Tuesday, February 28, 2017

More is Not Always Better to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Posted by whatsapp status on February 28, 2017 with No comments
When it comes to fitness more isn't always better. Sometimes more exercise, supplementing more, and eating more protein can adversely affect our body. More is not better, better is better.

Getting fit and maintaining a healthy body is a simple process. It really doesn't require more fitness foods or grueling workouts to reach our goals. All it takes is a consistent effort of eating right and exercise. Quality over quantity.

Focused workouts utilizing differing energy systems of the body throughout the week is sufficient. What this means is mixing up cardio, weight training, core work and flexibility for a well-balanced program. Exercising at least 4-times per week is shown to maintain a healthy body according to research.

Active rest days are a great way to have fun when not performing a structured workout. Enjoy being active and healthy is the point.

Thinking about nutrition in a healthy way is also important. Eating more than is required of any macronutrient can backfire our good fitness intentions. Food is our fuel and muscle building tools. As long as we're keeping it healthy and eating lots of veggies, lean proteins and good fats we are on the right track. Eating more protein doesn't create more muscle. It is the symphony of eating healthy plus working our muscle stimulating lean mass gains.

We require a certain amount of each macronutrient and over-consumption of one can actually have adverse health effects, just as eliminating healthy foods can cause nutrient deficiencies. More is not better, better is better. Also, quality over quantity.

Spending hours in the gym thinking this is beneficial to your fitness is inaccurate. This is a perfect example of how many think more is better. Overtraining can have adverse effects on our body. No wonder a rapid state of burn-out is happening.

Over-use of joints and even muscle breakdown can occur when the body is overtrained. Overtraining syndrome is actually a thing and breaks down our immunities, prevents muscle growth, and puts unwanted stress on our body. Also, exercise addiction may occur for those feeling guilty eating off track and psychologically beating themselves up in the gym. Effective workouts are focused and effective taking no more than an hour to complete.

What it comes down to is being fitness smart and stop believing more is better. Embrace you are doing enough and enjoy the process of getting healthy.

Often times, basic, simple but challenging workouts provide the best results. We are able to maintain our bodies without overworking them to the point of burnout or injury.

Stay away from exercise gimmicks, fads, and nutrition myths. If it's too good to be true, it is. The only proven scientific claims to successful fitness are eating right and exercise. Fads and gimmicks are big money makers in the fitness industry. Do your homework.

The takeaway is simply to eat right, exercise consistently and enjoy a balanced life. This is true fitness and nothing more to it. More is not better, better is better.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Getting Fit Requires Breaking the Cycle of Bad Habits

Posted by whatsapp status on February 21, 2017 with No comments
If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotHenry Ford 

Getting fit requires breaking the cycle of bad habits that created an unhealthy body. That means taking responsibility for our fitness and doing what it takes to get healthy.

Changing our habits can be tough because fitness doesn't magically happen. Ready for some hard work?

Bad habits keep us trapped in a life of emotional stress, unhealthiness and unable to move forward with self improvement. Repeating unhealthy behaviors is not loving or respecting our body. In order to create good habits, ending the cycle of what you have always done will be the start of great things for you.

Bad habit cycles can include poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, living unhealthy in general and being in denial about it. Many turn to alcohol, drugs, smoking, binge eating or not eating to cope with life. These choices have created unhealthy people.

Being in denial about bad habit cycles is a form of nonacceptance. It is refusing to face what needs to be changed.

Repeating bad habits makes us feel unhealthy, stressed and unhappy. Unfortunatley, many of us consider this way of life normal. Why has being unhealthy become an acceptable way to live? It has become a way of existence but not really living life to it's potential.

Many of us are over fat, sick and angry but refuse to look at ourselves as the cause of the problem. Instead we choose to continue repeating bad habits keeping us in an unhealthy lifestyle.

Well, isn't it time we take our heads out of the unhealthy sand? We are our problem but we are also our solution. When we start making the necessary choices to change our health, our health will be changed. That means discontinuing bad habits and implementing a new healthy lifestyle.

