweat, a mile is a mile, and 30 minutes is 30 minutes and what you do to increase the heart rate at a moderate level for that amount of time is up to you.  The point is to just MOVE IT!

It really comes down to getting back to the basics of exercise and keeping it simply fun, and a part of our everyday life.  The latest trend of extreme this or that, no pain means no gain, or work until you bleed program will never become the maintenance body program that will carry us from where we are now into our elder years. There is much controversy with these types of programs and some are used to fit specific athletic goals, but not what the laymen person is looking for to get healthy and overall improve quality of life.  I am trying to motivate everyone to just MOVE IT FOR 30 MINUTES as a start, and not get caught up in the hype of fad exercise movements that may look absolutely amazing, but are not the “only way” to achieve healthy results.  There lies the confusion of interpretation that the only way to achieve a smoking hot body is to do this type of new trend or fad workout.  Believing that there is only one way to achieve something creates a very boring world and variety is truly the “spice of life.”

Working in this industry for over 30 years, I have come to appreciate more and more the simplicity of health and fitness, and that it truly does not require as much time as one might think to be a healthy person.  I never exceed a one hour block of time in my workouts and often I am reduced to the “move-it for 30-minute” program because it fits with my work schedule.  As long as I challenge my body, it feels good, and I am focused on quality of movement, I am accomplished and start my day energized.  Getting caught up in the stress of what we think exercise is according to the media scares many off with feelings of intimidation and inadequacy, and stopping people before they even start.  Crap, some of the things I see scare me as well, but the thing to remember is not to believe everything you read or see, and stick to searching for what works for you.  Keep it simple, don’t stress or sweat the small stuff, and all of us do have the time to just MOVE IT for 30 MINUTES.

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Friday, August 15, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on August 15, 2014 with No comments
The dreaded food journal can be your best friend and accountability partner when it comes to implementing a healthy nutrition program.  I have heard it all when it comes to fitness and food journals and the love/hate relationship that keeping track of food intake can cause. The problem is really not the food journal, but it is the issue of not being honest with ourselves.  When life is going great and our program is on track, we gladly write down every healthy morsel placed in our face with a smile and will even share the exciting events that are producing the positive results.  

On the other side of that coin is the need to hide or even toss our journals to the curb as temptations to go “off plan” creep into the program.  It is almost as if we convince ourselves that being unhealthy is not happening if it is not written down in the journal.  Believe me, you can run but your body will not hide the consequences of unhealthy choices.  The fact is the food journal wants to know all the dirty little secrets whirling around in our heads: our thoughts, if we are having triggers, cycle approaching, crappy day, or anything else that may send us into an unhealthy eating pattern.  Often times using the food journal as an emotional outlet helps to resolve behaviors that may occur, and allows us to get back on track sooner than later.

Giving our food journal the stink eye for poor food choices is not where that stare should be placed.  Living a healthy lifestyle is a personal choice and responsibility that we all need to realize.  If our fitness programs are off track that is on each of us and we need to own the consequences of those choices.  Keeping secrets from our food journal does nothing to help in a positive way, and in fact will prevent us from reaching the goals of a healthy body.

We can come up with all kinds of reasons to not journal our food intake: pain in the ass, waste of time, it’s not working, controls me too much, refuse to feel micromanaged, and the list goes on.  The food journal needs to stop getting the bad rap for our poor food choices, and the fact that it is not working is about the dishonesty that is occurring when we cheat on the journals.  Studies have shown weight loss success and overall health improvement when food and fitness journals are in place.  It is our unwillingness to take our health seriously that prevents us from reaching our goals.  When we cheat on the food journal we only cheat ourselves and it is true “what we eat in private, we wear in public”. Also, we are walking bill boards of the type of life we live, healthy or unhealthy.

We have the choice to view the food journal as friend or foe, and that choice will determine how serious we want to reach our goals and live a healthy life.  If we view the food journal as a friend that will always be there and never let us down, the success rate of weight loss and overall health improvement would increase by a great margin.  I believe it is time to do what we can to be accountable to a healthy lifestyle and although it may be difficult to see the real stuff behind our choices when we journal, it is necessary to make the changes that will get us going in a healthy direction.  Friends should be able to offer constructive criticism and have it be accepted in a positive way without defensiveness.  The food journal is there to do that very thing: show you what has gone wrong, where you can improve, and ultimately help you make better choices for living a healthy lifestyle. 

Heather Agnew Photography
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Stay Healthy!


Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on August 06, 2014 with No comments

So many of us have a hard time accepting the great things about ourselves, the accomplishments achieved, the results gained, and instead zero in on what we think is negative.  I have to admit that I am guilty of this on occasion and I know my hubby would like to beat me over the lack of “mental game” head when I have a vocal slip. Why do we go right for that juggler of what we “think” is not a great attribute on our bodies, even if it is a work in progress? I for one am going to toss any negative stuff that may pop out of my mouth about myself into the mental trash can.  I do not allow negative talk in my studio, and I will not be a hypocrite behind closed doors.  So, next time I complain about how my butt is not as lifted, and go for a squeeze of disappointment on the cheeks, I will slap my own backside for that behavior.

