Showing posts with label Stay Healthy Fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stay Healthy Fitness. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on November 12, 2014 with No comments
We all can have a rebel that lives inside of us taunting and tempting us to turn to the dark side of unhealthy living.  It can even come in the form of outright discouragement from not seeing results right away and out of frustration stuffing our faces with crap because we think what’s the point? We can be our own worst enemy when it comes to putting ourselves down and throwing that adult temper tantrum that leads to nothing but making poor decisions and a negative “mental game”.  In comes resentment and anger at life, the choices we are making that should be working but not, and straight up “biotch” attitudes.  You have just met the inner rebel that seeks to destroy our efforts and take us down to the mental breaking point. 

I say, kick your rebel in the face and refuse to give in to the thoughts that will only give way to a domino effect of good things gone wrong.  Instead of listening to inner voices of temptation to jump ship with taking care of your health, slam immediately on the mental brakes and start writing down what you have been doing in a positive and negative way to take care of yourself.  This will require complete honesty about the food being eaten, alcohol being consumed, and exercise being done or avoided.  This is where we need to get real with our rebel self and in order to destroy the actions that occur from this other person.   Our mental game is at risk here and overall happiness with life and self.  If we lose control and throw in the towel, what good does that do anyone?  The battle is always with ourselves and how we handle that is again our responsibility.

I understand that not seeing results and working your ass off can feel so unfair when results in the mirror or on the scale are not being seen, but if you are completely honest with you, I am sure you will find that the rebel is allowed out to play way too much.  Becoming our best healthy self is about acceptance of this moment and what we are doing right now to change who we are physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Being in denial about the rebel within will not allow for the best you to emerge and consistently be in control of your life choices.  Anger and bitterness over our circumstances resolves nothing, but being pro-active to get to the bottom of why the rebel is winning will provide the answers needed so that a change can be implemented.  

My Bare Faced Beauty Hope
November Challenge for the Ladies:  No Makeup November to support the true beauty of all women.  I am very proud to sponsor my daughter Hope on this campaign to reach out to women all round the world in an effort for them to realize their true beauty, enjoyment and acceptance of self.  Head on over to the No Makeup November page like I did, ditch the brushes and post your beautiful bare face! 

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list, or if you want to receive my free updates, use the button at the right to select your feed preference. I look forward to responding to your comments and appreciate your shares.

Stay Healthy!

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on November 06, 2014 with No comments

Who is guilty?  The scale game starts as innocent accountability of weight loss and then turns into a game of just how much we can get away with.  The fitness program is going great, the weight is coming off at a healthy rate and all of a sudden our thoughts turn to bringing unhealthy food items back into our lives at a more than moderation rate.  We challenge that scale and see how far we can push those numbers because we think there is leeway.  The purpose of obtaining a healthy weight is not to yo-yo back and forth, but to get serious about our health and maintain the lifestyle.  If the scale gets in the way of that, it is time to toss it, especially when the “scale game” derails our health and fitness goals and mental game.

We are not kidding anyone but ourselves when we play games with our efforts and what is that saying about what we are doing.  There is no half-way living a healthy life and the expectation of obtaining goals by not giving your best will show not only on the scale, but with how our clothes are fitting, and how we feel overall.  The scale game robs us of what we are trying to accomplish with our health and body, and thinking that it is a way to sneak in what we shouldn’t, well that is just wrong.  Yes, it will let us know that we have gained or lost, but when the purpose is to see how much more crap we can eat, or how much less we can exercise, then I would call that scale abuse. I am all for weighing one time per week for accountability and celebrating maintaining a healthy weight, or weight loss, but put my foot down against the scale game. 


Success will never come from games or lack of commitment to your goals.  The results will come from effort, a change in lifestyle, and choices with the food we eat and the exercise that we do on a consistent basis.  The scale has nothing to do with the choices, but will let us know about positive progress in a weight loss program.  It can be a friend or foe depending on how our mental game perceives it and how it is being used.  If the “scale game” is an active part of a health program then it really is not a health program.  It is time to stop the games, dump the scale if necessary, and get on with what we are trying to accomplish with our efforts. 