Health and fitness is a process of self improvement including physical and emotional health. It will require making changes and removing bad habits. It will take mental strength to remain true to healthy choices. Reaching your goals will require giving 100% effort.

The journey will not be easy. We aren't promised easy in this life. We do have a choice on how we are going to live this life however. As long as our focus is on personal progress and becoming healthier versions of ourselves, we are good.

I believe all of us want a better, healthy life. Right? Each one of us have the responsibility and choice to make that happen by breaking the cycle of bad habits. Your life, your body and your choice. What do you say?

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Monday, February 20, 2017

Happy 1st Birthday To Our Little Boy

Posted by whatsapp status on February 20, 2017 with No comments
This weekend we celebrated our little one's first birthday!  Where did the year go?  I desperately tried to slow time down this past year, however it still seemed to just speed on.  We have thoroughly enjoyed watching him grow and seeing the positive impact his presence has made on the girls.  We have all been so blessed by him.
Blowing out his candle

Is this for me?

We made the day into a train theme, as it is also the theme of his bedroom.  My father in law has passed down an old electric train which has become a focal point in the nursery.  
1950's toy train

The girls were thrilled to help decorate the dining room and worked hard at creating trains for the decorations.

Not wanting to create too much work for myself, I made two kinds of cupcakes instead of a cake.  A carrot cupcake (sorry no recipe posted) and my chocolate cupcakes with chocolate date icing. Okay, maybe that doesn't sound that simple ;)

Greek yogurt made a great topping for his cupcake,
he devoured it!

On Sunday we also took the opportunity to thank God for our little boy and to acknowledge this blessing through a child dedication at our church. A Child dedication is a public commitment you make before God. The dedication service provides an opportunity to express your desire to lead and spiritually nurture your child in cooperation with the Holy Spirit.  We are so thankful to have been able to share these celebrations with family and friends.

Our little family with our Pastor

A Few More Photos of the Day
I must be explaining something really exciting ;)

Enjoying a New Book

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Keep Going When Fitness Feels Hard

Posted by whatsapp status on February 16, 2017 with No comments
We all have hard stuff in life and days we just want to keep our heads tucked under the pillow.

The thing about life is being able to navigate through everything with our best healthy responses, attitudes, and choices. I'm not immune to feeling the tough in life and even in my workouts.

There are days I struggle with lack of motivation and would appreciate a hard push from a trainer to get me through. Not every day goes as planned and nutrition can get off track.

Sometimes, I am just tired, burned and have to take a step back and away from the gym. These are the days sitting in an Epsom salt bath takes priority. These feelings are absolutely normal and not a reason to quit but to grow in a positive way.

Life will have challenges and success comes from how we handle the discomfort. Building muscle is an uncomfortable process but we persevere to achieve a positive result.

Goals are achieved through planning and action. I have put in years of hard work to get the results I wear in the form of muscle. Tired or not, giving up was never an option. It's important to keep going when fitness feels hard. It will never be easy but we do get stronger.

As long as we give our best no matter what that looks like, it's good enough. Today, my best came through taking an Epsom salt bath and right now my sore muscles are saying thank you.

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Friday, February 10, 2017

Getting Fit is an Incredible Opportunity

Posted by whatsapp status on February 10, 2017 with No comments

I read this motivation today and was instantly humbled and even more thankful for my health and fitness. This really puts fitness into perspective. Do we really have a right to complain about getting fit? There are so many who are unable to lift their body from a wheelchair.

Sometimes we can lose sight of what an incredible opportunity we have to get fit. Instead of looking at it as a burden, we should be spilling over with thankfulness for the opportunity.

Do you have a working body?  I do, and although I may have some medical limitations, I appreciate what I can do with what I have.

We live in a stressed up world and place much upon ourselves. We make life so busy that we're missing out on what is truly important. Health is a valuable gift we're supposed to take care of by what we do with our fitness.

Getting fit and healthy is a privilege just the same as growing older. If our mindset is not focused on the important stuff, we will live a life of chaos not to mention creating an unhealthy body.

Fitness goals require a positive attitude. Our body achieves what the mind believes. For example, instead of seeing meal prep as a burdensome task, be thankful for the health benefits you will receive from eating right.

