Showing posts with label Exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exercise. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Posted by whatsapp status on February 18, 2015 with No comments
I am not talking about pain that does not feel right when performing an exercise but what I am referring to is the emotional and mental pain that will enter each of our lives through differing circumstances.  Whether we are suffering crisis from a family member being ill, a death, divorce, or financial strain due to a job loss, these types of stressful situations can cause us to not take care of ourselves as we place health and fitness on the back burner.  We get so wrapped up in the pain of the event with our minds consumed, our emotional banks drained, and the energy to even put one foot in front of the other feeling like an impossible task. The burden feels heavy and the world can seem bigger than we are.  It will be in these moments where taking care of ourselves through exercise and eating right is even more important, and often times pushing through the pain even when we do not want to will be what keeps us healthy emotionally and physically.

It will not be easy and I share this personally as I am currently struggling with my father being gravely ill and rapid decline in health.  During sleepless days and nights of course I focus more on my nutrition and get in my exercise when I can, but do seek out exercise as being therapeutic and stress relieving. Studies have shown that exercise is directly linked to decreased depression and stress, which is why it is so important not to neglect this very important part of our life.  Our bodies are made to move and doing that helps prevent a spiral down into dark mental places.  All of us will experience pain in our life and that is unfortunately a part of this journey, and it will always be how we respond to the circumstances that will keep us healthy.  Journaling is another great way to feel comfort through painful situations, and if necessary a great counselor, and I am all for talking to God and prayer. The Blog is an outlet of expression for me and sharing my feelings with you also provides healing and hopefully a comfort for others going through a painful life episode. 

Life will not play fair that is a fact and we need to prepare ourselves by being healthy and happy to begin with.  Being fit helps us to cope better during emotional stress. Today is always the day to take the steps necessary to become your best YOU in all aspects.  Life is short, a gift, and taking it for granted is not only a shame, but will lead to a life of illness and unhappiness.  When the painful things in this life come knocking on your door, will you be ready physically, emotionally and spiritually?  Will you have the strength to push through the pain?

I dedicate this Blog to my wonderful father who is a fighter, and my beautiful mother who stands strongly by his side and for 55 years.  Thank you for blessing me with life, faith and love.

My Beautiful Parents

Me and My Fabulous Father
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Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on August 20, 2014 with No comments

Exercise does not have to be extreme to be effective.  When it comes to our health and fitness, it is not a competition, but a lifetime maintenance body program.  There may be those who have certain goals and need to perform above the maintenance requirement, but in general creating a healthy ROCKIN body can be accomplished by moving it for 30 minutes at least five days per week.  Most of us want to feel and look good in and out of clothes with a simple exercise routine that does not require leaping over tall buildings in single bounds and lifting hundreds of pounds of weight.  I am not knocking those doing the leaping, heavy lifting, or extreme sports with this Blog, but addressing the norm demographic of everyday people who just want to get healthy and look healthy.

Studies have shown that 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity such as brisk walking is sufficient to maintain a healthy body, and spread over time throughout the week.  It would be reduced to 75 hours per week if the exercise is vigorous like running or attending an aerobics class.  Also recommended is weight resistance training two days per week, and although the guidelines are not quite as thorough with duration on this one, I personally keep my weight training sessions to no more than 45 minutes including my warm up and stretch time.  What that means is if you move that body for 30 minutes five days per week while maintaining a healthy nutrition program, you will see results or maintain an already in shape physique.  Everyone has 30 minutes to give to their health regardless of any excuse thrown down on the table.  If health and fitness is a priority, the exercise will be a priority and that is the simple truth of it. 

The best part about getting our sweat on for 30 minutes is making it our own.  When we create physical activities that are enjoyable, that is what builds a lifestyle of physical activity.  If the outdoors suits your fancy, lace up the tennis shoes or hiking boots and find some fun trails, and if using cardio equipment while watching a show or listening to music floats your boat, that works just as well.  The heart muscle only understands the demands of exercise being placed on it, not what you are specifically doing if that is a question you are pondering.  Sweat is sweat, a mile is a mile, and 30 minutes is 30 minutes and what you do to increase the heart rate at a moderate level for that amount of time is up to you.  The point is to just MOVE IT!

