Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Taco Seasoning (Gluten, Grain and MSG Free)

Posted by whatsapp status on April 08, 2014 with No comments
Taco seasoning is very easy to make and will save your body a lot of unnecessary sodium and MSG.  Those little packages (even many organic ones) have mono-sodium glutamate hidden in their ingredients.  Why is this bad?  MSG is a food flavour enhancer that can cause depression, obesity, migraines, disorientation etc. To learn more about the foods that contain MSG as well as it's hidden names read, MSG, I Found You.
These are some great reasons to simply make your own seasonings.  This being said, do read the ingredients in your spices to ensure that there are simply the spices you want. This recipe is on the mild side, you can adapt the heat by adjusting the amount of chili peppers and cayenne.

  • 1/4 cup chili powder
  • 1/2 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 tablespoon onion powder
  • 1/2 tablespoon dried oregano 
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 1 tablespoon cumin
  • 1 tablespoon sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne (to taste)
  • chili flakes (to taste)
  • 2 teaspoon black pepper

  1. Combine all ingredients and store in an airtight container.
  2. Use approximately 2 tablespoons for 1 pound of meat.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Can You Get More Toned Skin From a Bottle? (Bliss Fat Girl Six-Pack)

Posted by whatsapp status on April 06, 2014 with No comments
Happy Monday friends!  Hope you all had a great weekend!  With all the working out I've been doing lately, I've noticed that I've been more tired at the end of the day (which is a good thing!) because it means I'm getting to bed at a decent hour instead of staying up way too late.  I even slept from 9:30 p.m. to 10:15 a.m. on Sunday.  I guess my body needed it.  As I write this on Sunday night, I'm thinking of the Monday morning workout with my trainer, which I know is gonna be awesome (and so hard).  I'm loving these workouts and actually look FORWARD to them!

I showed y'all last week that, although my tummy is looking much tighter these days, there's still work to be done.  I was provided a toning gel formulated to help firm and tone your skin, called Fat Girl SixPack by Bliss.  I'm giving it a try and will let you know what I think. The product states that it's not a weight loss or fat loss cream, but is formulated with amino acids, creatine, oat kernel extract, latex-rich manilkara tree extract, menthol, and a special botanical extract to help you get firmer skin (in combination with exercise and a healthy diet).

I have the exercise and healthy diet going on, so let's see if I notice any difference with this gel.  I'm going to follow the directions and put it on my stomach twice a day for 20-30 seconds for 2 weeks and will report back with my "findings".  I have tried it once (you pump the bottle up and massage the gel into your skin with the applicator. It's easy to apply and the cream feels nice and tingly on your skin- perhaps from the menthol.  

With bikini season/shorts and sundress weather right around the corner, now is the time to start working toward that body you want. ;)  Are you ready to start making some changes so you feel healthy, beautiful and happy this summer?  Have you tried Fat Girl SixPack?  If so, I'd love to hear what you think.  You can buy it at most beauty supply stores like Ulta or Sephora.   

Below are some pics I snapped on Sunday night, which shows where I'm starting with my Fat Girl SixPack, and also marks 13 weeks out from my bikini competition.  

Let's kick some butt this week! 

*Thanks to Bliss for sponsoring today's post.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sample Bikini Contest Prep Meal Plan

Posted by whatsapp status on April 03, 2014 with No comments
I know some of you would appreciate a bikini contest preparation meal plan that includes the nutritional breakdown of the food, so I snagged one from a friend of mine who is a bikini competitor. She is in her early 40s, about 5'3 and this is her second year competing.  She gave me permission to post the meal plan here, so it's all yours!
Have a great WEEKEND!

Dairy Free Chocolates (Dairy, Gluten,Grain and Refined Sugar Free)

Posted by whatsapp status on April 03, 2014 with No comments
If you haven't already been able to tell, I do have a weakness for chocolate, of the dark variety. This recipe satisfies my craving and can be used in variety of ways.  It works well in a mold, cut into squares or as a top layer for bars or cakes.
Chocolate has amazing health benefits.  Unfortunately, most of these benefits only come from raw chocolate or cocao.  Cacao is very high in iron and magnesium. Magnesium is essential in bone growth, blood pressure as well as relieving depression and migraines. Magnesium can also relieve menstrual symptoms, so isn't interesting that women often crave chocolate during their cycle? Raw cocao is one of the highest sources of antioxidants, higher than blueberries and green vegetables.