The same goes for exercise. Is your life really so busy to not fit in a 30-minute workout? Really?! There are many who struggle just to walk. Try looking at your body as a beautiful gift and appreciate the awesome opportunity you have to get in shape.

It will be our mindset that carries us into the right way of thinking about getting fit. Our bodies will only go where our mind pushes us. Being able to exercise is truly something to be thankful for.

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Monday, February 6, 2017

A Healthy Lifestyle is the Only Way to True Fitness

Posted by whatsapp status on February 06, 2017 with No comments
Trying to achieve the so-called perfect body causes many of us to take drastic measures. Whether from detox cleanses, extreme caloric restriction, surgical change of normal organ function, to outward cosmetic procedures. All those methods don't mean a thing if a healthy lifestyle is left out of the equation.

No matter what you do, it's still about the lifestyle. Extreme measures without learning how to buy, cook and eat healthy foods won't do it. Without regular exercise or nutrition knowledge, it's all wasted time and money.

What happens when you reach the end of one of those popular restricted calorie shake diets? What did you learn? Are you prepared to eat right and educated with a lifelong nutrition program?

What happens after a few fat cells have been sucked out (liposuction) and you are still hitting the pizza and donuts? The same goes for surgically altering your stomach with a band and still continuing to eat fries and drink soda. What has been learned?

This is exactly the point. What is truly being learned about health, fitness, nutrition and how to achieve it?  Sadly, without the proper information to guide you toward a healthy lifestyle, most return to the weight and size (or larger) than prior to going drastic.

This blog is not to be judgemental or offensive, but to open your eyes to what it means to get healthy. Nothing inside a packaged shake mix or on an elective surgery table is going to provide health and fitness. Good health is achieved through daily food choices and exercise creating a habit that becomes a lifestyle.

The belief quick fixes can stand alone to create the hot body of your dreams is a fantasy. If product companies or surgeons are telling you some magic shake or getting something snipped will do it, they're wrong. I will go as far as to say negligent in feeding you a load of BS. Regardless of the procedure, it will take living a healthy lifestyle to maintain your body.

Have you fallen into the now trap? Quick fix solutions never provide permanent change.

Are you unwilling to invest time to learn how to eat right and enjoy awesome workouts? This is what it will take to get healthy. The desire is there, otherwise, you would not be seeking a way to get results. Why not get fit the right way and forget about how long it will take? The goal is enjoying the process, not the destination.

Are you are serious about getting fit and staying healthy? It's not found in a bottle or on a table, but in how you think and live. Change takes changing your daily routine. Start by writing down goals and begin a healthy lifestyle list.

What are some simple things you could do right now to get motivated and moving in the right direction? Build on your list and follow-through with your thoughts.

Short-term goals could be replacing processed foods in your refrigerator and pantry with healthy selections. Another could be adding exercise 3 times per week, or losing 5lbs. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is about daily progress and not perfection. Be patient, don't compare yourself to others, and celebrate each daily victory!

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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Almond, Coconut Date Balls (Dairy, Egg, Gluten, Grain and Sugar Free)

Posted by whatsapp status on February 05, 2017 with No comments
I was at a store this week and of course hungry!  Isn't that always the case, being around food makes you hungry.  It is definitely a struggle being out and finding healthy or healthier snack items and I don't always have something I can bring along from home.
I was pleased to find a snack containing dates, coconut and almonds so I picked them up.  It was then, that I remembered I used to make cookie balls more often.  They are so versatile and can be very simple to make.  Here is definitely an easy, quick recipe that is not only tasty but can easy be taken along.

Ingredients (makes 10-15 balls)

  • 2 cups soft dates*
  • 1 1/2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut 
  • 1/2 cup ground almonds
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
  • 3 tablespoons extra unsweetened shredded coconut for rolling
*I usually soften mine by letting them sit in hot water for about 30 minutes and then squeezing most of the water out.

