Friday, August 5, 2016

Asian Rice Noodle Salad (Gluten and Dairy Free)

Posted by whatsapp status on August 05, 2016 with No comments
This simple salad is great for summer, potlucks, and BBQs.  It can be eaten as a side dish or an entree.  The addition of some chicken or shrimp would also make it a heartier dish.  The girls gave this one an 8 out of 10, although one of them said it would only be an 8 if I took out the cashews ;) We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

  • 1/4 cup rice vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 7-8 drops stevia
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
  • 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
  • 1/2 cup snow peas
  • 1 diced sweet bell pepper
  • 1 thickly shredded carrot
  • 1/4 cup pan roasted cashews
  • 1 package (454 g) rice noodles

    1. In a large bowl combine all ingredients except rice noddles.
    2. Cook noodles according to package directions and then add to bowl.
    3. Stir to fully coat.
    4. Allow to sit for 10 minutes to absorb flavours and serve.

    Sunday, July 31, 2016

    Food is Not the Enemy

    Posted by whatsapp status on July 31, 2016 with No comments
    It would be easy to blame food for being overweight and unhealthy. The truth is food is not the enemy. In fact, our very survival is based on food and water for optimal body functioning.

    Let's be honest. Getting healthy is about taking responsibility and making the right daily choices to improve our fitness. It's up to us to choose the right food to support a healthy body. We only have ourselves to blame when the grocery cart is filled with frozen pizzas, pastries, ice cream, and sodas.

    Then there are the portion sizes. We're eating way too much at one sitting. Whether the food is healthy or unhealthy, eating too many calories and not burning that energy creates an excess energy bank stored as fat.

    We may also try to convince ourselves eating processed foods in the appropriate caloric portions is healthy. Outwardly we may give an appearance of being an appropriate weight, but inside we are a hot mess and feeling like it. We have become a skinny fat person. Processed fake food and the damage it does to our body through inflammation and disease is alarming.

    Food is our friend. Turning our unhealthy food selections into quality real food will enable us to achieve a fit body. You have heard "no-one ever got fat eating too much kale"  and not that we would sit around eating kale all day but you get the point of the statement.

    If we start eating to live instead of the other way around, a huge change in the obesity epidemic would happen. A shift toward eating the right food for health would finally be taking place.

    How our bodies look and feel is our responsibility. Eating healthy food controls a large percentage of a fit lifestyle.

    We are bombarded daily with fast food commercials and peer pressure to eat unhealthily. We can even sabotage ourselves or cave to a significant other to turn to the dark side of food. You do have the power to see food as your friend and control what you put in your face. The donut may look appealing but that apple is going to supply the best nutrients to fuel your body and push you closer to your fitness goals.

    Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Don't forget to subscribe and never miss a free update.
    Be well and Stay Healthy


    Thursday, July 28, 2016

    We Do What We Think Is Important

    Posted by whatsapp status on July 28, 2016 with No comments
    Did you know the brain is an organ that controls the functions of the body?  "It is sometimes referred to as a muscle of thinking as the brain actually tells your muscles what to do." 

    Often times we get in the way of our brain. It's trying to tell us to eat right, exercise, and get plenty of rest but we go full rebel on ourselves. Instead of listening to what we should do, we do what we think is important.

    Health and fitness haven't made the important list for many of us. We are so caught up in doing things that never include workouts or cooking a healthy meal. We would rather sit with our faces buried in an illuminated screen with a bag of chips. Well, everyone has busy lives and there is someone busier than you working out right now.

    When are we going to allow our brain to control our muscles during a great workout? Our body is not meant to sit in office chairs all day moving to the sofa for the remainder of the night. It's meant to be challenged, worked and exercised.

    We need to get real and admit we're not taking responsibility for our health and fitness. Being overweight and poor lab results are not taken seriously. Walking around in denial applies to most of the population. We're pretending there isn't a problem. What?!

    When we change our mindset is when our muscles start responding in positive ways. We need to do what is important not what we think is important. Your health equals happiness and a quality life. You will be able to do those other things with a healthier, stronger body.