Cocoa powder, found in most store bought chocolate bars, has been roasted at a high temperature, thus killing most beneficial enzymes.  Raw cocao is made by cold-pressing raw cocoa beans, therefore keeping the enzymes alive.  So, go ahead have your raw chocolate and eat it too. I know I am.

Ingredients (makes 10-12 servings)
  • 1/2 cup raw cocao or cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 2-3 tablespoon honey, agave syrup or maple syrup (depending on desired sweetness)
  • pinch of sea salt


  1. In a small pan, warm coconut oil just until melted.  
  2. Remove from heat.
  3. Stir in cocao, honey and sea salt.
  4. Pour into molds etc.
  5. Set in fridge or freezer until firm. (It will firm in freezer in about 30 minutes)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Veggies, Mushrooms/Onions & Brown Rice Meal Prep

Posted by whatsapp status on April 02, 2014 with No comments
We all know it's important to eat our veggies, but how many of us are actually doing it? I know I wasn't until recently.  The surprise is, I really like it!  I look forward to eating my vegetables, especially a variety, and prepping them is really easy.   

I'm eating a good 2-3 cups of veggies per day and typically prep a big bunch (my husband eats them too) so they are ready to eat right away. On Monday evening, I made a colorful variety of steamed veggies, brown rice, and sautéed onion and mushrooms to add to my lean protein meals.  Be warned, this makes a lot of veggies, so you may want to half it. 

Veggies = appx. 17 cups 
  • broccoli (2 bunches)
  • cauliflower (1 head)
  • squash (2)
  • zucchini (2)
  • carrots (1 cup)
Mushrooms & Onion 
  • mushrooms (16 oz pre-cut) 
  • onion (1)
Brown Rice = appx. 10 (1/3 cup servings)
  • brown rice (1 cup) 
After washing and chopping my veggies, I put them into a large pot with about 2 inches of water.  Put the lid on and let the water come to a boil and steam for a few minutes.  I don't let it boil too long because I don't like mushy veggies and these cook quickly.  Then, I strain the veggies and rinse in cold water to stop them from cooking.  I don't use any salt or seasoning. 



The mushrooms are pre-sliced, so I just cut up an onion and put it in a skillet with about a tablespoon of olive oil and let them sauté, uncovered, until nice and brown.  Just turn every once in a while.  They take a good 10-15 minutes to cook on medium to medium-high heat.  At the end, I poured in about a tablespoon of blackberry balsamic vinegar, but you don't need to.  

For the rice, I don't follow the package directions because I never thought it tasted right, so I found a way of cooking brown rice on the web (I don't recall the site) that recommends rinsing the rice (I use one cup dry rice), then add it to a lot of water (maybe 4 cups) and boil uncovered for about 15-20 minutes- I keep tasting it until it tastes cooked through.  Then drain and rinse again, returning to the pot with the heat off for a few minutes.  I don't use any salt or seasoning. 

I prepped and cooked everything at once.  The picture below is just before I put the lids on the veggies. 

And below is everything all cooked. 

It's really nice to have this prep done so you don't have to think about it for the next few days at least.   It takes a little time on the front end, but then no time later.  :) I haven't made this large a batch before, so I'm not completely sure how long it will be before it's gone (or stays good).  

Here's the food in action the next day at lunch and so you can see how I store them.  I just popped this in the microwave for 1 1/2 minutes. 


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Bikini Contest Prep Training Schedule // 14 Weeks Out

Posted by whatsapp status on April 01, 2014 with No comments
Last week was my first full week with my trainer.  We worked out three times for one hour, I did 5- 30 minute cardio sessions on my own (3 on the treadmill, 2 on the stair mill) and also did an ab routine (3 exercises) 4 days.  That's hard work so I felt pretty proud of myself.  So, I think I'll be keeping the schedule below for now, until he changes it up.  I'll probably end up doing longer cardio and abs every day by the end.

On Friday, my trainer measured my body fat using calipers and the skin fold test.  Body Fat Percentage – is the amount of body fat (pounds) divided by total body weight listed as a percentage. 

