Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Our Daily Choices Define Our Fitness

Posted by whatsapp status on January 19, 2017 with No comments

Being fit is not a temporary condition but fills our entire day and life. The motivation to get in shape may have initiated with bikini season or an event. The fitness results, however, should be life long.

Unfortunately many settle back into old unhealthy habits, but that's not the way fitness is supposed to work. We are living not realizing life is the event we are getting fit for.

I approach my fit lifestyle with a plan. My energy is highest in the morning, so I schedule my workouts accordingly. Starting my day with exercise enables me to feel great for the remainder of my 24/7 fitness shift.

The workout is not the only part of staying lean and muscular. Planning my nutrition plays a major role in maintaining my body. I have lots of healthy food ready to go and follow a 90/10 nutrition plan. I may relax some on the weekend shifting down to 80/20 allowing for a few treats. I also drink plenty of water and consider it an essential nutrient.

Fitness doesn't end at the workout but includes the 23-hours after sweating your butt off. Working out daily and turning around eating crappy on the regular isn't the definition of being fit. What we choose to eat, hours of sleep and even our stress levels determine our fitness.

When fitness becomes a habit, the healthy behavior is done without thought and going through the motions come naturally. Being fit is not a pretend or fake lifestyle. Your body always knows the truth of your actions. In fact, those who are closest to you will know exactly how you're living and if it represents health and fitness.

The choices we make throughout the day determine our fitness. When we adopt a fit lifestyle, it just feels normal. We don't think, we just do and it feels right. We are living our best life and feeling great about it. Our body represents the life we choose to live and what we do today affects today but also all our tomorrows.

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Friday, January 13, 2017

Sorta Kinda Fitness Doesn't Work

Posted by whatsapp status on January 13, 2017 with No comments
We want to be fit, feel good and look great. You may be trolling the net right now for the newest fad diet or quick fix to fitness. We struggle with giving 100 percent to getting in shape the right way. We are stuck in sorta kinda fitness.

Sound familiar? We want results but just can't commit to a fit lifestyle. We blame others and ourselves for eating off track and make excuses for missing workouts. When we give a small percentage to doing it right expect small rewards in return.

We are wasting too much time and missing too many opportunities to get healthy. Why is that? What is going on in our lives where we stop making ourselves a priority? Instead of looking into the issue, we accept it as our normal. This is an unfortunate truth.

We have great intentions and even put in some effort to eat right and exercise. This is awesome and to be applauded. Something happens to halt the process. Our mind plays negative games, we may hear a hurtful comment, or not seeing results causes frustration.

Sorta kinda fitness also involves partying too much with friends or at home. Eating crappy food half the time and managing only one or two workouts per week. We can even be in denial about these behaviors. We believe living this way is fitness.

Resentment can be a problem with sorta-kinda fitness. We don't understand why we're not losing fat or not seeing muscle. More self-doubt and what's the use mentality creeps into our thoughts. It's time to take off the rose-colored fitness glasses.

Living a half-way fitness life is not giving your all to the program. Being in denial and pissed off about it doesn't help or change things.When we start taking responsibility for our health is when fitness happens. Fitness is a lifestyle and sorta kinda just doesn't work. Straight talk all in fitness love. Stay Healthy!

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Monday, January 9, 2017

Why Do We Complicate Fitness?

Posted by whatsapp status on January 09, 2017 with No comments
The only hard thing about fitness is negative thoughts about the process. We convince ourselves a boring diet is needed and endless hours of exercise are required. We go as far as considering it a burden and a cramp in our lifestyle. Instead of turning our nose up at the very thought of getting healthy, maybe rethinking the process is all that's needed.

Do you think people decades ago farming for a living to survive working from sunrise to sunset worried about a diet? They may have spent hours doing physical labor, but it was a lifestyle and eating healthy was part of it. Nothing complicated, just some sweat, and eating home cooking straight from the garden. Their bodies represented how they lived. Unfortunately, this has been replaced by couch potato channel surfing, stuffing our faces with processed food and diets that don't work.

Getting fit doesn't take a miracle diet and certainly isn't a secret to accomplishing the goal. The problem is within our thoughts and unrealistic expectations. You want to lose 20 pounds in a week and look like a fitness model. Not going to happen. We also want the process to be an easy quick fix requiring no workouts and drinking magic shakes while remaining on our sofas. Wake up America!