It really comes down to getting back to the basics of exercise and keeping it simply fun, and a part of our everyday life.  The latest trend of extreme this or that, no pain means no gain, or work until you bleed program will never become the maintenance body program that will carry us from where we are now into our elder years. There is much controversy with these types of programs and some are used to fit specific athletic goals, but not what the laymen person is looking for to get healthy and overall improve quality of life.  I am trying to motivate everyone to just MOVE IT FOR 30 MINUTES as a start, and not get caught up in the hype of fad exercise movements that may look absolutely amazing, but are not the “only way” to achieve healthy results.  There lies the confusion of interpretation that the only way to achieve a smoking hot body is to do this type of new trend or fad workout.  Believing that there is only one way to achieve something creates a very boring world and variety is truly the “spice of life.”

Working in this industry for over 30 years, I have come to appreciate more and more the simplicity of health and fitness, and that it truly does not require as much time as one might think to be a healthy person.  I never exceed a one hour block of time in my workouts and often I am reduced to the “move-it for 30-minute” program because it fits with my work schedule.  As long as I challenge my body, it feels good, and I am focused on quality of movement, I am accomplished and start my day energized.  Getting caught up in the stress of what we think exercise is according to the media scares many off with feelings of intimidation and inadequacy, and stopping people before they even start.  Crap, some of the things I see scare me as well, but the thing to remember is not to believe everything you read or see, and stick to searching for what works for you.  Keep it simple, don’t stress or sweat the small stuff, and all of us do have the time to just MOVE IT for 30 MINUTES.

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Thursday, July 31, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on July 31, 2014 with No comments
When it comes to getting a healthy fit body, it is not about making it complicated, extreme, and it is far from a science project.  There are so many confusing messages hitting us square in the face about the “right” diet and the “right” fitness fad exercise program to create what we so long to become.  Even further, people rush in droves overspending on pills, powders, gimmicks, videos, extreme fitness programs, and anything that promises a smoking hot body in two weeks or less.  Sadder still, there is no consideration of the negative effects on the body when such choices are made.  It is the dive blind and hope for the best philosophy and that would scare the crap out of me.

Think about the word health and what that means to you personally. I live a life of health and fitness and teach it as a lifestyle of quality that includes eating healthy foods, exercise and stretch on a regular basis.  It is also important to reduce pain in our bodies, and stress in our lives overall.  Lastly, I touch on the areas of emotional and spiritual health and wrap health up in a balanced package of physical, nutritional, emotional and spiritual well-being. There is nothing blind about the correct approach to adopting a healthy lifestyle and achieving that smoking hot body.

We all have the potential to create our best healthy body, but fall short when we slip through the cracks of empty promises and seek out the quick fixes that are never guaranteed.  What is guaranteed and will provide the results of good health and fitness are our individual choices to live a healthy life each day. This process is not rocket science but getting back to the basics of simple living.  Eating healthy has become such a complicated subject of what to eat, when to eat, why to eat and the same is true with exercise as everyone preaches the “my way is the only way” agendas. 

Let’s consider how to make healthy simple and work for each of us.  I like to start by writing down healthy foods that I enjoy eating: lean chicken, fish, peaches, plums, raw nuts, fresh vegetables, yogurts, and chocolate for example. I do the same thing with my exercise programs: ARC trainer, HIIT programs, dancing, stretching, and weight training to name a few.  I keep my cooking simple and healthy using olive and coconut oils, lots of spices, and herbs.  I exercise for no more than an hour 4 to 5 times per week, and make it a goal to get plenty of rest.  There is nothing magic about what works for me and I create my healthy lifestyle around what I enjoy.  If the focus is on simple, healthy, and fun, the results of that lifestyle will be seen on the outside as well as the inside.

Adopting a physical healthy lifestyle is not extreme, is not meant to hurt our bodies but a gift of moving our bodies in a way to challenge and build a stronger self.  There has been some trial and error as I have walked through the types of exercises that work best for my body, that continue to challenge me, but eliminate or greatly reduce risk of injury.  I may try something and feel aggravation and not that good sore that occurs from a great workout, and that is my body’s way of telling me not to do that move.  I simply remove what does not work for me, and keep what does.  My workouts will not be your workouts, and I do not buy into that philosophy of there is only one right way. Life and health does not work like that and I say run from any fitness professional who preaches that agenda. 