I told him I guessed I was at 18% body fat.  He took the measurements and said he'd text me after he calculated it so we could get right to working out.  But, based on the measurements he just took, H most of my fat is in my stomach, lower back, and calves.  Later that day, I did my ab routine and 30 minutes of cardio.  Afterwards, I snapped a pic of my abs as they were looking pretty good right then.

But that's the thing about abs.  They don't always look so tight.  (At least mine don't.) Even in the two pictures above, you can tell that I have more fat in the second picture than in the first based on the way I'm standing and leaning.  Sunday evening, my trainer texted me my body fat results =  25.5%.  He said not to be concerned, as long as my lean mass continues to rise and my body fat decreases, I'm fine.  He's also working on my eating program.  But, I couldn't help but feel discouraged.  :( I thought my number would be much lower.  I tried to google what 25% body fat looks like on women, but of course it's so relative depending on that particular person's body fat distribution, body shape, age, etc. 

Here are some of the images I found . . . I have no idea how the person writing the articles identified the people at that percentage, so who know if it's really accurate??  Interesting though . . .

Yesterday, on Monday morning, after breakfast and before my workout, I snapped some more pics of my stomach so I can track my progress and so you can see that the "tight" picture above, taken right after abs and cardio, doesn't always look that way.  It's true that I'm holding fat in my back and stomach. . . 


At Monday's workout, my trainer said that about 8-12% body fat would have me at show ready (he previously said that 6-10% is where most women compete so I'm going to edit that post).  I have decided that I'm NOT GOING TO FOCUS ON THE NUMBER.  Same with the scale.  I'm just going to keep going, keep training, keep eating clean and watch my body develop. I KNOW it will change.  I KNOW that this stubborn fat is melting away.   I'm ready for this week.  Let's get to work!  


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sweet Potato and Pear Soup (Dairy, Gluten and Grain Free)

Posted by whatsapp status on March 29, 2014 with No comments
This is one of my favourite soup recipes.  I make it all the time and continually get requests for the recipe.  I definitely can't take credit for it, as it is my adaptation of Vegan Sweet Potato and Pear Holiday Soup  by Oh She Glows.  Angela has some excellent vegan recipes on her website, do check it out and definitely try this soup.

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 diced onion
  • 1 teaspoon thyme
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 2 diced stalks of celery
  • 2 diced carrots
  • 2 peeled and diced sweet potatoes
  • 2 diced ripe pears
  • 3 cups chicken broth or vegetable broth if vegan
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1 juiced lime
  • sea salt to taste

  1. In a large pan heat oil and fry onions for 3-5 minutes or until clear.
  2. Add thyme, paprika and cayenne.  Heat and stir for 30 seconds.  
  3. Add celery, carrots, sweet potatoes, pears and broth.
  4. Bring to a boil and the simmer until vegetables are tender.
  5. Add coconut milk, lime and salt.  
  6. Cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  7. Puree soup in a blender or with immersion blender until smooth.  If soup is too thick just add a little water or more coconut milk if you prefer.
  8. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Bikini Contest Prep // THE PLAN

Posted by whatsapp status on March 27, 2014 with No comments
I started working out with my trainer this week and it's been very challenging.  I'm training to enter a fitness bikini contest that is just shy of 15 weeks away- July 5.  This post is a brief overview of the training plan so that you can get started too.  If you want a bikini body this summer, you need to start working on it now!  As the weeks progress, if the plan changes, I'll let you know.  I will also break down the exercises into more specific details in future posts.  

For now, here's the plan: 



Workout 3 days a week with my trainer (1 hour sessions, hitting all body parts in those 3 sessions).  The workouts consist of plyometrics- also known as "jump training" based on having your muscles exert maximum force in as short a time as possible.  The result is to make you burn calories and fat, seeing body-shaping results sooner as your muscles adapt to more challenging fitness workouts.  We have been doing 3 exercises in quick succession (12-20 reps) followed by a 2-minute rest.  We've been doing 4 rounds of this, so 12 different exercises in all.  This kind of workout really gets your heart pumping and I'm gasping for breath by the end of each set.  But not so much so that I'm getting light headed or going to pass out.  My trainer said in 3 weeks, my conditioning will be greatly improved and these first workouts will seem easy.  I'm trying to remember the specific exercises so I can write about them in more detail later. 