  1. Combine all ingredients except the extra coconut for rolling and place in a blender or in a bowl with an immersion blender.
  2. Blend ingredients until all large pieces of date are cut evenly.
  3. Place the 3 tablespoons of remaining coconut onto a plate.
  4. Using your hands take about a tablespoon amount of dough and roll in into a ball.
  5. Roll the ball into the coconut until it is fully covered.
  6. Place all completed balls into covered container and store in the fridge for 1 week or freezer.
  7. Enjoy.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Follow Your Own Fitness Path for Life Long Results

Posted by whatsapp status on February 01, 2017 with No comments
My daughter's 1st-grade teacher informed me she would always be a leader and not a follower. This still holds true 25-years later and such great advice. I think about her statement often and how it applies to health and fitness.

We all need to be leaders and not followers when it comes to our fitness and health. Following the path of someone else with differing goals just doesn't make sense. We are all unique in body, mind, and spirit. My goal isn't to be you and I hope this is true on your end.

I am a  skeptic when it comes to fitness miracles regardless of who is sharing the information. I refuse to follow the beliefs of others just because they heard it was the next best thing to sliced bread. Do you really think it's healthy to lose 20lbs in 5 days? That's craziness.

I feel the same way about exercise programs. I review fitness trends before agreeing with advertised claims of it being the newest and best workout ever.

What does impress me is solid research and leading myself with what works best for me nutritionally and physically. Everything else is just fluff until proven quality. Sure it takes work when you're a leader, but it's worth the time and effort. Don't you want to apply sound principles to your health and fitness program? There is so much crap out there that can actually hurt you and to not be aware of this fact is negligent.

Leaders also do not feel the need to compare. They are confident moving forward, regardless of how slow, with a tried and true fitness program.

Followers are more apt to give up and jump to the next new fitness trend hoping to achieve something from empty promises.

Leaders stand firm with dedication while followers get lost in the shuffle. Leaders will get lifelong results and followers will yo-yo through and typically end up right where they started or worse.

Science has already proven consistent healthy eating and regular exercise is the answer to good health. Leaders understand and accept this fact. Followers continue to struggle. They want fast and easy and desire the results worn by the leaders but are often unwilling to do the work.

It is so important to understand being a leader will be the success of your overall health and fitness. We all have differing things going on genetically, medically, and even emotionally. Accurate and successful fitness programs take specific and personal needs into consideration. This requires us not to compare our fitness to others and start directing our own path. Personal focus allows us to discover what works best for us.

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Monday, January 30, 2017

Too Busy for Fitness is Not an Option

Posted by whatsapp status on January 30, 2017 with No comments

If we don't make time to workout and let the day get away from us, it's easier to say forget it. Other things become a priority and we tend to use being busy as an excuse to skip it. If we're high energy in the morning and missed that window to exercise, we can dread doing it in the afternoon.

I just so happen to prefer working out in the morning and understand the feeling of pushing through later. It sucks but doesn't mean to skip the workout. Discipline means doing what you need to do even when you don't feel like doing it. So, it's important to not let ourselves down and make it happen. We can only blame ourselves and will suffer the consequences of not taking care of our fitness business.

There will be times missing a workout can't be helped and that's acceptable. Honestly, this is a rare occasion. When busy things seem to take over our entire day leaving us without a sweat session is the norm. Fitness takes good planning, making time and not skipping a workout no matter what. Without a plan, it's just a wish, right? Without making the time, it's not going to happen, right?

We go through life making so many excuses on how we don't have time. Really?  I love that quote "someone busier than you is working out right now" and it's the truth.

We must start owning our excuses and admit when fitness is something we don't want to do. Now that's the beginning of a revelation.

We should ask ourselves why we procrastinate or refuse to take care of our health?  What's so burdensome about moving your body for a few minutes each day and eating healthy?

It's not about time at all, but your feelings toward working out and eating right. Honesty is always the best way to create change.

The truth of the matter is if something is important to you, it gets done. Everyone has time to hit up social functions, watch hours of TV and surf the web. When it comes to one hour of exercise, the busy button somehow gets turned on. Give the offer of meeting for a drink, and suddenly a burst of energy occurs.