The journey of this life is to be our BEST self at every age, and joining the  50+ club now means my bootie will not be as high and tight as my twenty something beautiful backside daughter (btw … got it from her Mama J), but I applaud that I am happy with my body overall.  Sometimes I think it feels difficult mentally to grow old and more like an inability to believe or accept that it is happening.  We go through the process of living each day not thinking about what is going on with our bodies with each passing day, month, or year.  The reality is that we are all growing older and the changes that go along with that are not an option.  I am not counting the options of medical science elective processes that are chosen to hide what is happening with our aging process and let’s face it, minor elective procedures stop working or look absolutely ridiculous as the years add up.  In my mind I still feel twenty-something, but the mirror reveals a truth that sometimes blows my mind and I am sure many can relate to what I am saying.

It is not that I am being a negative Nancy about me or my body, but I do miss my younger self sometimes. I believe that is an OK feeling to have as long as it does not interfere with accepting the beautiful person that I am right now.  The years have gone by in what seems like a blink of an eye and that is what is so unbelievable.  I look at my daughter and see myself years younger and WOW, if that is not a reality check.  That is when the meaning of life and how generations are ready to step up and into the position of where I am hits home. It truly is a beautiful thing and growing older is an honor and privilege, but for many it is scary to face or accept.   It really is OK to say that I am fifty years old and that I am happy with my fitness level and body appearance. Loving ourselves right where we are is what starts the positive mental game process of improving and progressing.

Trashing who we are, verbally attacking our bodies, and feeling crappy or guilty about it is not a healthy way to live.  It is important to achieve the best health and fitness at every age and that is what matters in addition to being happy through the process.  No one enjoys being around a negative Nancy or Ned, and that can stop with each of us by holding our tongues and immediately changing our thought process to something positive when those negatives try to knock at our door. In fact, it is important to take it out of our door and right into the trash.

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Be well and Stay Healthy

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on July 31, 2014 with No comments
When it comes to getting a healthy fit body, it is not about making it complicated, extreme, and it is far from a science project.  There are so many confusing messages hitting us square in the face about the “right” diet and the “right” fitness fad exercise program to create what we so long to become.  Even further, people rush in droves overspending on pills, powders, gimmicks, videos, extreme fitness programs, and anything that promises a smoking hot body in two weeks or less.  Sadder still, there is no consideration of the negative effects on the body when such choices are made.  It is the dive blind and hope for the best philosophy and that would scare the crap out of me.

Think about the word health and what that means to you personally. I live a life of health and fitness and teach it as a lifestyle of quality that includes eating healthy foods, exercise and stretch on a regular basis.  It is also important to reduce pain in our bodies, and stress in our lives overall.  Lastly, I touch on the areas of emotional and spiritual health and wrap health up in a balanced package of physical, nutritional, emotional and spiritual well-being. There is nothing blind about the correct approach to adopting a healthy lifestyle and achieving that smoking hot body.

We all have the potential to create our best healthy body, but fall short when we slip through the cracks of empty promises and seek out the quick fixes that are never guaranteed.  What is guaranteed and will provide the results of good health and fitness are our individual choices to live a healthy life each day. This process is not rocket science but getting back to the basics of simple living.  Eating healthy has become such a complicated subject of what to eat, when to eat, why to eat and the same is true with exercise as everyone preaches the “my way is the only way” agendas. 

Let’s consider how to make healthy simple and work for each of us.  I like to start by writing down healthy foods that I enjoy eating: lean chicken, fish, peaches, plums, raw nuts, fresh vegetables, yogurts, and chocolate for example. I do the same thing with my exercise programs: ARC trainer, HIIT programs, dancing, stretching, and weight training to name a few.  I keep my cooking simple and healthy using olive and coconut oils, lots of spices, and herbs.  I exercise for no more than an hour 4 to 5 times per week, and make it a goal to get plenty of rest.  There is nothing magic about what works for me and I create my healthy lifestyle around what I enjoy.  If the focus is on simple, healthy, and fun, the results of that lifestyle will be seen on the outside as well as the inside.

Adopting a physical healthy lifestyle is not extreme, is not meant to hurt our bodies but a gift of moving our bodies in a way to challenge and build a stronger self.  There has been some trial and error as I have walked through the types of exercises that work best for my body, that continue to challenge me, but eliminate or greatly reduce risk of injury.  I may try something and feel aggravation and not that good sore that occurs from a great workout, and that is my body’s way of telling me not to do that move.  I simply remove what does not work for me, and keep what does.  My workouts will not be your workouts, and I do not buy into that philosophy of there is only one right way. Life and health does not work like that and I say run from any fitness professional who preaches that agenda. 

The same goes with adopting a healthy eating routine.  There is never a “one-size-fit” all program, we all have different tastes, and I hope we are all steering clear of foods that upset our systems. Our bodies are wonderful machines that know exactly what to do with the food we consume, and honestly, we are all adults with common sense enough to know that if we continue to eat like crap, we will feel like crap, and our bodies will be wearing the consequences.  There are no pills, potions, or exercise programs that will take away the results of poor eating habits.  It is important to realize that although science is at work in our bodies every day, when it comes to adopting a healthy lifestyle, let’s leave the rocket science where it belongs and get real with keeping it simple.

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