    If we don't make time for our health and fitness, illness will eventually make time for us. Life is too short to continue to get this mixed up. All in fitness love. Be well and Stay Healthy!

    Are you reading my articles on Verywell? Grab some coffee or tea and head on over for some great nutrition and fitness info!

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    Wednesday, July 27, 2016

    Placenta Encapsulation (Warning: Not for the Faint of Heart)

    Posted by whatsapp status on July 27, 2016 with No comments
    Yes, that is right!  I am warning you, this post is about placenta encapsulation.  This is definitely not for everyone, but I know there are a few of you out there who are also interested.  This was a new venture for me as well.

    It wasn't till this third pregnancy that I had heard of placenta encapsulation and it was actually from my husband.  For all of you who think it is only me who is into alternative eating, healthy living and diet, guess again!

    So what is placenta encapsulation?
    It basically involves taking the baby's placenta, drying/cooking it, grinding it and then placing it into vegetarian capsules for consumption.

    Why did we do this?
    Although there is little scientific research behind consuming the placenta, we do know that there are also a few cultures who do consume it. (Of course we also know that many animals will eat it after giving birth.) It has been noted that women have been able to keep away the "baby blues" and have received more energy with placenta "medicine."

    Although, there is a local service which would come, collect the placenta and then return the prepared capsules to you the next day, I realized we actually had all the tools around here to do this at home.

    Yikes!  The thought of actually doing this at home did make me feel a little strange.  I really didn't think I could do this myself even though the idea was intriguing.  It felt a little strange to cut up the placenta.  Perhaps, it was the fact that our child was carried in this amazing organ or that this was the home that connected the two of us. My husband, however was totally up for it.  Daniel said, he would have no problem doing this for me.

    Step 1:
    After the placenta was delivered,  the midwives took a careful study of it to ensure it's health.  Once deemed safe, we quickly placed it in an air tight container in the fridge till the next day.

    Step 2:
    Daniel took the placenta and carefully washed it.  This is where I stayed out of the kitchen and just cuddled our newborn.
    Step 3:
    Next he cut it onto strips and placed on the dehydrator trays.  The placenta can also be cooked in the oven at a low heat if you prefer.  Since my husband did all the research he chose this method.  
    Step 4:
    Set it in the dehydrator at 115 F for 6-8 hours or overnight.
    Step 5:
    Once completely dried, grind it up in a strong blender until it is in powder form.
     Step 6:
    This is where the labour of love was truly demonstrated.  Daniel spent over an hour stuffing vegetarian capsules.  He made 100 capsules and stored the remaining in a container in the freezer.
    Step 7:
    Store completed capsules in refrigerator or freezer and take 1-2 daily.

    Did it make a difference?
    I can't say I have ever felt the baby blues more than just some tears on the third day.  You know that day where the hormones alter and the sleep deprivation sets in.  For this birth, I would say that day was the same as with the other two babies.  
    One thing I did notice whether or not it was related to the capsules, is that I did seem to have more energy than I expected.  I now had three children, was homeschooling and didn't have a parent come stay for a few days to help. With all this added up, I was definitely surprised with how I didn't feel completely exhausted.  So although I can't say if it benefited me, I definitely felt strong and not deflated during the postpartum period.

    Update photo: Our handsome little guy at 5 months

    Saturday, July 23, 2016

    Fitness is to Better Our Life Not to Be a Burden

    Posted by whatsapp status on July 23, 2016 with No comments
    Fitness is awesome! I believe we can all agree on that statement. It makes us feel good, look good and should motivate us to continue the lifestyle. Health is about living a quality life and the true definition of fitness.

    How can something as fabulous as fitness be considered a burden to so many? Workouts and eating right are almost considered dirty words. Many even use exercise as punishment for unhealthy food choices.

    People are walking around pissed off at fitness because they're not fit. Does that make any sense? Instead of working toward quality life and health, society continues to not take responsibility for their choices.