I do 4- 30 minute cardio sessions per week on my own.  I usually do the treadmill (sprints - 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off at a 8.0 mph or walk at an incline of 21 at 2.1 - 2.5 speed without holding on.)  Or I get on the stair master and alternate between 60-80.


I do an ab routine right before cardio 4 times a week.  


I take all the same vitamins and supplements I posted about with the addition of glutamine (for muscle recovery).  I haven't bought the glutamine yet, but will soon. 


I haven't had to change my eating at all since I've been on a solid meal plan for the last 7 weeks.  My trainer said that we're going to see how I do with the exercise and cardio first, without changing my diet.  Then, we'll add more cardio and/or adjust my diet as necessary.

Here's what my meals look like now:

7:00 a.m.  Protein pancake (1/2 cup oatmeal w/ 4-5 egg whites w/ 1 tblsp natural peanut butter and 1 tblsp sugar free syrup.  Coffee with vanilla caramel creamer.

9:30 a.m.   Lean protein (appx. 4 oz), 1 cup veggies, 1/3 cup brown rice

12:00 p.m.  Protein shake

3:00 p.m.  Lean protein (appx. 4 oz), 1 cup veggies, 1/3 cup brown rice

6:00 p.m.  Lean protein (appx. 4 oz), 1 cup veggies

8:30 p.m.  Greek yogurt

This is a general guideline.  I still use condiments and seasonings.  Snacks include cashew, apple or celery with natural peanut butter.

(My meals vary week to week, right now I'm eating my Tex Mex but have added brown rice and bell peppers and I also steamed asparagus to eat on the side). 


Whoa! That's really low, right?!  My trainer explained that the goal of our training plan is to decrease body fat while increasing muscle mass.  He understands that the "bikini" girls are not supposed to be huge, just fit/athletic-looking with visible abs.  He commented that most people come to him in less good shape than I'm already in, but there is still a lot of work to do. 

I really like his approach though because he advises that the process should be enjoyable and I shouldn't feel miserable or like I'm dying.  He's careful to let me take a break when we're working out when he sees that I need it, but he's still super challenging.  I can tell you I wouldn't workout this hard with plyometrics if I didn't have a trainer.  I do enjoy (for the most part) my meals and eating healthy. Like most people, I have a lot of stresses in my life.  My dad is sick (but healed in Jesus' name), my mom is worried sick, my brother is going through stuff and life can be hard in general.  God, the power of prayer, keeping tight with my family, and working out HARD are my stress relievers.  I am thankful that God made me capable of exercise, that I have the physical ability to do it.  

We will measure my body fat on Friday, so we'll see where I am now.  I am so curious to see what my body will look like as we continue.  


Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Posted by whatsapp status on March 26, 2014 with No comments
What our health and happiness come down are choices.  I make a choice each day to eat healthy, exercise, and respond to life the best way I can as a Christian woman.  I am not perfect, do not claim to be, and my goals in life are about progress and never the “P” for perfection word.  I struggle with things just like you do, have had my share of crap in this journey of life, emotionally and physically, and I have come out the other side learning and growing in a positive direction.

I will always be a work in progress, and we are all that in this life.  I enjoy writing which is why I Blog and what better way to provide motivation than to share me with you.  You will either like me or not, and that is a choice as well.  Reading my Blog gives you a small glimpse of me, although I try to be thorough, it is not the same as developing a close “friend” relationship chatting up a topic of conversation.  As an internet personality, I have had and do get my share of “haters” as the net likes to call them, but also a great number of supporters, but through this process, my goal and intention is to reach out and get people thinking about their health, making CHOICES to change and adapt healthier ways of living, and ultimately a healthy lifestyle. 

I am a trainer and coach who is passionate about helping people, and I do walk the talk of my mission.  I do not accept excuses or reasons why health is not made a priority and that is not called being unreasonable, it is being truthful.  I am not talking about reasons such as an upcoming surgery, injury, or illness that has unfortunately put a person in a position of inability to exercise.  I have suffered that journey and understand the frustrations, and emotions of dealing with such a crisis.  I am addressing the everyday person walking around with so much created busyness that they “think” that they just can’t fit in an hour of exercise at least 3 days per week, or prepare healthy meals. 