The same goes with adopting a healthy eating routine.  There is never a “one-size-fit” all program, we all have different tastes, and I hope we are all steering clear of foods that upset our systems. Our bodies are wonderful machines that know exactly what to do with the food we consume, and honestly, we are all adults with common sense enough to know that if we continue to eat like crap, we will feel like crap, and our bodies will be wearing the consequences.  There are no pills, potions, or exercise programs that will take away the results of poor eating habits.  It is important to realize that although science is at work in our bodies every day, when it comes to adopting a healthy lifestyle, let’s leave the rocket science where it belongs and get real with keeping it simple.

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Be well and Stay Healthy

Friday, February 28, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on February 28, 2014 with No comments
Last week proved to be the start of some sort of attack on my body that did not come quietly.  To say that I have been “bit by a bug” is really too nice of an explanation for the being hit by a train, elephant sitting on my chest, unable to breathe feeling I experienced.  Unproductive congestion and having to sleep reclined really sucks.  This past week I have had a date with antibiotics, menthol under the nose, head under the towel steams, and lots of food channel, HG TV, and rest.  I rarely get sick and so this took me by surprise, picked me up in the air and slammed me down to the ground.

I share this because there are times when a body should not be in the gym or even attempting to workout.  Not that I felt like lifting my body off the couch anyway, but even as I began to get better, my body was still in need of rest.  I am determined not to relapse and I am still dealing with residual congestion that is absolutely obnoxious.  Along with the congestive yuck came weight loss living off soup, crackers, and Popsicles and this body just does not look or perform at its’ best with a deficit.  This girl needed comfort food and hubby delivered with some of the best mac and cheese ever.  Illness requires different needs and care and I am a firm believer of listening to my body in all aspects. 

Another area that really hits hard during illness is frustration because I am not able to do the things that are in my routine.  I not only enjoy working out but interacting with my family and friends and this has really put a halt to all of that.  I am getting tired of hanging out on the couch coughing up non-productive phlegm balls.  In the scheme of life, I know that two weeks off is nothing, but when you are going through the process of illness, it feels like eternity.  I also think about how others have it much worse than I, and that brings any whining to a screeching halt.  I do have to give a big thanks to my husband who has taken the best care of me, and puts up with the occasional gripe session, not to mention having to listen to all this coughing. 

I will continue to rest and recover and return to work and the gym slowly.  It will be important to not overtax this already taxed body so that the healing process will continue.  There are times when exercise is not a good thing for the body as I shared earlier, and rest becoming the priority.  The “old” Darla would not have put too much thought into a relapse and placed the exercise importance over the rest, but thank goodness she is long gone, and an older and wiser gal is in the picture.  The overall point is taking the best care of us in this journey of life, and sometimes that means exercise has to take a back seat.

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Friday, January 31, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on January 31, 2014 with No comments
Society really needs to stop the glorification of busy, and I am not one who is going to listen and accept all the excuses of not having enough time to care about making health a priority in life.  Let me rephrase that, I may listen to the laundry list, but I will definitely provide the tough questions in response and offer that better time management choices and priorities need to be addressed.  So many people create too much “busy” in life that every second of every hour is consumed by work, overtime, functions, social, social, social, volunteer work,  more work, more functions and the “YES” list goes on and on.  How can anyone pull themselves out of such a drowning pool of stuff, and many times all those so called important things consuming every minute are not even necessary.  Further, many of the things that fill those precious seconds are ways to avoid or hide from just “being”.  What is wrong with society to feel guilty sitting still for an hour alone in a contemplative state, relaxing, meditating, or exercising.  Has it got so bad that avoidance of looking at ourselves is too scary, disappointing, and living in denial has become the “norm”? 

I am convinced that people think it is impressive to be over busy and brag about it ad nauseam like some sort of “busy” award should be given.  I hope this ruffles a few feathers and causes people to think about their “busy” in the whole big scheme of life.  I mean what is this so “busy” mentality that good health is kicked to the curb and illness is accepted, and further taking pharmaceuticals to take care of the illness and stress caused by the “busy” and that being accepted.  Can you tell I am on a “soap box” on this subject?  I have worked in the health industry for over 30 years, and am strongly stating that the tiresome laundry list of busy needs a good washing out.  I am not talking about busy that may come from handling a temporary crisis, but years of putting off a healthy lifestyle all for the glorification of meaningless busy.   

