Showing posts with label cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cooking. Show all posts

Saturday, November 3, 2012

I Have Let Go of Being Hard on Myself

Posted by whatsapp status on November 03, 2012 with No comments


Believe me this has been a lifetime learning journey and it feels really good to be in this place…peaceful existence, balance with life and self, and overall feeling of AWWW…Life is BETTER than Great!

I can remember being caught up in the stuff that really does not matter in the BIG scheme of life…the house looking just right, what people thought, oh my…my body is not quite there…is that fat on my butt…really???  How many times am I going to give myself the outer thigh pinch test for crying out loud.  Oh…I burned this, and that food presentation does not look perfect, oh…am I saying that just right,  am I doing this right, and, oh no…my diet was not clean today and I have just ruined everything…REALLY?  Enough of that crap already…whew…like I shared earlier…I am so glad to NOT be there anymore. 

We really can be our own worst enemy if we let ourselves.  Thoughts of “not good enough” swirling around in my head years ago are thankfully gone, praise God that is for certain.   As I reach almost 50, I have to say that I have let go of being hard on myself…I mean what the heck would be the point.  I do not need the acceptance or approval of others to be ME, although as I shared earlier, I know how that feels to be in that ugly place.  Also, coming from a position of fitness competition, and featured here and there, I admit, I felt pressure to look a certain way, be a certain way, always on guard to public scrutiny and needing to be THAT GIRL…always in shape…perfect as some say…but…even then and now…I was and am FAR from that YUCK word.  As I have shared many times…PERFECT DOES NOT EXIST except in fairy tales and photo shop…what a mind @%#& life can throw a person if you let it. 

Moving to the NOW Darla…I do not “Sweat the Small Stuff” and I will certainly leave a few dishes in the sink and not worry about the pillow arrangement on the sofa when family and friends come over…I mean are they coming to see my dishes or me…taking that pressure off myself for years now feels FABULOUS and I really enjoy the precious moments of Life.  Am I saying that I do not take pride in my home and self… of course not…I am NO piggy.   What I am saying is my priorities have changed and I have a happy lived in home.  When my time comes to leave this life, will my regrets be…I should have made sure the dishes were done all the time, the house was spotless, and all the streaks off the mirrors, work more…NO WAY…in fact, I do not want any regrets…I want my life to be full of meaningful moments with my family and friends, and helping people adapt healthy lives.  What does this have to do with maintaining a healthy ME?  Let me tell you…STRESS relief plays a big role in feeling great about who I am and life in general.

Not stressing over things that do not warrant attention and giving attention to those things worthy of my attention are important to living a healthy life in my book.  I am not going to bash myself for hours on end for eating a splurge meal for example and thinking that I have ruined my life and health.  I am living life for heaven’s sake.  One or two splurge meals are not going to make or break my fitness health bank as the old ME would have thought.  NOPE…not going to sustain my body on boiled fish and broccoli as a lifetime routine…YUCK …not realistic and truly not sustainable for a lifetime of healthy eating.  My body definitely needs all the variety that comes from a variety of healthy foods…and I LOVE food to taste good…did I mention the spicier the better:) 

Taking a deep breath each morning and being a thankful woman for my health, my hubby, family, this body,  home,  job, and so many other things that often  get taken for granted like the beauty all around me is what fills me with absolute happiness.  Am I saying that I do not take care of myself physically and through my healthy foods…now that would be ridiculous…I have not gone rebel on you and saying that this is not important.  I live an example of a healthy life through my fitness and nutrition and share that with you as much as I can. I would be a hypocrite and not even be able to represent myself as a trainer and motivator if I did not live a healthy lifestyle.

 I have relaxed so much with acceptance of whom I am, loving my body as it is with all the changes that come with the aging process,  and knowing what is important as I have shared before…Being the BEST version of ME given my genetics and medical issues.  Genetically, I would have to say that I have my father’s long, lean look, and I have had to work hard to put muscle on this body to add the curves that I like.  So, I will no longer be a slave to society’s view of what Darla should look like, and I have let that go for years now, and celebrate the fact that it feels so good to NOT be hard on myself.  What I will say about myself is that I am a dedicated woman when it comes to being a healthy person and take the time and effort to ensure that my body is exercised and fed healthy food on a consistent basis…but being over the top obsessed to the point that my life is negatively affected…NO WAY!  Life is about beautiful balance, health in the physical, nutritional, and I can’t stress enough how important it has been for me to really key into my emotional and spiritual life.  Talk about feeling carefree, and open to sharing my life and being REAL…that is what I am all about.  