Being fit and healthy is really simple. Eat greens, grains, lean meats, healthy fats, drink lots of water and exercise at least 3 times per week. Nothing hard about it and it's not a diet. Why is this process considered boring, tasteless, and the end of fun in life? Society and marketing have done a great job brainwashing people to believe a load of crap.

Eating a fresh organic crisp apple or perfectly grilled chicken breast are not what I call horrible. Are you kidding me?  Remember eating celery stuffed with peanut butter? Now that's a healthy treat full of flavor and fun. Being fit will take tossing the food myths and getting real with your thoughts about health. It will also require you to move your butt off the couch and into the gym. Exercise is what you enjoy. Love basketball? Start playing. Enjoy dancing?  Look into a Zumba class. I like to use the jungle gyms at parks and play around on those doing pull-ups, step-ups, and triceps dips for example. No more excuses or belief that fitness is complicated. It's time we all embrace the simplicity of the process and have fun on the journey.

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Be well and Stay Healthy!


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Why is Unhealthy the Acceptable Norm?

Posted by whatsapp status on January 03, 2017 with No comments
Have you been feeling unhealthy and just not right for some time? This can be physically or emotionally. Yet, we continue to accommodate and even accept the situation. Our body and mind can only take so much before it breaks. We ignore the signs until we are lying face down in our own hopelessness.

We're aware of how unhealthy we are and how bad we feel but continue to tough it out day after day. Instead of making changes to create a better situation, we simply accept unhealthy as our normal way of life. Sad but true. Many of us don't even realize how good we're supposed to feel. We continue to eat processed foods, refrain from exercise and live under a cloud of stress.

How often do you take inventory of your life?  Are you accommodating joint pain and illness from eating unhealthy foods leading to being overweight?  Are life's circumstances so stressful to the point of causing depression and anxiety? What's going on at home in your personal relationships?  Is your home a peaceful sanctuary or a war zone?  How about the job? Are you happy and doing what you've always envisioned or burdened by the thought?

We are meant to live a happy, healthy life. The unfortunate truth is many of us choose to accommodate being unhealthy. We eat and drink things we shouldn't, become couch potatoes and drown in our own self-pity.

Isn't it time we stop accommodating unhealthy and start fixing the problem?  If you don't know where to begin, ask for help. No shame or stigma about needing assistance sometimes. We've all been there. Society puts shaming on every human topic ad nauseam. If seeking help from a professional gets you on the right track, then go for it. I suggest an expert in the area of your struggle.

If you want to adopt a healthy lifestyle, consult with a qualified personal trainer, nutritionist, or registered dietician.  Making a doctor's appointment to discuss your stress and seeing a licensed counselor or therapist may be helpful. Check out your local church and talk to a pastor. If the marriage is suffering, sometimes all you need is a little help from a licensed marriage and family counselor. The great news is you have options!

What it boils down to is changing your life for the better. It requires recognition of the problem and a willingness to fix it. There is nothing healthy about accommodating unhealthy. You can either sit and wallow where you are or put on a fix-it attitude. Wishing you health and happiness!

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Be Well and Stay Healthy 

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Why Wait for New Year to Make a Change?

Posted by whatsapp status on December 28, 2016 with No comments
I enjoy the excitement and celebration of New Year but not really a big fan of the resolutions. Largely due to seeing so many people not follow through after a few weeks, or even days. The fireworks of new healthy promises are typically replaced by old habits. The new healthy lifestyle fizzles back into the norm of unhealthy choices. Sad but true.

Why wait for New Year’s to make a positive decision to change your life and become healthier people?  Today is always the best day to make a change. Never put off until tomorrow what can be accomplished today.

New Year has been a holiday used as a crutch to continue living unhealthy lives. Why? Because we put off until the New Year what we should be doing now and abuse the days leading up to the event. We create an excuse to consume large amounts of unhealthy food and avoid starting an exercise program until the so-called magical perfect time. 

The reality is no perfect time exists and life doesn't wait for our decisions. It goes on whether we join in the positive decision making process or not. Procrastination is the thief of health and fitness. Not taking care of ourselves eventually leads to poor lab results, obesity, heart issues, diabetes, hypertension, increased stress and the list goes on.