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list, or if you want to receive my free updates, use the button at the right to select your feed preference. I look forward to responding to your comments and appreciate your shares.

Stay Healthy,



Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on October 15, 2014 with No comments
Let me clarify before I continue writing this article that my stance about sex is that it belongs and is a big part of a healthy marriage. The issue with sex and menopause, or even going through the premenopausal period brings lots of changes to the female body that can negatively impact our sex lives. I do cover all things health related and never to offend, but hopefully to motivate, inspire, educate, or get us thinking about our lives in a healthier way.  I have joined the ranks of the 50+ woman and feel that it is important to speak out about subjects that we all want to talk about, but seem to hide behind closed doors feeling ashamed, embarrassed, or in denial.  Whatever the case may be, please know that no woman will escape going through menopause, we all have this in common, and it is pretty awesome to think that there is a support system to lean on for answers.

I am just going to blurt it out, when it comes to sex and menopause, use it or lose it ladies.  As our hormones plummet to nothing, ugly things start to happen to the vaginal and surrounding tissue of the urethra.  Our once plumped up beautiful flower has started to wither away making pollination something of a challenge to say the least. What is happening is called vaginal atrophy and just as a muscle begins to decrease in size and shape when not exercised, the same thing happens to our vagina. Studies have shown that consistent sexual activity helps to promote lubrication of the vaginal walls and to maintain the shape and strength of the vaginal canal.  So it is not only important to have regular sexual activity, but also climaxing to exercise those muscles and bring blood flow to the area.  

Sex is a big part of a healthy marriage, and I applaud the husbands out there who are our biggest cheerleaders, and approach with patience and understanding their menopausal wives.  The bedroom romp takes on a whole different meaning when it comes to our aging bodies.  We will be the biggest investors of lubricants, gels, and creative play to maintain a healthy sex life.  The important thing to remember is not to get frustrated, relax, go with the flow, and just have sex.  Schedule a sex date with your spouse and focus on the feelings, sensations, and enjoyment of just being together.  That is what it is all about anyway, giving of ourselves to each other, without inhibition, embarrassment or shame for what we are going through, but a greater sharing experience and acceptance of who we are as women.  Place no expectations on the sexual experience and bask in the moment of play time with your spouse. 

Sex and menopause are just another part of our journey in this life and we do have a choice of how we will handle the changes.  It is important to be pro-active in taking care of our sexual bodies and applying whatever healthy measures that will enable us to feel good, sexy and confident in this area.  Avoiding the subject will not only create a dysfunctional vagina, but also an unhealthy marriage, since sexual closeness is an important part of expressing our need and want for our spouse.  Apply the “use it lose it” philosophy to your changing body and you will be on the right track to a healthier vagina through menopause.   

Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Remember to subscribe and never miss a free update. 

Be well and Stay Healthy

Monday, September 29, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on September 29, 2014 with No comments
Having a plan is so important in our success in life and health.  I think this quote says it well: “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”  When something is planned out and written down, not only is the motivation kicked up, but also the personal challenge to reach that goal increased.  Besides, it is a written plan right in front of our face, and not something that we are only thinking about and may put into place someday.  See the difference?  If we are good stewards of our money for example, we are budgeting for expenses with our income and successfully paying our mortgages, rents, and overall bills.  Without that budget plan in place, I am sure we can all agree a huge financial mess would be the result of our irresponsibility.  Planning takes responsibility and a commitment to do what is best for our life and health.  Failing to plan sets us up for failure. 