YOU CAN DO IT….BUT WILL YOU?  That is the question of the Blog and each of us has a conscience controlled decision to make when it comes to taking care of our health in all aspects.  We choose to exercise, eat healthy, be happy, and let go of pointless drama that is out of our control.  We choose how we spend the precious minutes gifted to each of us daily, and how we respond to the situations of this life.  I motivate YOU with “YOU CAN DO IT” because you can, and this coming from one busy business woman, wife, mother, grandmother, who is basically fifty and experiencing the throws of menopausal symptoms and existing injuries.  There are times that I feel like I can’t do it, and that is the honest truth.  It is in those moments, that I have to dig deep inside me and pull out the strong, and hope that the motivation kicks in mid workout.  YES, I am just like you, but the choice of “WILL YOU” is always mine and yours. 

This is not about comparison of me to you, but a straight up calling you out on the carpet and asking “WILL YOU start a healthy lifestyle?” and if not, WHY?  I will tell you that YOU CAN DO IT, but it will take the action of YOU to make it happen.  If you feel this is coming on strong, then I have accomplished a goal of getting you to think, maybe even creating some feelings that have been stuffed inside yourself too long and it is time to cleanse that body emotionally and physically.  Are you angry, bitter, frustrated, unhappy, and using the “too busy” title or other reasons to not address those things.  If that is the case, time for some internal cleaning of house, and time to get healthy.  YOU CAN DO IT…BUT WILL YOU?

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Extra Lean Ground Turkey Fried Rice

Posted by whatsapp status on March 25, 2014 with No comments
Oh my goodness friends!  I made a meal that I'm in love with and couldn't wait to share it with you. Last week I posted about my pre-made extra lean ground turkey meals.  I ended up adding 1/3 cup of steamed brown rice to get some carbs in and then, to change it up, I decided to make it Asian and fry up an egg and onion in a tiny bit of peanut oil (a "good" fat) and then added in the pre-made meal.  It is so good! 

Here is a pic of the pre-made meals (before I added the steamed brown rice).

To make the meals:

Extra lean ground turkey (I buy 99% lean) - brown it with mushrooms, chopped onion, garlic, about 2 tablespoons of worchestershire sauce, low sodium soy sauce, and Dijon mustard

Steamed chopped veggies (I used zucchini, squash, and carrot)

Steamed brown rice 

In each meal is about 3/4 cup of the meat, 3/4 cup to 1 cup veggies, 1/3 cup of rice.

To make the fried rice version:

Fry up some eggs in a tablespoon of peanut oil along with chopped onion (scallions would be perfect but I didn't have any).  On medium-high heat, add in the rice, turkey mixture, and veggies.  Let the rice get "fried" and keep stirring until it's all heated through.

For one meal, I added one or two eggs- this was for two meals.

Let me know if you try it! 


Bikini Contest Prep Update: So far I've met with my trainer once and we train again tomorrow (where he'll measure my body composition and give me a meal plan).  I'll be sharing those details with you soon! 

Monday, March 24, 2014

DIY Homemade Ketchup (Free of High Fructose Corn Syrup)

Posted by whatsapp status on March 24, 2014 with No comments
Ketchup is another popular condiment in this house, especially for my youngest who would like to eat it with a spoon.  Thankfully she enjoys this one just as much as the popular HFCS versions many of us have come to know.  Sometimes you need a little ketchup on those eggs or fries!
  • 1 1/3 cup organic tomato paste
  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 5 drops liquid stevia
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 1/2 tablespoon organic molasses
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/4 cup minced onion
  • 3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon all spice
  • cayenne pepper to taste
  • 1 1/2 cup water

  1. Place all ingredients into a blender and puree until smooth.
  2. Store in an airtight container in the fridge.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Bikini Competition Prep (15 Weeks Out)

Posted by whatsapp status on March 23, 2014 with No comments
I have always wanted to enter one of those fitness bikini competitions, but never have.  My first one will be July 5, 2014!

Jamie Eason has been my inspiration because she is short like me and I admired her physique, thinking mine could look similar if I really dedicated myself.