Wouldn’t it be better going into the New Year with a healthy lifestyle already in place? 

I'm not trying to be a Darla Downer for the upcoming New Year. I simply want you to consider the reason for waiting to become a healthy person. Celebrating is awesome and decisions made on any day are worth raising a glass in cheers. I applaud all efforts to adopt a healthy lifestyle and the awesome thing is it doesn't have to wait until January 1st.

But what about all the holiday food and fun? I agree there is a bounty of savory and sweet treats during the holidays. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a little of this and that. This is called living life and balance. However, including your healthy foods and exercise should also be part of your holiday season.

Let’s not use the holiday as an excuse to not take care of ourselves. We have promoted a hall pass to a month of junk food for long enough. When the so-called fun is said and done, we are left with expanded guts and butts. Why cause frustration knowing it will be that much longer and harder to undo what has been done? Think on that.  

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Happy Stay Healthy New Year

Monday, November 28, 2016

Fitness Needs to Become an Action We Put into Practice

Posted by whatsapp status on November 28, 2016 with No comments

Fitness needs to stop being a dream we think about and become an action we put into practice. There are so many factors getting in our way. Negative thoughts and self-defeat are high on the list. Using "too busy" as an excuse is another fitness barrier. Frustration with the lack of results can cause us to think it will never happen.

Fitness requires us to live beyond our dreams. We all have the potential to achieve success. Remaining positive in a negative world will be first on the agenda. No more downing yourself before even trying. "Busy" is a word used for people who really don't want it bad enough. Lastly, there is no such thing as instant results. Daily progress should become the focus.

The action needed to get fit is a daily choice. Start by making a plan and sticking to it. It will be important to schedule your workouts and spend time meal prepping. Avoid processed convenience foods and replace those with healthy nutrient dense foods. Start hanging around people who are positive of your fitness goals.

It comes down to you being responsible for your body and what it looks like. You want it?  Go get it. This is called living beyond your dreams. Nothing is going to happen until you make it happen.

Fitness is a permanent lifestyle change, not something that magically occurs. This is your journey, your body, and your fitness. You will never look like anyone except your best healthy self when it's all said and done. Are you ready to live beyond your dreams? Straight talk but all in fitness love!

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Be well and Stay Healthy

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Fitness is a Constant State of Change

Posted by whatsapp status on November 01, 2016 with No comments
Change is necessary, can be a challenge, and inevitable. Sometimes we have no control over change as with the aging process or certain illness. What we can control are changes making us healthier people. That means taking an honest look at our lifestyle. What are we eating and are we exercising? How do we implement all this change? 

Change is a big part of this journey of life. None of us are exempt from the constant changes needed to make our situation better. Did you know our bodies change at every level each day without our knowledge?  

Personally, I have undergone a lot of change in this life as an athlete. My healthy lifestyle enabled me to face many physical challenges. One of the toughest physical changes was rehabilitation from injury. It required perseverance not to give up, and acceptance of not being able to perform athletically as before. 

The inevitable change often difficult for me presently are the changes occurring with the aging process. No amount of exercise is going to stop hormonal shifts and other changes I have posted about going through menopause. This transition or "the change" in life is definitely proving to be a challenge.   

We are all aging each day and our bodies changing through the process. When I was younger I didn't think too much about it. Being over 50, I can get overwhelmed by the different way I feel in menopause. I am sure many of you can relate. 

Both men and women face the inevitable changes occurring with the aging process. Whether prostate issues for men or night sweats for women, it's a situation that can add frustration to life. 

I am open about everything health related. I feel issues, even those topics that may fall into the taboo to be discussed in public are fair game. In fact, I hope we can all agree that sensitive subjects relating to health need to be addressed and shared. Why? Many people are searching for answers or at least support to not feel alone in their experience. If Dr. Oz can discuss the perfect poop shape, vaginal dryness, and orgasms, then for crying out loud, I am surely going to talk about it. 

All change can feel difficult, or extremely fantastic depending on the situation. Adapting a healthy lifestyle through eating nutrient dense foods and regular exercise will bring about a healthy body. Feeling and functioning better can be experienced pretty quickly with these changes. Although the process can feel like a challenge, eventually the change will provide an overall healthy state of mind and wellbeing.  