Let’s get back to the plan and what it takes to put a health related goal into place.  I highly recommend an accountability journal to plan out strategies for exercise scheduling and also a healthy food tracking area to record food intake daily.  I also like to keep track of water intake, sleep and my overall mental game.  Tracking your weight on a scale one time per week is also motivational to see your progress and to ensure that the plan is working.  When the plan fails to function, it is never the goal that changes, but the plan or program.  Finding what works for each of us is a trial, error and fine tuning of our plan until we see the results of our investments. Just as it is exciting to pay down debt with a responsible budget plan, it is equally or even more exciting to reduce our waist lines through our commitment to the plan of adopting a healthy lifestyle. 

Everybody understands the need and importance of money to support our lives and my goal is to convey that our health banks are even more important. Imagine not balancing our checkbooks and leaving out transactions each day to the point of not knowing the balance.  Accounts would be overdrawn, additional fees paid, collectors knocking at the door, and stress increased tenfold.  That same analogy can be applied to our daily exercise and food intake.  If we do not balance our food intake, write down what is consumed, or never record our exercise expenditure, we are setting ourselves up for weight gain, increased risk of disease and illness, increased stress, and eventually doctors knocking at the door. Looking at how important a plan is for success in these terms should motivate all of us to implement them today. 

Living a healthy life is not a guessing game or a wish and we are only kidding ourselves when we run around without a plan.  Success comes when daily habits of eating healthy and moving our bodies are made a planned priority. Do we sweep our money responsibilities under the rug?  Well, I suppose some may but the outcome is always an unhealthy consequence in doing so.  How much more important is our health and that so many people do just that, sweep it under the rug.  Let’s turn the goals of obtaining a fit body into more than just a wish by starting today with a plan for adopting a healthy lifestyle. 

Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Remember to subscribe and never miss a free update. 

Be well and Stay Healthy 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Positive Power of Corporate Health and Wellness

Posted by whatsapp status on November 20, 2013 with No comments

Studies have shown the positive benefits of implementing corporate wellness programs, and Pacific Power Renewables in Auburn California has jumped on the band wagon of health for their employees in a BIG way! When CEO, Dan Powell contacted me to run the kick-off fitness challenge for Pacific Power, I was more than happy to oblige and over-the-top excited to be a part of bringing health into their work place in a fun, interactive way.  This was not going to be about anything generic, but I wanted to reach out to each individual employee and provide realistic goals and ideas on how to adapt a healthy lifestyle.  The PPR Ten-Week Fitness Challenge was going to run right through the holiday season…now talk about being serious…I was all in and motivated to MOTIVATE them!  Check out what Dan Powell, CEO Pacific Power Renewables had to say:


“When we first considered this fitness challenge, it was meant to be a general health improvement program.  It wasn’t about insurance premiums or anything else, we just care about our little family here and wanted them to be healthier.  We hoped a residual benefit would be some team building and bonding. We originally expected about a 50% participation level and about a 50% attrition rate from there. We were surprised that we originally had over 95% participation and only two people have dropped out.  On the flip side of that, we’ve had people from related companies, family members, etc. who’ve wanted to take part after we started. 


Now not even halfway through it, we have noticed a significant improvement in energy levels.  People seem happier, healthier, and are working together as a team to plan meals, exercise, even just daily walks.  We’ve all been having a lot of fun with it.  It’s a competition but a friendly one.


Our program was designed to have individual prizes for the greatest weight loss as well as group prizes for aggregate weight loss.  As well, we wanted to keep people motivated, so we offered individual awards for each significant milestone; running shoes, water bottles, exercise balls etc. 


Only partway through our 10 week “fitness challenge”, we are declaring it an enormous success.  I attribute that to the following key factors:

1)  We hired a professional trainer in Darla Leal.  She assessed each person, set realistic goals and supported them throughout in uniquely individual ways.

2)  People here were on the verge of making these kind of life changes, they just lacked the motivation. 

3)  We went into this full bore, big prizes, professional trainer constant attention and motivation.