    Processed food marketing and a fast paced world have captured the attention of millions. Obesity is growing at an epidemic rate and researchers are scratching their heads for answers. We believe in fitness in a bottle and burning body fat sitting on the sofa.

    Our mental game about fitness is skewed. How we think about ourselves, life and health need to change. Slowing down and taking notice of our priorities would be a great start. We make time for what we feel is important. Ask yourself that question: Are your health and fitness important?

    Fitness needs to be a positive priority in our life. It's time to realize fitness is to make our life better and never feel like a burden.

    Read more health and fitness articles on my Sports Nutrition page on Verywell!

    Read 5 Things You May Not Be Doing to Reach Your Goals
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    Stay Healthy ~ Darla 

    Friday, July 22, 2016

    Mad at Menopause

    Posted by whatsapp status on July 22, 2016 with No comments
    Just thinking about the title is bringing on a hot flash. Well, I must admit to being mad at menopause. Turning 50 was an exciting time and I still enjoy being in the club. The hormonal changes my body is experiencing right now not so much. 

    Brace yourself, I will be talking very candidly about my experience with hormone changes and my body. This is not meant to offend anyone. Going through the change is a subject many are afraid to discuss out of embarrassment, fear, or the belief it should be hush-hush. We have come too far to continue this way of thinking. Health involves discussing all things relating to the human body and aging. I for one am all about sharing, learning, and getting feedback from others on the subject.

    I have been frantically researching hormone imbalance for a few years now. I have tried supplementation, herbals, transdermal creams, and natural moisturizers attempting to restore balance in my body. 

    I am very aware of foods that help with hormone balance and eat my share of raw pumpkin seeds and watermelon. I also exercise consistently which is another way to help with the stresses of hormone imbalance. Some women may sail right through without a hitch in the get along, but not this girl. Through research, I have discovered I'm not alone and there are plenty of women suffering from menopause symptoms. 

    I began experiencing night sweats years ago, which I easily managed with a transdermal OTC progesterone cream. That seemed to be the biggest drag during my premenopausal time. However and for a few years, my periods took on a life of their own. Everything became unpredictable. I didn't know from one month to the next if I was in full menopause. 

    According to my doctor, not having a cycle for one year would be the indicator of being in true menopause. I enjoy my gynecologist and have to say she is easy to talk to. I respect her opinion and am able to share my desire to go through this process as natural as possible. The thing about most western medicine doctors is non-support of bio-identical hormones. Also, they're generally not covered by insurance. So be prepared for such roadblocks. Don't be afraid to be yourself and cover every concern with your doctor.

    Menopause has been a thief of my womanhood. It has plagued me with sleepless nights, hot flashes, frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs), and the worst part … a broken ya-ya. My frustration has become motivation to work very hard at making the best decisions for me and my body. 

    I'm sure many women can relate to what I am sharing. Hopefully, this Blog will stimulate comments so we can all support and share what has worked or not worked. This can no longer be a hide behind the door subject. As women, it's important to be brave, embrace who we are, what we're going through, and create a voice for answers. I will get off my soap box now and dive right into my journey of being mad at menopause.

    The dreaded hot flash comes at all hours of the day and night. For some reason, I'm bothered most at night. It's so frustrating not being able to get a full night sleep. This alone can really put me on edge. I have discovered the best remedy is sleeping under a light sheet with one leg covered and one leg exposed. I also keep the ceiling fan going which seems to help. 

    Enjoying a glass of wine in the evening will trigger a hot flash. It will continue to haunt me during sleep time with a dreaded night sweat. I have found it's important to stay away from the triggers. 

    What has seemed to help my menopause symptoms is Maca Root, recommended by my gynecologist. Maca is an herbal I mix in a green shake each day. Before using maca root, I put in the necessary research of pros and cons, and decided to give it a go. 

    What I'm sharing has worked and not worked for me. It's important for each of us to be our own health care advocates. We should not try any supplement without reviewing clinical research and solid evidence to support health claims. Don't take my word as gospel. My body is different than yours and may respond differently to herbs like maca root. My share is to inform and motivate you to start your own journey of research.  