The hard truth is that good health does not care about busy, and all those things that are cluttering up our time, creating stress, and keeping us from a healthy lifestyle WILL bring the consequence of illness.  Maybe not today or even tomorrow, but all that procrastination of not taking care of YOU will rear its’ ugly head in the form of illness, obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, joint and spinal issues, depression, and that list can go on and on as well.  It is the blow of illness that can rattle a person and finally cause a wake-up call to adapt a healthy lifestyle. Sadly, and many times at this point, permanent damage to body processes have already taken place, and the person that once was can never be again, to the extent of 100% recovery anyway.  It is at that point that the “things” in life become unimportant as the struggle to become healthy, and the regret of not taking care of oneself surfaces to the forefront of one’s life. 

We are all at a point of being able to prevent or greatly reduce illness, and I am and always will be a very candid health professional with you, my family, and all of my clients.  I can write all this to you and hope that you listen, but this is your journey and your decision.  I fear for those who choose to let this go in one ear and out the other, and if I have reached and shaken the limbs of others to start now to live a healthy lifestyle, then I have accomplished the goal I set out to with this write. 

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!


Thursday, December 5, 2013


Posted by whatsapp status on December 05, 2013 with No comments

I like that saying and it takes me back to when I was in junior high and high school.  I did not always feel the best about myself, but there was always a special motivation that came from my physical education teachers and coaches.  They made me feel accomplished, encouraged, and inspired me to do more and be more.  It was at that young age that I wanted to be like them, to be able to offer to young people that feeling of inner strength, confidence and overall happiness. goal in life was to be a P.E. teacher.  Of course I could not climb into their bodies and become them but imagining being them was pretty awesome in my younger years.  In my twists and turns of life, I am doing my passion on a broader spectrum than in a high school gym setting and I feel great about that.


The thing about life, mentors, and motivators is to understand the concept of guides, and yes to have goals.  The goals belong to each of us however, and admiring someone for blessing our lives in a positive way is absolutely fabulous, and even being inspired to work in a field of enjoyment, well life does not get any better.  The point I am getting to in this blog write is the importance of accepting the gift from a guide BUT having the ability to strive for our own goals and to achieve our own dreams. I am a guide and motivator for many people and I appreciate and am touched by all the wonderful feedback I receive on a daily basis. Now, I am going to get deeper here with you on this subject.  I am a guide NOT a goal, and I am speaking more about the physical appearance of Darla and what that may mean to you, how it affects you, what it makes you think about, how it motivates or not, etc. 


In my early competitive days, I admired Mia Finnegan and man did I want a body like hers.  I followed all the nutrition plans and extreme workouts to make that happen...but I was not her.  Why was I not good enough at that time?  It probably did not help to be scrutinized and judged on a stage by people I did not know, who were ready with pen in hand to tear apart the body that I worked so hard to put together.  It was at that time that I realized the politics that can and do exist in competition, but putting that aside, feelings of inadequacy and lack of confidence can break a person in such circumstances.  My point again...I would never be Mia Finnegan and what a letdown, but also a light bulb moment of time to love ME for ME.  So, I do understand when guides get skewed out of position and even placed on a pedestal, but you know what, we are all just people. I am no more special than you are, and doing what I do is a passion that I want to provide as a gift of motivation for you. 


If you have noticed, I am cautious and conservative about posting self-images.  When I do post "selfies", I want them to be meaningful, motivational, and touch a chord of inner strength within YOU that says...I CAN DO THIS.  With all the society pressure of wanting to look like or be someone we are not, it is even more important for guides such as me to be clear in communication of how unhealthy that is.  The purpose is to PLEASE ADAPT A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE, not to cause feelings of insecurity and discouragement.  I know this is a "you can't please everyone" world and even what I am writing may come across as offensive to one and motivating to another.  I am here to motivate and celebrate living a healthy life with you and that is what I will clearly communicate.




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