I have heard some touching stories come out of this.  People have made significant changes to their lives and we’re so glad we started this.  We’re having Darla give us a healthy cooking workshop in a couple weeks and people are really psyched about that.  Thank you for all your hard work Darla.  This has been fun!” Dan Powell (CEO Pacific Power Renewables Inc.)
Corporate wellness incentive plans are a great way to get employees started in a corporate health and wellness program.  Pacific Power has covered all bases with individual, group, and recognition awards throughout the program and the employees are definitely motivated.  I have seen excitement build over the weeks of working with each employee as weight has been lost, inches reduced, and overall health improved, but more than that, I have observed an improved mental outlook and happier person.


“I had been working out and eating somewhat healthy for months, but not losing the weight like I used to.  Darla offered lots of ways to make small changes that have really made a difference.  I’m finally on my journey in the right direction again!” Jennifer Goodwin


Most people spend more hours at work than anywhere else in addition to the time they spend commuting each day.  Taking that into consideration, it is easy to see why maintaining a healthy work and life balance has become increasingly important.  It is the caring employer that recognizes a corporate wellness program as an important tool to establish this balance.  The common goal of a workplace wellness program is to promote the well-being of the employees, employers and organization in general.  It is within such positive work environment that the morale is boosted overall, productivity is increased, and absenteeism is reduced as only a few benefits of a corporate wellness program.


“Darla is a very energetic, encouraging REAL trainer.  She listens to what your needs are and helps you find ways of success for your lifestyle.  Your encouragement and guidance got me started on the road to better health.  I am excited about losing weight and becoming healthier.  I am finding inner strength that I didn't realize I had and am now learning to control my weight instead of my weight controlling me.”Sarah Modgling

The bottom line is that Pacific Power Renewables has taken advantage of the benefits of corporate
wellness and has made it a goal to implement a program sooner than later, and not waiting until employees are stressed, sick or applying to other jobs.  I am touched each week by the care of the management and the response of the employees and have had the privilege to be a part of something very special within Pacific Power.  They have definitely set the bar high for other companies to follow suit in implementing a health and wellness program.  They realize that a healthy employee is a happy employee.

“I have really enjoyed this opportunity to work with Darla, and learn how to incorporate better, healthier choices into my life. Being accountable to another person has made it easier to stick to the program and keep up with my daily journal. Her enthusiasm is contagious and keeps me motivated to take my fitness to the next level.”

“Thank you so much for the nutrition work shop on Friday - it was a blast! The camaraderie that has developed from this program is really awesome!!”  Gina Herum
Stay Healthy Nutrition Workshop


Healthy Pizza Workshop
Another important and visible element of a corporate wellness program is setting up a fitness facility where employees can work-out.  Pacific Power Renewables has also answered that call and I have had the pleasure to conduct an interactive group exercise class as an intro to their new workout area.  This is definitely an added perk, free of cost, convenient and an investment that this company is willing to make for the health of their employees.  In addition to the fitness facility, Pacific Power has provided a Nutrition Workshop where I was able to teach not only the importance of eating healthy, but gave them a hands-on experience of cooking and tasting healthy foods.   When an organization invests in the health of their employees, the benefit is truly for the employer and employee as the quality of the workplace and the work through productivity and satisfaction are greatly improved in addition to overall health benefits for all.  Hats off to Pacific Power Renewables for making corporate health a priority!


It is time for all companies, large or small, to invest in the importance of health within their corporate environment.  I would be happy to consult with you to make this happen and I look forward to hearing from you.  Starting with a “Fun Fitness Challenge” to motivate and get people fired up for the program is a great start.  Give me a call today and StayHealthy!



Me with CEO Dan Powell and wife Karen
Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!






Friday, September 21, 2012


Posted by whatsapp status on September 21, 2012 with No comments

Well…not as big as they used to be physically but my mental and emotional shoulders are definitely making up for that loss…lol.  What the heck does this have to do with fitness, my life, my health…I say everything!

When you are in a position of internet personality, helping people from around the world, bravely putting yourself out there for all to see through images, videos, and opinions…well…the mental shoulders get well developed.   As you know, I am a say it like it is person, trainer, consultant, coach, expert and any other name that gets tagged onto “Darla” the fitness gal.  In this position, I MUST remain POSITIVE  and let things roll off my back like a duck sometimes.  The majority of the time, I am taken with appreciation, and thankfulness from so many for providing the hope they thought was never possible…touching to me as my purpose to help has been accomplished.