Change occurring with injury or illness is harder to accept and embrace, at least in the beginning. I found that it takes hard work, lots of patience, and faith first and foremost. Also, the will to want to become healthier and better no matter what that looks like. Our life may be modified but our health can still be optimal. I discovered, the only disability that exists in life is the one existing in our mind. 

The inevitable change of aging is also an area which will require patience and acceptance. We're all becoming new people every day with all this change. We don't always need to feel great about the aging process but it is a transition we need to accept. I'm not saying to celebrate hot flashes and lowered libidos because this is no fun for anyone. Our body is making hormone adjustments our thinking brain hasn't caught up to yet. It's simply our time to cut ourselves some slack and embrace the journey.

The important thing is to change those things we can control to become healthier people and let go of the rest.   


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Be well and Stay Healthy


Saturday, October 22, 2016

It is Never Too Late to Get Fit

Posted by whatsapp status on October 22, 2016 with No comments
Getting fit and healthy is not just for the twenty-somethings. It's never too late, circumstances never too bad, and we're never too old to become our best healthy self. Our minds can play negative tricks on us. We often believe our goals are unattainable. That simply isn't the truth. We need to change the thoughts about our life and body to begin the process of kicking out the mental clutter.

Beginning each day with a positive focus is essential. It will be a daily choice not to continue unhealthy patterns, believe past doubts and fears, or give in to self sabotage. This will be a time of inner strength development and purging all the crap that held you down for so long. It will be an emptying of the old self into the trash and an awakening of the new stronger you ready to make things happen.

Each day is a new opportunity to change. We possess the awesome ability to make decisions bringing us closer to our fitness goals. It's important to remain realistic and I recommend small changes to start. Examples of realistic goals would be losing 8 pounds in a month or registering to walk your first 5K.

Also helpful for fitness accountability is keeping a food journal. You will be able to honestly track your food intake and make appropriate changes to start eating healthier.

Use your journal to plan an exercise time on your calendar. You will not always feel like working out, but it will be important not to cancel on yourself. You are worthy of good health and a great life. The simple steps of eating right, exercising 3 to 4 times per week, maintaining a food journal, and keeping a positive attitude will provide the results you want.

This is not a quick fix so mentally prepare for a lifestyle change. The time will pass anyway so you might as well be working on health improvement. Fitness is also not about perfection but progress as we strive each day to be healthy.

Self pity will not be your friend nor an excuse to throw in the towel. There will be days when it feels really hard and you may even want to give up. Hold onto knowing you are stronger than any negative thoughts.

Getting fit is earned not given. Believing this goal can happen at any age or circumstance is half the battle. You're now armed with the motivation to do what it takes to achieve your goals.

Helpful Tips:

  • Eat a wide variety of healthy foods that include lean proteins, good carbohydrates and healthy fats.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Get to bed at a decent hour and try for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
  • Exercise 3-4 times per week to start and progress as you get stronger.
  • Include weight resistance training 1-2 times per week to start.
  • Keep a food journal for accountability ... be honest with yourself.
  • Dump the junk food and replace with healthy food options.
  • Pay attention to portion sizes and read food labels.
  • Eat several small meals per day and do not allow yourself to feel hungry.
  • Weigh in only one time per week, pay attention to how your clothes are fitting, and how you look naked. 
  • Make time for prayer and positive self talk to keep up the motivation.
  • Set realistic small goals to start like losing 10lbs or signing up to walk your first 5K. 
  • Hire a qualified personal trainer for guidance and motivation if going it alone feels too overwhelming.

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Monday, October 17, 2016

Achieving a Lean Body is Possible for Everyone

Posted by whatsapp status on October 17, 2016 with No comments
Achieving a lean and healthy body is possible for all of us. We have the ability to do what it takes to make it happen. It doesn't cost lots of money, require anything special, not even a gym membership. We can achieve a lean body naturally by choosing a healthy lifestyle. The choices we make each day determine what our body will look and feel like.

Consistency with eating right, exercise, plenty of rest, water and decreased stress will help create the body we want. It starts with our grocery lists and foods we buy to maintain our physique. If we're buying processed sugar filled food products then we will create an unhealthy body. It really is that simple but many of us refuse to change this basic part of living. The same goes for exercise. If you're not taking care of your body with a regular fitness program, it will let you know through injury or stiffness.