    Moving on to other mad at menopause symptoms: decreased sexual sensitivity, increased bladder discomfort and UTIs, and the dreaded dry vagina or what I like to call the broken ya-ya.  Talk about the worst of the worst and are you kidding me?! This has got to be the most unfair situation ever as sex is a very important part of a healthy marital relationship. 

    As women, it's important to feel confident about our bodies and our abilities. We shouldn't feel guarded about sex because our minds get so focused on things like: will I orgasm? am I too dry? will it hurt too much? what's he thinking? The list is really endless. How can we be in the moment when all that mental noise is going on? 

    Personally, I refuse to be a woman on the edge with the inability to get over the fence and I'm referring to orgasm here. I enjoy this part of my married life and research focused in this area has been very thorough. I have discovered a new vaginal suppository containing coconut oil and vitamin E. This magic stuff works better than most of the OTC products out there. I use ½ suppository daily which keeps me naturally moisturized for the day and into the evening. 

    My goal is to prevent vaginal atrophy and yes this is what occurs during menopause. In laymen terms, we women start drying up like a prune and develop a dry sandpaper interior. The do not disturb sign has clearly landed. I refuse to allow any such nonsense to happen, and am fighting for my sexual right as a woman and wife.

    Decreased sensitivity during sex can also occur as the body no longer carries adequate blood supply to the vaginal tissue and clitoris. Research sent me to L-arginine supplementation which is an amino acid naturally occurring in our body. Studies have shown L-arginine to help with blood supply and flow to the sex organs. Well, this turned out to be a huge waist of my time. I can be prone to cold sores and updated research lead me to discover L-arginine stimulates the virus causing cold sores. I tossed the bottle in the trash and never looked back. Thank goodness I also keep a supply of Lysine, an immunity boosting amino acid which works to prevent cold sores. I increased the dose to counter act the negative side effects of the L-arginine.   

    Another unfortunate menopause related problem that occurs with me has been severe bouts of urinary tract infection (UTI) symptoms. The discomfort can wake me in the middle of the night and cause me to curl up in a fetal position. I have a low-dose antibiotic on standby when these events occur, OTC Cystex, and cranberry supplements. I found a heating pad also helps along with OTC pain reliever like Aleve. I also begin a protocol of increased water and additional 100% cranberry juice to flush out my system. 

    I'm very in tune with my body and can feel a UTI early onset. So, typically I do catch it early and am able to not lose too much time or days off work. The night may suck getting the symptoms calmed down, but once manageable, I can function pretty well at work and in general. 

    I have also looked into HRT (hormone replacement therapy), and currently researching bio-identical hormones. Bio-identicals are hormone closely related to our own body production and administered transdermally. 

    I have decided not to take any systemic estrogen by mouth in order to minimize cancer risk. I don't want the hormone to metabolize directly through my liver and into my bloodstream. The incidence of cancer is greater with such therapy so this door is forever closed for me. 

    I am trying a vaginal insert pill of very low dose estrogen. This is localized to the vaginal tissues and helps plump up and restore natural vaginal lubrication and reduction of UTI issues. I even had doubts and fears regarding cancer with the vaginal insert. After discussion with both western medicine and natural path doctors, they were in agreement with initial treatment of vaginal cream, pill, or ring. I went with the most convenient and less messy pill insert. 

    Online research also reduced my fears, and I am willing to give it a try for a few months. I'm hoping for a positive outcome.  I will need to report back with my personal findings. I do welcome feedback from women, or husbands whose wives are currently using vaginal insert low estrogen and how it has been helpful or not. 

    I have had many discussions with women going through menopause which is helpful and supportive. It can feel like such a desperate and frustrating time not knowing the best course of action to take. It feels scary to possibly subject ourselves to cancer or other disease in the process of discovery. 