The other side of the coin can be exactly the opposite and filled with statements from people who do not take the time to know ME and jump into an attitude of sharing only judgments and negative comments.  I can read through that into an unhappy soul who really wants to be healthy and the BEST, but not at a place in their life and unwilling to make that happen, and it is always easiest to lash out at someone than take responsibility for self.   Really…I would like to reach out and give all those people a hug…NO…I really do…because they just need to have the encouragement and love to realize their fabulous potential. 


I do not need to go into statement details but anyone who sits in my position as a fitness expert who has put themselves out there understands the lashings that can come in reference to a fit body, workouts,  personal life, sharing success stories, making opinions and comments, and even recipes for crying out loud.  I was taught never to judge a book by its cover and this is so important in life, but especially in what I do for a living as I see people of all shapes and sizes…and they are ALL FABULOUS!!!  Could you imagine if I was a judgmental person…well…NO WAY…I could not do my job if I was running people into the ground for being too heavy, too skinny, low self esteem, body image issues, hairstyle, clothes, and the list can go on and on…how in the world would I MOTIVATE or help anyone with that mindset…I mean what in the heck is up with a judgmental mentality anyway.  Who am I to judge…am I God…NO…I am Darla, the person who just so happens to come to YOU daily through different internet mediums to In Your Face MOTIVATE YOU. 

I LOVE my Big Shoulders because they provide me with emotional strength and the ability to “not sweat the small stuff” in this life.  They give me a very caring spirit and the understanding that negative statements usually come from people who are truly hurting, bitter from personal issues or life events not dealt with yet, and who really want and need help, but just do not know how to be vulnerable enough to let those feelings out in a healthy way to start the healing process.  In my position of trainer, consultant and coach, I wear many hats, and during the times of hearing or receiving negative comments, I throw on the “coaching/therapist hat” and become the BEST listener in this moment, keying in on any details that I may be able to offer help, dig deep into who that person is, provide insight and  validation, but at the same time, provide the guidance that says…HEY…TODAY is a new day and time to toss the old crap to the curb and begin a new healthy lifestyle…you get the picture. 

 The beautiful part about my life is that I choose to be POSITIVE in ALL circumstances,  personally surround myself with people who will nourish my soul in a positive way, and lean on one of my favorite quotes that states “Life is 10% What Happens to You and 90% How You Respond to It.”   Does that mean that I avoid all negative people, situations, and comments in my work…of course not…this is not realistic in my position...I am surrounded by people on a daily basis physically and online who are going through things that they are healing from or do not even realize they need help with, and all that is needed are some Big Shoulders to take on the task of helping and healing.  Am I ever offended by such comments and sucked down to a point of OH MY…WHY DO I CONTINUE TO PUT MYSELF OUT THERE….well…the answer is a Big Hell No.  If anything, I feel challenged to help even more…I always have HOPE, always PERSEVERE, and do not believe in failure…in fact, in my opinion, failure is GOOD and a stepping stone to dusting off and becoming a better person.  In this journey called life, I will continue to develop my Big Shoulders, continue to MOTIVATE…some may like me and some may not…that is OK and out of my control…but I will push forward with the cause of helping people adapt healthy lives…and for my Big Shoulders…ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM!  Stay Healthy~


For a Limited Time Only, enjoy my Stay Healthy Nutrition Guide as a Free Gift to YOU with a $10 donation to support Stay Healthy Fitness, YOU, your health and happiness. Thank you all for the many MOTIVATIONAL comments, notes of appreciation, and emails sent to me through all my online mediums.  I read and respond to each and every one and hearing that I have helped YOU is YOUR gift to me.  Many Blessings to YOU and Stay Healthy!

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding! 

Have a Fabulous Week!

Stay Healthy!