Unfortunately an unhealthy epidemic is happening because too many people are refusing to take the time for health and fitness. Those who exercise and eat right on a consistent basis are in the minority. This really needs to change. Agreed?

If we continue to not make time for exercise, we will eventually be making time for illness. The same applies to eating right because we are what we eat. What we eat in private, we wear in public and our body certainly shows how we're living. This has become a horrible fact. Straight talk, but we need to start making the time!

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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Slow it Down for Better Fitness Results

Posted by whatsapp status on January 26, 2017 with No comments
Rushing for any goal can create stress, frustration and missing way too much of what's important in life. I have learned to take things a little slower, practice patience, listen intently and enjoy the moment.

I have implemented this philosophy into my fitness, nutrition, work, and play. I enjoy teaching that nothing good happens fast and the process is the result. 

Take workouts for example. Slowing down to execute good form on all exercise is essential. Our focus should remain on the muscle being worked, understanding the movement and doing it right. Lifting weights is a slow and controlled process. When done correctly, we can achieve amazing results

When we take it slow and think before we lift, our muscles receive a greater benefit. I personally create a two-part motion to weight training. I focus my mind on the muscle being worked, contract the muscle, then execute the lift. 

Lifting with purpose creates the best environment for muscle growth and reduces the chance of injury. Nothing good happens fast and muscle growth takes time. Patience is very important and better results happen when you take it slow. 

Nutrition is another area we need to slow down and eat right. We tend to eat too fast not allowing adequate time for our brain to tell our stomach we're satisfied.  

Cooking amazing healthy food is meant to be savored and enjoyed slowly. It takes at least 20 minutes for the brain to communicate satiety to the stomach.

Sadly, we often consume larger portions eating too quickly. Habitual speed eating is one of the many causes of obesity. We tend to snack on unhealthy processed foods after the meal because we remain unsatisfied. 

Learn to slow down and savor your healthy meal. Allow 20 minutes, drink water, enjoy conversation and relax. There is no need to rush and our body will appreciate the slower pace. 

Stress can become a problem when we constantly rush here and there. Our calendars are flooded with commitments and many are unnecessary. Saying yes to everyone and everything causes us to rush without any breathing room. Our time to take care of ourselves becomes limited and excuses of being too busy take over

Chronic stress releases chemicals into our body hindering our ability to lose fat. Our body can only take so much before it lets you know enough is enough. We are usually hit with illness, anxiety, burn-out and just not healthy.

When life feels on fast forward, we need to take an active role in slowing it down. Do we really want to miss out on the opportunity to feel our best and live our best healthy life?  

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Cabbage Bacon Bowl (Dairy, Gluten and Grain Free)

Posted by whatsapp status on January 24, 2017 with No comments
This recipe is one created by my husband.  Once and awhile we are blessed with his culinary creations.  Often he doesn't write down or remember what he has added to the dish but thankfully this one was placed on pen and paper.  This delicious meal which was not only tasty and filling, but also great for a simple budget.

Ingredients (serves 4-5 people)

  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 diced onion
  • 1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 7-9 strips of bacon cut into small pieces
  • 1/2 thinly sliced large white cabbage
  • 1 shredded small zucchini
  • 1 shredded apple
  • 1/2-1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • sea salt and black pepper to taste
  • 1/3 cup cashews, pecans or walnuts (optional)

  1. In a large wok or frying pan, add oil and fry onion, garlic and bacon until it browns and onion is soft.
  2. Add mustard seeds, turmeric, cayenne and cabbage. Fry until cabbage is soft (about 10 minutes.)
  3. Add all remaining ingredients into the pan.
  4. Cook until apple and zucchini are soft, approximately 5 minutes.
  5. Serve as is or place over a bed or rice.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Discipline is Doing the Workout Anyway

Posted by whatsapp status on January 23, 2017 with No comments
Early morning or evening, it's important not to skip your workout. Discipline is doing it anyway even when you don't feel like it. Let's face it, we all have these days. 

We don't always feel like getting out of bed to that set alarm. After work we're tired and just want to get home to a hot meal and sofa time.  