I know that to get in that kind of shape, you have to train hard consistently, but equally as important, you have to eat in a very regimented way (5-6 small meals a day with a specific balance of protein, carbs and fat).  I never thought I had the discipline to sustain that kind of lifestyle for any length of time so I let that goal go, and went on with life, but continued working out and tried to stay in shape.  But, back of my mind, I always wished I would have gone for my goal and wondered, "What if?".  

Last year, my cousin began competing in fitness competitions (over age 40!) and she recently visited from California, encouraging me to enter one this year as well.  She helped me get online and find a contest close to home that I could train for.  A "typical" training period is 12 weeks (for those who have done them before), but I chose a competition that is currently 15 weeks away (July 5 to be exact), and I start training with a trainer 3 days a week starting tomorrow- Monday, March 24- and I'll also workout on my own.  My trainer will prepare a meal plan for me.  Since I have been eating really clean and 5 meals a day for the last 7 weeks, I'm more mentally prepared to keep it up through the contest prep time.  We'll see . . . .


Here is what I look like now (15 weeks out from the July 5 competition):  As you can see, I have quite a bit of muscle to gain.  I'm 5'1 and weigh about 110 now. 

I'm super excited to see how I can develop my body in this amount of time and I'm happy to be reaching for one of my "bucket list" goals, even if it doesn't make sense to anyone else. This is a perfect time for me to train for this competition because I'm currently staying home and my son is in pre-school part of the day.  I take care of our household, keep up my two blogs (this one and Honey We're Home), and help out my parents, but I'm the kind of person who likes to have lots going on, accomplishing things throughout the day.  

I'll have to figure the training out as we go since my son's school ends in May.  I know that lots of women do this kind of training while working full-time, but I don't know how they do it (especially when they have kids too)!  


For background, in terms of female fitness competitions there are several divisions in the NPC (National Physique Committee of the USA) and I will be competing in the "bikini" division. 

Bodybuilding- extreme, big, bulky muscles (think women with muscles as big or bigger than men)

Physique- similar to bodybuilding, but toned down a few notches

Fitness- very lean and muscular, but no extreme bulk or veins and requires a 2-minute routine scored for strength, flexibility, and cardio/tempo

Figure- small degree of muscularity with separation, but no visible striations, overall muscle tone with shapely lines, firmness; lean but not excessively ripped. Overall appearance including make-up, suit and skin tone is part of the package. Muscular but still feminine; definitely not as much size as a bodybuilder.

Bikini- very athletic and fit with balance and shape, usually with visible abs


POSING SUITS: Bikini contest posing suits (two-piece) for am prejudging must be brought to check-in and be approved by the Head Judge. The bottom of the suit should be in good taste – not too low in front and covering 50% of the gluteus area (bring a second suit with a more modest bottom, just in case). Bikini suits should be “off the rack” types. Thong suits are not allowed. Competitors must wear high heels. Jewelry may be worn (think tasteful). 

You should bring a second suit in case there are questions about a suit style or some other mishap occurs. Emphasis is on “tasteful”, remember these are family shows. There are also a variety of different products to temporarily glue your suit to your body. 

HAIR / MAKEUP: While there are no rules on how to wear your hair, just remember that judges cannot judge what they cannot see. Remember to move your hair aside so the judges can see your back development. For makeup, the more finished and feminine you appear, the better your overall presentation. Keep in mind your face and body tan should blend. 

POSES: The bikini swimsuit round will consist of the model walk at center stage – front stance with hand on hip, full turn to a back stance with hand on hip, and return to front stance. No lewd acts are permitted and will result in disqualification. 

SCORING: The scoring for bikini will be done during prejudging in one round –two-piece. Live scoring at the night show consists of front/back turns. 

Judges will be scoring competitors using the following criteria: 1) Balance and Shape; 2) Overall physical appearance including complexion, skin tone, poise and overall presentation.
I will be tracking my progress here and will share my training regimen and diet as I prepare.  Kinda scared for my first training session tomorrow . . . . . 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Raw Nutrient Filled Chocolate Coconut Pumpkin Balls (Dairy, Gluten/Grain and Refined Sugar Free)

Posted by whatsapp status on March 20, 2014 with No comments
These simple cookies are fill with some essential nutrients.  Among other nutrients, pumpkin seeds provide magnesium and zinc.  Coconut is paramount in supporting our immune system and can destroy harmful microbes.  Cacao is very high in iron and magnesium. Magnesium is essential in bone growth, blood pressure as well as relieving depression and migraines. Magnesium can also relieve menstrual symptoms, so isn't interesting that women often crave chocolate during their cycle? Raw cocao is one of the highest sources of antioxidants, higher than blueberries and green vegetables.  These took no time to make and the girls loved rolling them into little balls.