Me with My Fabulous Daughter Hope
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Have a FABULOUS weekend and upcoming week!
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Monday, October 8, 2012


Posted by whatsapp status on October 08, 2012 with No comments


I sit here as a mother who has  just watched her oldest son get married and I am in awe of where I am in life…not in an unhealthy way, but just in a WOW way.   I see the cycle of life being repeated in my children, every single one of them, and sometimes I am filled with disbelief of how fast the time has gone, the ages of my children, and the lives they now live, and finally… where I am…WOW!  I can still remember when my parents were my age and going through what I just experienced…can you relate? 

In a couple of years I will be 50 years young and wiser for the journey, but holy moly, I blinked my eyes and time traveled to “now” in an instant…so it seems.  I try to explain this phenomenon to my kids and they are not getting it just yet…but they soon will as their lives are becoming filled with the responsibility of adult life…marriage, work, college, financial obligations, etc.  This is a time of reflection for me as my very emotional “Mom Moment” took place watching my son get married…I hung on every word that was said, visually photographed their faces, every look, laugh, tear in that moment and sat there so full of being overwhelmed with gut wrenching feelings…happiness, sadness, joy, pride…everything all wrapped into one emotional package that required lots of tissue to the rescue. 


Each moment seems like it will last forever, but I am here to tell you…NOT…and I am sure many of you share in this feeling and knowledge.  I am now in a different stage of “Mom” and although I absolutely love where I am…it can feel weird.  I can still remember when my kids were small as if it were yesterday, and when they walk through the door now, I am looking at beautiful people capable of self sufficiency, intellectual conversation, and I am thankful that much of taking care of myself through fitness and nutrition  has rubbed off on them…and I think…WOW…that fabulous person came out of me…not to be gross or anything by saying that…but I am blown away by the adult who is also my child…I hope that makes sense.  The time I spend with them is much different, still full of love and hugs, but very much “adult” in our sharing.  
WOW... My Adult Kids
In my journey of Momhood I have transitioned through many phases, learned so much, loved so dearly, and pained through moments of difficult times.  I would have to say that being a mother has been one of the biggest successes of my life and probably one of the most important roles I have played and still play.  Marrying my best friend and husband, Don…I have gained 2 more adult children and with both our sons now married, I have 2 beautiful daughter-in-laws, in addition to our first grandchild last year.  Needless to say, I am one proud MAMA and Nana.


What does my “Mom Moment” have to do with maintaining healthy ME…I say it speaks volumes of who I am as a healthy person, a woman who places value and priority where it should be, and always does her best to live as a healthy example to all of my children…even if I get called “Dr. Phil” or something funny like that when I put on the therapist hat.  Balance is important to living a healthy life, and taking care of myself through living a healthy life along my Mom journey has made a difference in the lives of my children who now implement healthy lifestyles for themselves.  It has been such an honor and privilege to watch my children grow into beautiful adults and my Momhood journey still continues as I now add the phase of grandmother…and you know…I feel pretty blessed to be able to feel like a kid, play like a kid, and enjoy every moment in this life looking forward to the next great event that will send me needing a box of tissue… I AM READY!

I dedicate this Blog to my Beautiful son, Eli and new bride Hayley.  I look forward to being a part of your lives as husband and wife, and continuing my journey as Mom to you both.  Here is to YOU, your marriage and may God bless you as you begin your journey together.  Love you~



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Me and My Fabulous Mom
Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding! 
Have a Fabulous Week!
Stay Healthy!


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Balance, Life, and Vacation

Posted by whatsapp status on July 19, 2012 with No comments

On Vacation!
If you tuned into my last Blog, you may have figured out that I was going on vacation…well…I DID and had a blast…except for the nasty scrape and bruise to my bootie that I am still healing from …talk about a pain in the backside…YIKES…I will go more into that in a bit.  Let me just tell you that I am a simple gal and when it comes to our boat trips, I pack light because we are usually in swim suits most of the time, don’t wear makeup…don’t need it and rarely wear it anyway, lots of sunscreen…non-stinging waterproof please, Burt’s Bees lip balm, and my MUST have leave in spray conditioner to get out the tangles from lots of swimming;)…Woo Hoo that is what I am talking about…simplicity as it’s vacation BEST. 