    It can seem unfair very little clinical studies on menopause and women’s dysfunction have been conducted. Further research would provide more options, and allow us to feel more confident in decision making. If anything, I hope my personal share on the subject has been helpful. We are not alone in our struggle and frustration. Keep up the research and find what works best for you and your body. We are all on this journey of life and the transitions along the way. We can only do our best on finding what works best. 

    I dedicate this Blog to my fabulous husband who is always supportive and understanding. I thank you for encouraging my writing, especially on such personal topics. 

    You're amazing!  

    Enjoy my new recipe index page . Recipes are now by category, have their own link, are printable, and comment receivable. 

    Thanks for stopping by my Blog and remember to subscribe and never miss a free update. 

    Stay Healthy!

    Wednesday, July 13, 2016

    Take Fitness on Vacation

    Posted by whatsapp status on July 13, 2016 with No comments

    Just because we go on vacation doesn't mean we should toss fitness out the window. It's important to keep up some physical activity and healthy eating during vacay. What if we're enjoying an extended month vacation? Eating completely off track and halting our workouts would result in fat gain, some muscle atrophy and feeling like crap.

    We would not be happy with ourselves especially if fitness is our lifestyle. Besides, we're not taking a vacation from our health and fitness. Time off means stepping away from our daily work routine. It's a time to relax, forget about time clocks, and breathe in some freedom from everyday stress.

    Vacations are not for the purpose of binge eating and moving like a sloth. When did this thought process start happening? It appears vacay has become an unhealthy food planning extravaganza.

    I'm not saying to snub indulgences. That's unrealistic and by all means, we should all enjoy our choice favorites. What shouldn't happen is a complete drop the ball on healthy food intake.

    My push-ups split with swim interval
    The same goes for exercise, especially on extended vacations. If time away is only for the weekend, skipping the workouts would not be such a big deal. However, ten days or longer should include some fun physical activity.

    I recently returned from a boating vacation and was able to balance indulgence, workouts, and healthy food intake. I made sure to swim a lot and use the boat creatively for exercise. I also planned healthy meals grilled on the boat.

    My indulgences included bloody marys, brownies, and barbecued chips. Since I was active, on vacation and eating in proper portion sizes, I didn't even give a thought to eating off track. This is what I'm talking about with balance, fitness, and vacation.

    Enjoy your time, but maintain your healthy lifestyle. Drop to the 80/20 rule to allow for indulgences. Refuse to give into mindless food frenzies. It does take a choice and looking at vacay with a fresh healthy mindset. Going on a trip? Remember to take your fitness on vacation.

    A few more exercise and healthy foods typical of our boat vacations:
    Pull-ups/swim interval
    Core work/swim interval

    Grilled Salmon
    Filet Mignon
    Can a hair test determine our fitness along with foods and supplements best for our body? Read my recent article on this popular subject.
    What Does a Hair Sample Say About My Fitness
    Are you living well or Very well? Check out my Sports Nutrition page on the network and start implementing a healthy lifestyle!

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    Nothing Better than Morning Coffee on the Boat

    Tuesday, July 5, 2016

    Gluten Free Pasta Salad (Dairy and Gluten Free)

    Posted by whatsapp status on July 05, 2016 with No comments
    Here is a simple pasta salad that uses gluten free noodles.  There is definitely a difference between gluten free noodle brands.  I find the that the GoGo Quinoa Noodles work very well.  They stay soft even for next days leftovers.  This salad is dairy free however the addition of feta cheese would work very well ;) 


    • 4 cups small uncooked gluten free pasta (I find this one works the best)
    • 1/2 cup chopped cherry tomatoes
    • 1/2 cup chopped cucumber
    • 1/2 cup chopped sweet pepper
    • 1/3 cup black olives
    • 1/3 cup chopped fresh basil
    • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley
    • 2 cloves minced garlic
    • chopped chives to taste (I used about a tablespoon)
    • 2 tablespoon white wine vinegar
    • 3 tablespoons rice vinegar
    • 1/3 cup olive oil


    1. Cook pasta until al dente, drain and run under cold water to cool. 
    2. Put the pasta into a bowl. Add the tomatoes, olives, chives, basil, peppers, parsley, and cucumber into the bowl. 
    3. Add the vinegar, oil and seasoning. 
    4. Stir to fully coat pasta and vegetables with dressing.
    5. Let sit in fridge for 1 hour to absorb flavour.