Ingredients (makes 10-12)
  • 1/3 cup softened coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup raw pumpkin seeds
  • 1/3 cup raw cocao
  • 1/2 cup unpasteurized honey
  • 1 cup shredded coconut

  1. In a food processor or blender grind the pumpkin seeds until they resemble the shredded coconut or smaller.
  2. Combine all ingredients into a bowl and stir together.
  3. Roll into balls and place in a sealed container in the fridge.
  4. Let set for 2 hours and keep refrigerated.
  5. Enjoy. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Operation Get Lean // Week 6 Recap

Posted by whatsapp status on March 16, 2014 with No comments
Hello 6 weeks!  I'm happy to report that I'm still sticking to my "get lean" program and I'm definitely seeing results- which inspires me to continue.  I saw on Pinterest recently a quote that said, "Summer bodies are made in the winter."  Luckily, we still have some time until summer, so might as well start now!  It's a bummer to be uncomfortable in your clothes when it's hot and sticky outside. 

I post progress pictures on my Instagram (@honeywerehome) and use #honeywerehealthy if you want to follow along.  

(This pic was snapped on Sunday, right after my shoulder workout.  If only they always looked so buff!) 


5 minute treadmill warmup (speed at 4.0), then go directly to planks.  I actually held a plank for 5 minutes!!! on Sunday.  (Which goes to show that often our physical ability is greater than our mental limitations.)  Having my stopwatch on my phone helps because I can see how long it's been.  I just felt good and wanted to see how long I could go for.  When I passed 4 minutes, I held on until 5, but it was super hard.  The next 2 planks I could only do 2 minutes each.

I'm also realizing that incorporating 3 planks into the workouts makes for a long workout- (3 planks for at least 3 minutes and 2 minutes rest in between = 15 minutes + 5 min warmup = 20 minutes before I even get to weights).  Now that I'm lifting heavier, I rest at least one minute between sets, so the workouts take longer there too.  And if I'm doing cardio at the end, that can be almost 2 hours at the gym on those days.  So, I may do one plank and then pushups.  Or just add in abs between sets and skip planks all together.  I could easily just do planks at home.  We'll see.

Also, I want to build my booty, so I'm doing squats and kickbacks every couple days (even on non-leg days).

Finally, I find that I really need more rest to recover.  My body is tired!  I'm trying to get at least 8 hours a night but it's hard because I'm a night owl.  My alarm goes off at 6:30 a.m. and those mornings come fast! (Especially last week with the time change.)

Monday - Shoulders, 3 planks (3 min each)

Tuesday - Back & Booty, Cardio (20 minutes on stair master at Level 60)

Wednesday - Bicep/Tricep, 3 planks (3 min each), Cardio- 30 minutes on stair master at Level 60

Thursday - Legs, 3 planks (2 for 3 min- was going on 5 hours of sleep)  Cardio- 15 minutes on treadmill at 3.5 (this isn't really a cardio workout, but more of a way to stretch my legs after lifting heavy leg weights to make me less sore later).

Friday - Off

Saturday - Off 

Sunday - Shoulders & Booty, 3 planks (5 min, 2 min, 2 min)

You can see my specific workouts here:  


I'm still on THIS MEAL PLAN.  *UPDATE:  I'm adding 1/3 cup of carbs (brown rice) to the two earlier meals. 

7:00 a.m.  oatmeal, coffee with creamer, (and 3 egg whites- just started adding that this week

9:30 a.m.  protein shake (lately 1 scoop of protein powder with 8 oz 1% milk)

11:00 p.m.  lean protein and veggies and 1/3 cup of  brown rice

3:00 p.m.  lean protein and veggies and 1/3 cup of  brown rice or greek yogurt 

6:00 p.m. lean protein and veggies 

8:30-9  egg white omelet or greek yogurt 

I snacked on cashews and celery with natural peanut butter.