When Friday came, I took my watch off and did not concern myself with what time it was for one full week…no time constraint, no schedules…AHHH…such a free feeling to do whatever I wanted, when I wanted without hurry, deadline, and just reading my body for eating times and sleeping…and of course enjoying quality time with hubby, boating fun and the great outdoors.  It truly seems like life should be this simple, this stress free most of the time.  I think it is important to MAKE IT HAPPEN…to schedule those down time moments to really appreciate what life is all about…it is definitely not about the GO GO GO, and  DON’T STOP TILL YOU DROP life…NOT FOR ME. 

One of our Coves
Deer Sighting!!!
Did I freak out knowing I was not going to be getting in my normal workouts…maybe at first and only for a second… this girl was ready to go.  Actually, I was looking forward to giving my body a rest, plugging into some meditation, being creative with active rest, and truly taking in LIFE.  Not that I do not do that on a daily basis, but sometimes, a deeper spending of time to appreciate everything around me is in order.  Also, taking a vacation is a good way to prevent burn out by taking a break from the things that are done day in and day out.  I come back with a renewed sense of being each time…I LOVE THAT.

Was I going to rebel and throw all my healthy philosophies out the window…of course NOT.  Was I going to provide leniency to enjoy things that I typically would not partake in moderation…a BIG YES!  Life is about balance, about living, about enjoying, about BEING REAL…that is who I am…REAL.  Please do not think that I am some super fitness freak who spends hours in the gym working out, and only eating boiled chicken, steamed broccoli and egg whites…WRONG.  Not to say that these items are not in my nutrition plan…but really…if you have seen my recipes, I am very much into great tasting food and lots of variety.  Our cooler was full of prepared meals of Quinoa with sun dried tomatoes, lean turkey meats, marinated chicken, spinach salad…you get the picture.  We did purchase some Organic Flax Meal Chips from Costco and I have to say…impressed with the quality.  Important to intake a little salt when spending time in the heat in addition to lots of water…so a few chips here and there fueled this water girl.  


Trail to Water slide
We launched at Lake Shasta, one of our favorite spots to putt around, swim, and create our own adventures.  Each day, we did what we wanted and were active by taking in ½  to 1 mile swims each day, having pull up contests off the boat dive platform, and hiking around off shore.  Now…getting to the bootie injury…a few minutes of fun for over a week of discomfort…next time I am bringing on the  OK…we discovered a Natural Rock Water Slide that existed off one of the coves, and although a bit of a hike to get there…it was absolutely beautiful and tropical looking…so many pools surrounded by golden rocks…BREATHTAKING.  The end of paradise trail revealed the Rock Water Slide…well, a swim across the natural pool and climb up the rocks using a knotted rope was the only way to reach the top of the slide ... I admit I was a bit was a thrill for sure...but...the OH NO ...bump bump bump…scraped my bootie on the rocks.  

Water slide! I was able to find this pic online
Accomplished, but man did it tear a half dollar size deep raspberry on my tailbone area…talk about not being able to sit down for a week…there you have it…this bootie will definitely be padded next time.  I seemed to be the only one with the bootie problem as I asked others coming off the slide if they hurt their tailbone…no, no and no…hmmm…oh well.  I did witness people hiking all the way, and deciding not to try the adventure, but all was good fun…always about the journey.  My hubby went down about 3 times…I was happy with my one time adventure especially with my backside burning when it hit the water.  

Coming back from vacation is always bitter sweet, but it does feel good to get home, sleep in my own bed, get my ground legs back, and return to my routine.  I do return with a renewed sense of self as I shared earlier, feeling content, happy, and even more creatively sparked.  I enjoy seeing my clients and firing up my oven for some healthy baking.  The point I am trying to bring home is not how I burnt my bum on the water slide, but how important it is to take a step back, slow things down, get out of a rut, change things up, have some fun, and just be free for awhile, even if it is for a day, or even a week.  I know that balance is important  to my successful and happy life, helps to reduce stress, enables me to clear my head, and spend quality time not only with me but the best part…spending time with my partner, friend, and love of my life.  Now that is FABULOUS in my Stay Healthy Book!

Me with my Fabulous Husband, Don...We Enjoy our Healthy Life


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Have a Fabulous Week!
Stay Healthy!