We can lean up naturally by purchasing healthy foods and eating at home most of the time. Our hard earned dollars will be well spent on healthy food instead of fake products. This way we know what and how much we're eating and at a cost saving. Eating healthy 80 percent of the time will result in reduced body fat and overall leaner look. Reducing alcohol consumption to no more than 1 to 2 times per week will make this happen even faster. Drinking plenty of water will also speed up the process.

No gym membership required to get up and move that body! You can even start burning extra calories by taking a brisk walk for 30 minutes several times per week. Add in a few push-ups, squats, crunches and stretching to create an at home program to build muscle. Achieving a lean body is not complicated or expensive. It's our daily choices and actions that control what we look like inside and out. We all have the ability, but the choice is always up to each of us.

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Friday, September 30, 2016

For Things to Change it Requires a Change

Posted by whatsapp status on September 30, 2016 with No comments
We can all get stuck in a rut, feel funky, or backslide on our health and fitness programs.  Burnout and frustration are top reasons for giving up and returning to unhealthy habits. Rebelling to changes required for a healthy body and lifestyle is also a common behavior. 

We're all walking a different fitness path but with the same goals of being fit. We want the look and feel of good health but really aren't putting forth a change to experience change. That is the truth with all things in life: change requires change. If we're unhappy with our health, body, or life in general, a deliberate choice to change needs to happen.  

Sometimes it's a difficult process to implement necessary changes to better our health and life. Our rebel self can surface and try to sabotage our attempts to do something great which happens more often than not.

Getting mad about it doesn't bring about what needs to happen. Making a promise to ourselves to change and following through with that change is what will make the difference in our lives.

I suppose if anger was channeled into positive action and motivates the change, then getting mad temporarily could be an OK thing. However, anger often leads to bitterness and a give-up attitude. It's best to remain positive while making positive changes. 

Change takes a choice and patience. It's also a focus on progress and not perfection. As we strive to change our health and fitness, it's important to realize it will be a journey and a challenge. Remember challenges in life are what change us. They are the learning tools of becoming a healthy person physically and emotionally.

The saying “do what you have always done and you will get what you have always gotten” is true for life, fitness, and health. If we don't change what we do, we will remain in our same states of unhealthiness. We need to start owning the unhealthy parts of our life so we can figure out what needs to be done to change each area. 

Are you unhealthy, unhappy, stressed, anxious, angry or whatever question you want to add? Why and what needs to be done to change that? The goal for each of us is to implement the changes to create healthy change in our life. Once health is made a priority, you will start feeling better and stimulated to make even more positive changes. Improving our fitness and health reduces illness, enables us to handle stress, and creates a happier state of well-being. 

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Be well and Stay Healthy

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

It's About Time We Fix Our Fitness

Posted by whatsapp status on September 27, 2016 with No comments

Let's face it, we don't need anyone to tell us we're overweight or unhealthy. We are adults and know when we need to fix our fitness. When our body isn't healthy, we usually are unhappy, not feeling our best, and may have been told by the doctor to change our lifestyle. Our friends and family may also be giving us kind hints to take better care of ourselves.

If all the above is happening, then guess what, you already know something should be started to fix your fitness. Fitness goes beyond the physical and includes emotional and spiritual well-being as well. Fixing our fitness requires looking at our complete picture and making the choice to clean up our act. 

It's not rocket science and requires nothing magic to fix our fitness. We only need our will, determination, and follow-through to become healthy. The media would like us to believe we need a bunch of expensive things, products, pills, and potions to obtain a fit and healthy body. The truth is we all possess the ability to create our fitness.

The first step is admitting the areas we are unhealthy. Secondly, creating a plan of action to get the process of adopting a fit lifestyle started. If you're struggling with being overweight, have painful joints, low energy, frequent illness and low self-esteem, a great start would be to look at daily nutritional intake and exercise. If emotional problems such as anger, chronic stress, and tension are an issue, it will be important to identify the cause of these feelings. A qualified counselor or licensed clergy member could be helpful to start the healing process.

The important thing is to get on board with fixing your fitness. Procrastinating on this very important subject does nothing but waste what could be a healthier happier life. Being in denial about being unhealthy is also a thief of health and fitness. Changing our mental game and being honest with ourselves will be a necessary step to change for the healthier. 

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