It's not difficult to prepare the meals since I usually cook in big batches (I find it's actually more time consuming and hard to come up with different meals for each day and then cook that night), but it's hard to be eating every few hours.  The times above are a guide, but if I'm hungry, I eat and if I'm not, I don't.  I'm not "forcing" myself to eat at those times.  I also keep my portions on the smaller size, and I don't eat until I'm stuffed.  I've found that this way of eating has helped keep my energy steady throughout the day.

I hate running low on my food and worrying about quickly having to cook something, so this week I'm prepared!

I use 3-cup Glad containers that I bought at my grocery store, but I found some online at Amazon too.


"Cheat" meals this week included: 

Monday- evening hot cocoa 

Thursday- 2 pieces of pizza

Friday- Starbuck's iced tall 2-pump mocha, no whip.

Saturday- BBQ (2 ribs, loaded baked potato (but they forgot the bacon:( 1/2 cup jalepeno creamed corn.

I also had 2 of these WW ice creams bars this week.  They are really good!


You can still enter to win a $100 Visa GIFTCARD on my post HERE.

Back From Travelling and Eating Out

Posted by whatsapp status on March 16, 2014 with No comments
It has been over a week since my last post.  The girls and I took the opportunity to join Dan on one of his work trips.  We were blessed to be able to see the Rocky Mountains and discover more of God's creation.  I have never had the opportunity to visit the west coast of Canada and I am so glad I could do that as a family.  Canada is not only a safe and friendly country but it is also gorgeous.
Travelling and trying to eat well is not easy feat.  I am thankful that non of us have any food allergies as we are able to eat everything...even though we may not like some of the effects.  We had an early start to our vacation so I was able to make some bars and pack some fruit for breakfast. On our flight I brought along some gum and treats for the girls.  I often give the girls xylitol gum as xylitol increases salivation, which is great for swallowing on the airplane.  According to some researches, xylitol is also a cavity fighter.
Once we arrived in Calgary we made our way to Banff.  On the way, we made a pit stop in the beautiful town of Canmore.  Canmore is home of the three sisters mountains.
photo courtesy of Jessica Stoner
When Dan and I are on vacation, we often spend a lot of time driving around just finding places that have "real" food.  It didn't take us long to find an awesome cafe in Canmore.  Mountain Juice Cafe has a large menu of smoothies, juices, soups and wraps.  After being stuck on a plane with lots of germs it was great to find a place to get some real nourishment.

On to Banff, where we would be staying for the next few days.  Dan had to work for the first part of our trip so the girls and I enjoyed a lot of swimming and even some shopping.
Finding restaurants with food that won't make you feel rotten all week is a bit of a challenge.  I am thankful that the hotel room had a fridge and Banff had a couple grocery stores.  We were able to put together a few of our own meals and some things like non-dairy milk, hummus, juices etc.
I will admit, I did have to let the "healthy happy wife" part of me go at times and let the girls try some foods I would not normally have in our house.  I definitely noticed more wheat get added to our diet while away.  No one is intolerant to wheat however, I did get the "fuzziness" in my eyes on occasion due to the extra gluten.  For those of you who have eliminated wheat/gluten from your diet may know what I am talking about.
We were able to do quite a bit of sight seeing on the latter part of the trip.  Lake Louise was a beautiful place to walk, ski, skate or dog sled.  We enjoyed some fresh air and a picnic lunch parked at the base of a mountain, something we can't do here in Kingston.  While touring, my youngest claimed she saw "a lot" of mountain goats crossing the highway, none of us did, however we were happy to have seen some elk on the side of the road.

My six year old has learned how to draw an elk

I am proud of my little travelers, they were fabulous on the plane, hotel and restaurants.  I did enjoy the break from cooking, dishes and regular house maintenance but am happy to be back making my own food.
My four year old drew our airplane

We asked our oldest if she preferred restaurants or eating at home.  I wasn't surprised when she said, eating at home, however her reasoning was not what I expected.  She can be quite a home body so I figured she would just like eating at her own house, but she said she liked having smoothies.  A girl after my own heart!

For my family and friends, especially those in China and Europe, here are a few additional photos.
Getting packed up
 Lake Louise..it was a really sunny day
 Lake Louise 
My husband's favourite photo as the town is called Field, yet we didn't see any fields only mountains