Sometimes it takes forcing ourselves up in the morning and splashing cold water on our face. Having our gym clothes ready to go in the car after work can motivate us to hit the gym. 

Discipline is what takes us to that place called success. It's the inner force within us stronger than our negative mental game trying to sabotage our commitment to fitness. 

We need to feel stronger mentally and physically and push through the hard. If we only worked out on the days we felt good, it would become a rare occasion. We can always come up with a reason not to hit they gym. It's those days we feel tired, weak, sore and mentally defeated that make for the best workouts. We come out the other side feeling like a champion. 

Nothing feels better than a finished workout!

My workout of the day included:

1-mile ARC trainer warm up or 20 minutes
Leg extensions 40lbs @ 25 reps
Lying hamstring curls 25lbs @ 25 reps
BOSU ab crunches @ 30 reps
Interval: wide lateral lunge knee tuck fast paced @ 15 reps per side
repeated 4x and total 25 minutes, total workout time 45 minutes

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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Our Daily Choices Define Our Fitness

Posted by whatsapp status on January 19, 2017 with No comments

Being fit is not a temporary condition but fills our entire day and life. The motivation to get in shape may have initiated with bikini season or an event. The fitness results, however, should be life long.

Unfortunately many settle back into old unhealthy habits, but that's not the way fitness is supposed to work. We are living not realizing life is the event we are getting fit for.

I approach my fit lifestyle with a plan. My energy is highest in the morning, so I schedule my workouts accordingly. Starting my day with exercise enables me to feel great for the remainder of my 24/7 fitness shift.

The workout is not the only part of staying lean and muscular. Planning my nutrition plays a major role in maintaining my body. I have lots of healthy food ready to go and follow a 90/10 nutrition plan. I may relax some on the weekend shifting down to 80/20 allowing for a few treats. I also drink plenty of water and consider it an essential nutrient.

Fitness doesn't end at the workout but includes the 23-hours after sweating your butt off. Working out daily and turning around eating crappy on the regular isn't the definition of being fit. What we choose to eat, hours of sleep and even our stress levels determine our fitness.

When fitness becomes a habit, the healthy behavior is done without thought and going through the motions come naturally. Being fit is not a pretend or fake lifestyle. Your body always knows the truth of your actions. In fact, those who are closest to you will know exactly how you're living and if it represents health and fitness.

The choices we make throughout the day determine our fitness. When we adopt a fit lifestyle, it just feels normal. We don't think, we just do and it feels right. We are living our best life and feeling great about it. Our body represents the life we choose to live and what we do today affects today but also all our tomorrows.

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Monday, January 16, 2017

Maintenance is the Fitness Goal

Posted by whatsapp status on January 16, 2017 with No comments
Reaching fitness goals is a great accomplishment to be praised. Are you maintaining them is the question?

Fitness is not meant to be a temporary fix but a lifestyle of health and wellness. Sure, you may rock that suit and look good in those pictures but is that all fitness means?

True fitness success is when you live it daily. Eating healthy foods consistently and exercise is part of your normal routine. In fact, getting off track for too long doesn't feel right when living a healthy lifestyle. Fitness becomes a priority and excuses no longer get in the way. You refuse to return to being overweight, sick and nearly dead. You get the point.

I've seen too many people succeed at reaching goal weights, reduced body fat, and improved health and throw it all away. The belief system we can get away with returning to a few old habits snowballs. The purpose of dumping old ways is to learn and keep new and healthier methods. This is lacking and maintaining our health is suffering.

We need to focus not only on reaching our fitness goals but keeping them for life. Life is the event we are getting in shape for not bikini season. Forget the clothes and stand naked in front of your mirror. This will let you know if you're doing a great job of maintaining your fitness. I'm not talking about body and skin changes naturally occurring with aging. We all know the difference and also if we're not living a healthy life.

We show outwardly how we live inwardly. Your body keeps the most accurate record of what you're eating and drinking regardless of what you write down. Reaching fitness goals is possible because you have done it and maybe more than once. Instead of having to repeat getting back and shape, why not just stay in shape. Real talk all in fitness love.

Be well and Stay Healthy