    Sunday, July 3, 2016

    How to Lose 12lbs in 6 Weeks

    Posted by whatsapp status on July 03, 2016 with No comments
    Losing 12 pounds is not only a realistic goal, but can be done in a short amount of time. I'm not talking about a fad diet or weight loss gimmick. I'm referring to healthy weight loss accomplished with appropriate methods. Being more specific: consistent healthy eating, exercise, increased water intake, limited alcohol intake, and plenty of rest.  

    Application of a healthy lifestyle in all areas will allow for approximately 1 ½ pounds on the lower end and up to 3 pounds on the higher end of weight loss per week. Working successfully with clients who use my healthy eating guidelines supplied with their workout routines are losing in the middle range of 2 pounds per week. 

    Think about what this means in terms of time. Realize this is only six weeks of sticking to a consistent fitness program. There is no diet but eating lots of amazing healthy food and exercising at least four to five times per week for a minimum of thirty minutes. Sodas are eliminated and alcohol is limited to not more than two nights per week and two drinks maximum. Water intake is increased to drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily to start.

    Sometimes it just takes someone to motivate you to start. Well, here you go! A consistent program will guarantee fat loss, lean mass gain and the beginning of a lifestyle of excellent health. 

    Doesn't this sound reasonable, exciting, and realistic? Getting fit the healthy way provides knowledge of what and how to eat, how to exercise, and how to live this lifestyle happily for life. It becomes your enjoyable habit and maintains all the positive results gained within the six weeks of consistent application. 

    It's time we stop over-complicating weight loss and start implementing the simplicity of eating healthy and exercise. We make things harder than they really are. We want all the results but don't want to give up a current unhealthy lifestyle. If we want to see changes, we need to be willing to make the necessary changes. Giving something 100% effort for at least six weeks should provide the personal feedback needed to continue to make the right decisions.

    Below is a sample meal plan and what a typical day looks like for me: 

    1 cup coffee with natural vanilla creamer

    Meal 1: Organic morning round with 1tbsp natural organic peanut butter

    Meal 2: Green shake: 1 cutie, ½-cup chopped pineapple 2 large handfuls power greens, water and blend until combined. 1 slice organic seeded toast topped with soft cooked organic egg to accompany my green shake. 

    Meal 3: ¼ cup fresh blueberries, ½ cup Fage yogurt, ¼ cup organic ground flax meal, handful raw mixed nuts (stir it up and eat)

    Meal 4: 4 oz grilled salmon or chicken with large side roasted vegetables like Brussel sprouts and cauliflower (drizzle olive oil on veggies, and large tbsp. basil pesto, mix well, roast)

    Meal 5: 1oz square of dark chocolate with 1tbsp peanut butter, or 1/2 glass organic low-fat chocolate milk 

    I exercise five times per week and for 30 to 60 minutes total.  I'm a believer of being focused and getting my workout done in a short amount of time. I also listen to my body. If I require more rest, I may only exercise in a structured fashion four times in that week. I enjoy active rest days being outdoors with hubby, playing with our dog, going on long walks, hikes or swimming. 

    Studies indicate losing one to three pounds per week provides healthy, long-term sustainable weight loss. Unlike fad diets that may shed weight quickly but is regained plus more once the program is over. 

    Now is always the right time get fit. Start by implementing a six-week fitness challenge makeover. This is a great beginning and short-term goal of shedding 12 pounds. It will be helpful to keep a fitness journal and track your food intake and exercise. Do your best, and have fun with the journey. 

    I would love to hear from you. Sharing success stories, asking questions or sharing concerns is a great way to encourage and support each other along the way.  

    Thanks for stopping by my Blog. Don't forget to subscribe and never miss a free update. 

    Stay Healthy